
Abaddon : Dragon, Destroyer, Divorcé?

In all fairness, Abaddon's question was completely justified. 

Previously, Sif was only a 5'8 woman with a slender, yet muscular body that wouldn't be noticeable if she were wearing her favorite fluffy white coat. 

But now, she was almost 6'4, and her body had developed much more curves and musculature. 

She used to be fond of wearing a bright blue dress that gave off a more modest feel than a seductive one. 

Now, she wore a simple tube top that barely contained her bust and a long blue skirt that showed off her thigh via a slit on the left side. 

She'd been tanning in the sun recently, as her skin had developed a more golden color; but there were still patches of her usual pinkish-white skin underneath. 

But what Abaddon found to be the most jarring was the fact that he could see she was just polymorphed. 

He could see her true appearance easily, just like looking past a veil.