
A One Of A Kind Order God

Despite what some of the humans on earth may believe, gods do not have the ability to interfere with a mortal's free will. 

But they can seduce, compel, and implant any number of their own hypnotic suggestions to make them do or act in a certain way. 

Basically, they can fool the mind and body.

But ultimately, all of those methods fall under the very wide umbrella of mind control and thus they can be broken given the right methods. 

However... there is a more advanced version of this power that was stripped away from reality long, long ago. 

That is the ability to manipulate free will. 

Not subject it to stimuli that could be wiped away by others, but to truly manipulate it; and therein lies a world of difference. 

The manipulation of a being's free will is to truly rewrite a being no matter who or what they are; to mold their heart, soul, body, and mind as if they were play dough.