
A Favor?

Yesh didn't look at Abaddon for a while, even after he asked about the reason for his sudden behavior.

The creator was an enigma; a true being at the height of power and unpredictability.

And yet, Abaddon thought that he may have had a solid understanding of the being who he had known for his entire life.

But with the way Yesh was behaving, it didn't seem as if Abaddon had yet grasped the full picture around him at all.

'It is ironic…I am the one who supposedly rules over all, and yet I seem to be the one who must frequently come to ask you for things.' Yesh finally said.

"You could always stop asking me for stuff, you know?" Abaddon raised a brow.

'I very likely will… one day.' Yesh replied cryptically.

"Alright, old man, no more beating around the bush. Out with it." Abaddon beckoned.

Yesh finally realized that he couldn't tap dance around the issue any longer and decided to just come out and say it.