
[Bonus chapter]Demon vs Dragon

"How funny... You're quite a bit smaller than my son."

As if Iori's mood wasn't already bad enough, the mocking words of Asmodeus only served to make matters worse. 

Now the already seething dragon was quite literally seething red, and the former demon lord would have to pay the price. 

"Speaking of sons, it's about time that you and I had a chat isn't it?"


Iori didn't even wait for Asmodeus to finish before unleashing a hellish monsoon of flames from his gaping mouth.

"Hey, I'm only trying to help you, you know? There's no reason to be rude."

Asmodeus snapped his fingers and a large portal appeared in front of him. 

The flames that were intended to turn him into a charred stain were swallowed up and vanished without a trace. 

Asmodeus opened up another portal in the sky and the gout of flames emerged, sputtering harmlessly into the sky. 

"What was I saying? Ahh, right."