
Trump Card

Ray is sleeping in bed. Some type of shadow slowly creeps up to his bed. Ray is almost woken up by the breathing of this creature. Then the creature opens its mouth to say something.

Clone: Wake up soldier!

Ray rolls off of his bed shocked.

Ray: Why?!

Clone: It's 7:01. You're a whole minute late for training, soldier!

Ray: Can I quit the military?

Clone: No.

Ray: Then I'm going back to bed anyway.

Ray tries to pull himself onto his bed. His arms feel dead. The clone stares at him.

Ray: Help.

Clone: Of course I'll help you. I'll help you get to the training grounds.

The clone throws Ray over his shoulder and runs out of the room. Ten minutes later, the clone puts Ray down at the training grounds.

Clone: You're eleven minutes late. I couldn't be more disappointed.

Ray: I couldn't be more disappointed in my arms.

Clone: Then we're both disappointed in you.

They sit in silence.

Ray: Was that a moment of silence for me?

Clone: For how terrible you are.

Ray: Am I really that bad?

Clone: Yes.

Ray: Then can we do something useful today?

Clone: Useful?! Do you think the 1000 pushups weren't useful?! We trained your weak will soldier! It's the weakest will I have ever seen! So, what do you want to work on?

Ray: The dark release. My secret awesome power.

Clone: What does that thing even do again?

Ray: I have no idea.

Clone: Then let's test it out soldier!

Ray puts out his arm. The eye appears on it. Nothing happens.

Clone: Why is it an eye? That's pretty gross.

Ray: Shut up.

Ray points his arm at the clone. The eye starts sucking in a blue aura from the clone.

Clone: Stop! That's my chakra!

Ray: I'm quitting the military!

The clone disappears and the last bit of chakra absorbs into ray's hand. The eye starts to transform into something different. The eye disappears and two diamonds appear on Ray's hand. One of the diamonds is lit up with blue.

Ray: Now that is cool.

The other diamond lights up. A beam of chakra shoots out of the diamond and destroys a row of trees.

Ray: I am so cool! I don't even know how I did that, but I want to do it again! I need to rub this in Kenzo's face.

Ray runs to the other training ground. He sees Kenzo fighting a clone.

Ray: He's stealing my moves! That's why I had to run away to a secret training ground when Renjiro was trying to do that. I should have known Kenzo would be a move stealer.

Ray sneaks up to Kenzo.

Ray: Surprise!

Ray starts draining Kenzo's aura. Kenzo drops to his knees. The clone moves over to Ray so fast it looks like he teleported. Son Goku smacks Ray on the back of the head. Ray hits the ground.

Ray: Ow! Why did you do that?!

Son Goku: If you drain someone's chakra you can kill them.

Ray: You can? I thought that was only with clones.

Son Goku: Don't do it again!

Ray: Fine.

Ray looks like he is walking away to leave. Then he quickly turns around. He shoots lightning out of his hand at Kenzo. Kenzo sees the beam just in time and rolls out of the way.

Kenzo: What the hell Ray?!

Ray: Can I use lightning moves now?!

Kenzo: You're not even listening to me.

Ray runs off.

Ray: My trump card is legendary!

Ray leaves the place.

Kenzo: He has an ultimate move now! I have nothing! Now I'm even falling behind my own team!

Son Goku: He was born with abilities you were not.

Kenzo: There are so many ninja born with even less than me that would still outclass me in every way!

Son Goku: Ray can outclass you in abilities because he has sharingan and dark release, but he focuses too much on easy ways to become stronger. If you make your body stronger. He will never be able to catch up.

Kenzo: But I need a scapegoat. Something that, if my strength can't pull through, I can use to win.

Son Goku: Are you a weakling? Respectable fighters don't have scapegoats.

Kenzo: Then we'll call it something else. A trump card. Don't you have a jutsu that you can use to win any fight?

Son Goku: Fine, I will teach you a jutsu.

Kenzo: You do have a trump card! What is it?

Son Goku: Nevermind that. You need to learn a jutsu.


Nanami attacks with two fingers. Ayame hits her hand away. Nanami keeps attacking. Ayame blocks all of her attacks. Nanami gets tired and Ayame hits her in the chest with two fingers. Nanami stumbles backwards.

Nanami: What do you want me to do? You're so much faster than me. I can't do anything to you.

Ayame: We still have a week or two left. You're just getting the hang of attacking differently. Soon I will teach you new moves. You just have to get the basics down first.

Nanami: I had to slap water and now I have to poke you.

Ayame: It may sound dumb, but you'll be a much better fighter once you get good at it.

A man in a suit walks onto the training grounds. He has a phone to his ear. He hangs up and puts the phone in his pocket.

???: Princess Ayame, are you training someone? Princesses don't train ninjas. Ninjas protect the princesses.

Ayame: Then maybe I'm starting a new tradition.

???: A new tradition?! Tradition my ass. You've always been disrespectful to the precedents that your ancestors created.

Ayame: The precedents they set years ago don't hold up today. What are you going to do? Are you going to fight a princess?

???: Hell yeah I will. I'm here to protect you, not make sure all your wishes come true.

The man takes out a nunchaku. He swings it around his body.

Ayame: Bring it on Hachiro.