This story takes place after Naruto died at the age of 117. Instead of the world becoming advanced in technology they realized their powers were stronger than that. They regressed after Boruto back into a world similar to naruto, but definitely not the same world. Warning - Swearing/Violence
Ezume is walking down the street. Every person who looks like a ninja he hands a flyer.
Shinobi: What the hell is this?
Ezume: Why don't you read it?
The shinobi gets angry and Ezume moves on. Once he gets to the end of the street he bumps into Ito.
Ezume: Did you finish the street?
Ito: Always so formal. Not going to ask anything else?
Ezume: Why would I want to know anything about you?
Ito slaps him.
Ezume: Slapping me doesn't change the scenario.
Ito: But it sure makes me feel a lot better.
Ezume: That, be as it may, we need to figure out how to get these flyers around town in a more efficient fashion.
Ito: Oo, I love when you go all nerdy.
Ezume: There is only one way I can think of getting these around faster without using a contraption of great caliber because it would take up too much time.
Ito: Yeah, yeah, and what is it?
Ezume and Ito are up on top of the highest building in the area.
Ito: We climbed up here because…
Ezume: You have wind style if I am not mistaken?
Ito: You never are.
Ezume: You are statistically correct, but the probability is not unreasonable to double check.
Ito: Huh?
Ezume: Not important. We will release the flyers by tossing them out of this box here.
Ito: The one your holding?
Ezume: Correct. I thought it was obvious, but I forgot you are oblivious to your surroundings.
Ito: Huh?
Ezume: Not important. Once the flyers start decreasing in altitude you will use your ability to manipulate the currents to change the flyers probable direction to go throughout the city.
Ito: Huh?
Ezume: That part was important.
Ezume starts talking slowly.
Ezume: Use your wind, blow the flyers around.
Ito: I can do that.
Ezume: I know you can. Now-
Ezume throws the flyers out of the box.
Ezume: Now, execute the agenda.
Ito: Huh?
Ezume: blow them around…
Ito makes a few hand signs and a gust of wind blows the flyers all around the place.
Ito: That's a job well done. All thanks to your great plan Ezume.
Ezume: I know you would never come up with the algorithm I did to efficiently get your task done. This is why they put us together on missions.
Ito: Yeah, that's why.
Ito makes a strange face as they start leaving the building.
Ito: Why don't we go get something to eat.
Ezume: Yes, I believe my stomach is about the certain percentage empty you would normally expect someone of a hungry manor's stomach to be.
Ito: Yeah, okay. Is that a yes or no?
Ezume: Yes.
Gorou walks inside the Mizukage building. He walks up the stairs and into Mizukage's office.
Yoshiko: Cousin!
Yoshiko stands up and hugs Gorou. She sits back down in the chair. Gorou sits down in the other chair.
Yoshiko: What have you been up to?
Gorou: Hanging out with the swordsmen.
Yoshiko stares at him disappointed.
Gorou: I know-
Yoshiko: The loss of the seven swordsmen was one of the biggest hits the mist village has ever had. You're their leader, you can make them come back.
Gorou: I can't. You know the hardships the mist village made them deal with. Katashi grew up poor, having to take care of his little brother, Ezume had to kill his entire squad because they were weak, Ito had to kill her family and became a street rat because she was too weak to become a genin. The only one that didn't have to deal with anything was Tomo, and she saw everything happening around her. I'm not even sure if I want to be a ninja here again.
Yoshito puts her hand over his.
Yoshito: Hayato wasn't your fault.
Gorou: Yeah, I've been told.
Yoshito: I'll keep telling you until you're ready to try to move on.
Gorou: Thank you. I should be on my way.
Gorou stands up.
Yoshito: One more thing.
Yoshiko moves so quickly Gorou can barely keep up. She slams the door to leave the office shut.
Yoshiko: Why are you handing out flyers to my shinobi telling them to join the leaf village.
Gorou: I'm giving it to the rogue ninja. They got nowhere else to go.
Yoshiko: But if people see it's so easy to leave then what will happen? Be more discreet about it.
Gorou: Yes Ma'am.
Yoshiko opens the door.
Yoshiko: Come back soon.
Ezume and Ito sit down. They order food and start eating.
Ito: Remember when you joined the team?
Ezume: I do remember that exact moment in history, yes.
Ito: I never heard where you came from.
Ezume: That's an easy question to answer-
Younger Ezume is talking with a few kids.
Ezume: Do you young men know where a good place to get free items, as in food in this particular circumstance?
Kid: Let's get out of here. The geek is talking to us.
They start running away.
Ezume: Wait, gentlemen! We are on the same squad, we must not leave each other behind!
The next day the three of them show up at the mist village training grounds.
Kid: Oh my god! Are you going to actually stay a ninja? Can you even fight?
There sensei appears.
Sensei: He can fight better than you two. Show them Ezume.
Kid: This is going to be good.
The first kid kicks at Ezume. Ezume grabs his leg. The second kid tries to punch him. Ezume slams the leg he is holding in the second kids face. Both the kids fall onto the ground.
Sensei: Finish them.
Ezume: But-
Sensei: Finish them or else you will no longer be a ninja.
Ezume looks down at the kids. He smashes his fist into the first kids face until his face is bloody and bashed in. The second kid tries to run away. Ezume tackles him and snaps the kid's neck.
Sensei: good, good. We'll get you a new team. They were weak, they were nothing.
A few days later Ezume is on the street. Gorou sees him.
Gorou: Hey.
Ezume: W-who are you?
Gorou: A kid that's been where you are before. I saw on the paper what happened to you. I also hear you needed a new team, and I can give you a new team where you'll never have to do that again. What do you say?
Gorou puts out his hand. Ezume takes it and gets up.
Ezume: Yes!
Ezume and Ito finish their meals.
Ezume: This team has the only friends I have ever had…
Ito: Are you happy with it.
Ezume: Of course I am happy with the current arrangement.
Ito sighs.
Tomo is sleeping in the bed of a hotel. Katashi gets out of the bed and looks at the window. There is some type of bird. He grabs a letter out of its mouth. Tears welled up in Katashi's eyes.
Katashi: The nine tails killed Dekishi! I knew he wasn't ready for missions. I protected him all his life and the first enemy he runs into is an s class rogue ninja! Little bro, I will get revenge for you!
Katashi writes something on a sticky note and puts it on the door.
Katashi: I will kill the nine tails jinchuriki.