
Firestarter: Forbidden Flames (BL)

Justin Erison had been the city local superhero, Firestarter for four years. And he's actually been enjoying it, except for when it bugged his normal life way too much. To him, Firestarter and Justin are two different people with two different lives that should never mix. That all goes to hell when he finds out he either has to find and fall in love with an unknown soul mate or kill thousands of people to satisfy a contract that's hundreds of years old. Being a superhero, Justin makes the obvious choice that protects the innocent but now he has to find his soul mate and protect her from the various forces out to kill her while trying to getting over his longtime crush for his music idol childhood best friend, Aidan. His life is just one hell after another. Will Justin be able to sort things out before it's too late or will the Darkness succeed in turning him into a monster to hurt the people he's fought hard to protect. Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine, if the owner wants it back we could just talk

Ren_Senpai121 · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Flame 2

Justin did a grind down the park railing, smiling as the cool January air blew past his face. The hustle and bustle off the city was as monotone as ever but to him the buzz of being able simply walk among people that felt safe enough to come out of their homes was enough for him.

He made Hearth City safe and he was very proud of that.

He paused ever now and then to say hi to a few friends and sales men he had come accustomed with meeting.

A suggestion left his lips as he made out the school gates a few feet away, taking down criminals was far much much easier than whatever awaited him there. Only two things were keeping him from dropping out and going to get a job somewhere.

First thing was that his dad wouldn't let him drop out. The second wasthe reasonable tuition fee. He got off his board and stepped into the main building, the first person he ran into being his English teacher.

"Erison, hope you didn't burn your homework today?" She asked sternly.

"That was just once."

"Yes, because most people don't do homework while cooking."

"I was multitasking." The was that he had gotten way too frustrated and burned the entire notebook from loss of control, but he wasn't going to tell her that now was he?

He walked around her glaring form towards his locker, into which he shoved his skateboard. He was relieved he had remembered his essay before falling asleep. He had sleepy picked up the phone and asked Travis to do it.

Speaking of his best friend, that was a third reason he was putting up with this crazy school. He started searching the hall with his eyes, hoping to pick out Travis' bronze skin and silver eyes or...Aiden.

He found neither, instead he spotted someone that deeply pissed him off.

Mitch Blackard.

He turned back towards his locker, wishing to avoid any confrontation that would ruin his perfect day. He didn't get his wish though. Mitch slammed a hand against the locker door, getting Justin's attention.

"What crawled up your ass and died so early in the morning?" The blond hissed.

"Don't think I'm letting you off the hook Erison." The much bigger darker haired boy sneered.

About three years ago, Justin meet Mitch for the first time and noticed that he was immediately disliked. The hatred escalated from vocal jabs and insults to full on fights in gym class since that was when getting physical and competitive was allowed. Justin was just as strong but the other had a height and weight advantage. He would love to say Mitch was a dumb jock type but that wasn't the case.

Smart and strong, terrible combination that Justin wasn't ready to go against so early in the day.

"You spilled soda on my car and didn't even hang back to apologize. Whatwereyou even doing there?"

"Accident." Justin said making to walk away, a hand on the collar of his shirt stopped him, "Do you really want a fight Blackard?"

"You're daring me Erison and I swear I'll-"

"Hey you two, break it up." A jovial and airy voice came, the sentence was followed by a soft non-threatening chuckle. Justin turned to getva face full of soft blue eyes, "Just apologize and say you ran off cause you're a lazy good for nothing."

Justin flushed an embarrassed she of red at the reprimand, "But Ai, I already said it was an accident."

Aidan Ross, basically the nicest, cutest and most talented guy in the school. Everyone wanted to make him down. He could ask to walk over Everyone and they'd probably let him. He gave Justin an irritated look.

"Ugh, sorry Blackard." The blond bit out.

Mitch puffed his chest out and nodded in acceptance. How Justin longed to punch that smirk of his face.

"Not so fast bud." Aidan dragged on Mitch's ear, "Since you have time to piss off my friend you might as well help me with something."

Aidan had that effect on everyone, he was just so nice and chill you'd feel like he was the one doing doing you a favor by asking for help.

Mitch nodded obediently but there was still a snarl on his lips as his eyes flitted back to Justin.

Aidan grinned and turned to the blond, he pushed some stray strands before giving a nervous smile and patting Justin's shoulder apologetically, "I really wish I could hang out with you and Travis today but Maya just told me I have another interview coming up and-"

"I've told you to stop explaining yourself to me Ai, I get it."

He and Aidan had grown up as family friends, the common factor being that they were both raised by single parents. Aidan only had his mum, the persistent and strong willed Julia Ross that wanted Firestarter's head.

Now wasn't that just perfect.

About five years ago though, Aidan got into the music business becoming one of the youngest popular in the world. He released songs, music videos, stared in movies and all sort of talk shows. All while attending high-school.

Giving him little or no time for his actual social life that involved his childhood friend. It was obvious they had both been drifting apart but Justin's ridiculous crush still yearned for the closeness they had as little kids. Some part of him felt Aidan was just putting up with him out of obligation.

It wouldn't take long for the brunette to get sucked onto the far more exciting life of stardom. If that time Justin wouldn't bitch or complain about it.

He would accept that Aidan was always out of his reach. A gem that Justin was only meant to behold and not possess.

"Just get in touch when you're free, we're not going anywhere, unlike some punk who's got a world tour after we graduate." Justin's teased.

Aidan let out an airy chuckle, "I'll keep in touch even if I'm halfway across the world, don't worry."

"Who said I was worried? You can take care of yourself, or do you still need me to-"

"He's got me Erison, you're not needed." Mitch spat.

"That's enough out of you." Aidan huffed and dragged him by his elbow, he turned to give Justin a brief wave, "See ya!"

Justin waved back despite sad deflation of heart. He wasn't worried that there was anything between Mitch and Aidan. The last time he checked, they were close cousins of some sort so he had no need to worry.

And Mitch had always been a protective asshole around Aidan since they first met. He didn't need that ass' permission to be around Aidan. End of story.

He watched them leave though, eyes tracing Aidan's figure, and the sinful way the white denims hugged his hips.

He really should move on with his love life but since they turned thirteen, Aidan's mere presence was enough to have him mentally drool.

Very sinful thoughts danced around in his mind, making him almost forget he was still in the hallway.

The sound of fingers snapping fingers bright him back from his fantasy.

"I've been here for a whole two minutes, did Ross just leave?" Travis asked, tone amused and smug as he pushed Justin's homework into his hand, "Get a grip before you pop one where everyone can see."

They were roughly the same height but Travis had maybe an inch or so Justin wanted to surpass. Not to mention Travis was a rare kind of handsome with chocolate tinted skin and sharp gray eyes.

If you saw him for the first time, you'd never guess he was gay, but he was one of the openly gay kids at their school.

As well as Justin's top secret scientist/best friend, who made all of Firestarter's gear.

Justin had no idea how to respond to his friend's statement other than shoving him lightly like an angry toddler.

"Don't wanna talk about it I see, so I'll assume he can't hang out after school."

"Can you not be a know it all?" Justin groaned as they walked to class.

"Sorry but no, it's one of my defining traits," he beamed, "But if you just wanna give it a go, I could help you get in touch-"

"Offer refused." His romantic life was his business and if he wanted to spend it pinning then he had the right to do so. At least it wasn't after a fictional character like most idiots in their generation.

"That's not healthy, man." Travis sighed.

"Being Firestarter is a full time job, if I'm having a hard time keeping up with schoolwork, how will I keep up with a relationship?" Their conversation had delved down into whispers by now.

"I'm just worried you get so consumed in putting on that costume everyone that you forget you have a life beyond it."

Justin face him so their eyes met, "I know you're just looking out for me but you know I have to do this, if I keep them in any longer, the flames won't let me be."

Travis nodded, "You've got me here but just remember to let loose once a while, find yourself a nice girl or I'll find you a guy."

"Shut up you shameless ass." Just huffed as they entered the classroom. He'd never really accept Tavis' offer. He was never really interested in whether the person was male of female. All that mattered was how they made him feel. Very few people could make him feel the way Aidan Ross made him feel.

Aidan was a calm, collected force that Justin wished he could feel in himself, but it seemed that each hurdle he overcame, his life would find new ways to spiral out of control.

Travis, sensing Justin's change of mood decided to change to a topic that he dreaded but knew Justin would love. "So how did the fight go last night?"

Justin's face lit up, "You should have been there man," he burst out laughing, "Those idiots tried to drive. It was hilarious..."

Travis sighed in quiet relief, now this was the Justin he liked being around.

It's been a while but I'll try to be more... consistent with the next chapter. Hope you all like this part, sorry again for the very late update.

Feel free to tell me off in the comments or support by sharing this story to others. I might just be encouraged.

Anyways see you next time. Bye!

Ren_Senpai121creators' thoughts