
Firestarter: Forbidden Flames (BL)

Justin Erison had been the city local superhero, Firestarter for four years. And he's actually been enjoying it, except for when it bugged his normal life way too much. To him, Firestarter and Justin are two different people with two different lives that should never mix. That all goes to hell when he finds out he either has to find and fall in love with an unknown soul mate or kill thousands of people to satisfy a contract that's hundreds of years old. Being a superhero, Justin makes the obvious choice that protects the innocent but now he has to find his soul mate and protect her from the various forces out to kill her while trying to getting over his longtime crush for his music idol childhood best friend, Aidan. His life is just one hell after another. Will Justin be able to sort things out before it's too late or will the Darkness succeed in turning him into a monster to hurt the people he's fought hard to protect. Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine, if the owner wants it back we could just talk

Ren_Senpai121 · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Flame 1

Night in the city, all is quiet except for the sounds of one or two cars belonging to the city's nocturnal citizens. But those sounds didn't hold a candle to the blaring security alarms belonging to the Hearst Bank.

Three security guards rushed towards the entrance to intercept the criminals responsible but they were swiftly gunned down by six heavily armed men in dark clothes. Plastic animal masks hid their identities from the cameras.

A man, slightly smaller than the rest, pushed up his mask as soon as they reached a vehicle that was parked far enough from the building. He barked out orders to the four other men accompanying him, he chuckled as he watched.

"Told you boys didn't I? This week's been going great." He cackled, obviously the brains and boss behind the whole operation. He made to hop into the van when a loud crash was heard.

All heads turned to the middle of the street where flames licked at the pavement. Amidst the flames stood a boyish form dressed in deep red jeans and a black hoodie. The hood came down to reveal a head of blond hair and glowing brown eyes surrounded by a mask.

The black leather booths crushed gravel as a few steps were taken in the direction of the criminals. The teen grinned, a sneer in his voice as he addressed them, "I've been a bit tied up boys but I'm back now, and lucky you, you'll be my first catch in two weeks."

The boss scowled, "Firestarter, how unfortunate for you to show up now you brat but we came prepared." With a wave of his hand, three of the four pulled out the latest models of the extinguisher guns that had been designed specifically to fight Firestarter.

The hero sighed, figuring he'd humor them, "Oh no guys, please, anything but those." He whined, raising his hands in surrender.

"Blast him you idiots." The boss called.

Powerful jets of chemically enhanced fluid foew towards the hero who easily evaded the messy aims. These guns were heavier than regular pistols which most come thugs were used to. It slowed their movement enough for him to takeout two without having to use his powers.

By the time he took outage last one, the boss and the last minion were already driving off in the van.

Another sigh left his lips as he scaled the wall of a building to get a good view of their escape route. With his better eyesight he found their vehicle and deduced their route.

A took a stance and with one powerful jump, he began to give chase and just when he got ahead, he jumped down cracking the cement with more force than intended. He really needed to work on that.

He held his hand out and created a towering wall of flame that spoked the van's driver into swerving off course. The van crashed into lamppost, stopping almost immediately.

Firestarter grinned and got to work burning two tires and welding the doors shut while the boss struggled to come to.

He could hear the sirens in the distance so he wasn't worried about them dying or not. It really wasn't his business. They were criminals and though he didn't have the right to kill them, they should be ready to face the consequences of causing unrest in his city.

He started down towards an alley, turning back to wave at the criminals, "Don't forget to tell them who scorched ya."

The boss pound weakly at the cracked windows with a glare that said he'd kill the hero if given the chance. Firestarter merely chuckled before bounding off into the night.


'Street camera footage confirms it people, Firestarter, our resident superhero took down the notorious Wilkins gang just last night.' A female reporter beamed at the news watchers that morning. At the top corner of the screen, a dark clip of the take down p.ayed for all interested. 'Now handing over to our reporter in the field, Edison Crawley. What do you have to say Eddie?'

'What do I have to say? Only that this is the most absurd amount of property damage I've ever seen. Superhero? More like vigilante punk.' Edison raged as he pointed to the destroyed road.

Ben Erison huffed, "I personally think Firestarter is a great help." He muttered to no one in particular in the small apartment. He went over to the kitchen counter to check on the toast, "Justin, get down here or you'll be late for school!"

Justin, I'm his room, was struggling to pull a shirt over his still wet hair while hastily searching for his phone. "Just a sec dad!" He screamed back. He found his phone and Math textbook within the sheets of his bed. Was he having Math today? Not sure. He chucked both into his bag just in case.

He pulled on his sneakers and grabbed his skateboard before riding it into the kitchen.

"No skating in the kitchen." His dad drawled.

Justin rolled his eyes as he hopped off right in front of his plate. He grabbed a piece of toast, "You burned it again."

"I know." His dad chuckled sheepishly, "I got carried away watching the news."

"Sure." He humored before taking a big bite, he didn't like soft toast anyway, "So what's up on TV?"

"Just Crawley ranting about Firestarter again."

Shit, knewvi forgot something. He bolted up from his seat and ran back into his room, reaching Underhill bed to pull out his Firestarter costume. He hurriedly folded it up and chucked it into his bag.

"Justin, what did you forget now?"

"Um...homework." He replied, taking one last look in his mirror as he patted down his stubborn blond locks. He ran out to the kitchen once again and gave his dad a fist bump. "See you, pops."

"Not finishing breakfast?"

"I'm in a rush."

"Right, Aidan's gonna be in school today, right?"

"I think, he said he would."

"Say hi to him for me."


"Lunch money?"

"Got some."

Mr Erison flashed his son a smile which the teen managed to give back before dashing out the door. He really loved his boy but the energy in that one was just too much.

Justin let a triumphant smile make its way to his face, he let off some steam by beating up some crooks the night before and today one of his close friends had made time to hang out with him.

Today was definitely his day.

This is short by my standards it please accept my humble offering. Thanks again for reading and if you wish for me to continue please do show support by dropping a comment or just adding to a collection. That way I know you all care.

Anyways, gotta get back to work so see you next. I'm actually thinking of posting every Sunday so it'll be steady, let me know what you think.

Bye for now!

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