
Fires Beyond

Auteur: TheMa_n
Actuel · 8.1K Affichage
  • 17 Shc
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  • NO.200+

What is Fires Beyond

Lisez le roman Fires Beyond écrit par l'auteur TheMa_n publié sur WebNovel. Vaam had never expected much from life. He didn't wish to Love, nor to Hate, he never wished to cause pain, nor to end lives. All he ever wanted was to have a tranquil death... With the very concept o...


Vaam had never expected much from life. He didn't wish to Love, nor to Hate, he never wished to cause pain, nor to end lives. All he ever wanted was to have a tranquil death... With the very concept of his identity shattered. With the lives of his people standing near the very trenches of hell. With the layers of filth and lies sinking to let place to his true condition. There was no other way anymore... Vaam would die at war.

9 étiquettes
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For 21+ Rachel Espanola, 26 years old, panicked when her grandfather Muria had to undergo heart ring surgery for the second time. The cost of the operation was very expensive, and Rachel did not have a medical card subsidized by the Government of Indonesia, because the RT where she lived was considered a wealthy person. Rachel lives in a rather luxurious house with Muria. Rachel then calls her boyfriend Anto who works as a Bartender at a Night Club. Rachel used to work at the Night Club, then Anto transferred to Carter Oil Company through the hands of Robert HRD Director who is a Night Club customer. However, Anto cursed her instead, because Rachel's previous debt for the first ring installation operation on Muria's heart had not been paid back by Rachel. Anto also severed their relationship, and at the same time asked Rachel to pay the debt immediately, otherwise, Anto would take the matter to the police. Rachel felt like she had fallen on the durian too. She wept next to the Board of Directors' elevator she was about to clean. At that time, from the elevator came Keith Carter, aged 30, President Director of the Carter Oil Company. Keith saw Rachel crying and immediately asked why Rachel was crying. Rachel gasped in surprise and hurried to say goodbye. Keith became curious because he had just seen Rachel at his late father's Brylee Carter Company. Immediately he told Veron to find out who Rachel was. Rachel finally ventured to meet Robert, begging to borrow money for Muria's operation. Robert feels this is his chance to get Rachel, so Rachel's request is fulfilled. He told Rachel to meet him at the Hotel. Robert also emphasized that if Rachel didn't meet him, then the loan application was canceled. Rachel also answered, better to cancel, than have to meet Robert at the Hotel, then leave Robert. It turned out that all of the conversations were overheard by Jack, who was assigned by Keith to watch over Rachel. Jack immediately told Keith. Keith was pleased with Rachel's attitude and asked Jack to keep an eye on Rachel, he had a feeling that Robert would do something bad to Rachel who rejected Robert. Keith knew the playboy Robert as much as he did, but Robert always forced women to satisfy their desires in evil ways. What Keith felt was right, when working hours ended, Rachel was kidnapped by several people. Keith immediately moves to save Rachel by tracking Rachel's tracks through Rachel's cell phone number. Keith arrived just in time, rescued by Rachel, who was almost raped by Robert after being force-fed a drink mixed with aphrodisiacs. Unfortunately, Rachel's fate seemed to have been separated from a snake attacked by a lion. Keith who helped her even became interested in her. And so last night's passion ensued between Keith and Rachel. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urbain
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Unquestionably evil author here. This review serves 3 purposes. - To set an expectation, so you and I don't end up being utterly disappointed in each other. - To answer some basic questions about Fires Beyond. - To kindly self-promote. Merry Christmas. So what is Fires Beyond? It is a sci-fi novel settled in a universe in which humanity is not alone anymore... We will follow our main protagonists as they struggle to survive in the frozen desert that is Pluto, and quite probably escape it. Cool. Are there superpowers? Yes. Yes, there are 'superpowers' introduced not that later on. Humanity learned to modify their genes to their advantage, creating so-called 'variants', however, each modification comes at a cost... Nice. Any romance? I don't know. Depending on how popular this thing becomes I may decide to introduce some lovi dovi to the whole thing. Or maybe I'll just brutally murder her for some juicy character development. It all depends on you guys, so do us proud!!! . ... Very cool. So why did I rate myself 4.8 stars? Writing Quality: English is not my mother language (It's Spanish) and I really think I did a good job at polishing grammatical quality. Humbly: [4/5]. Stability of Updates: This thing will keep updating daily until I decide to kill it off. That will probably happen because no one will give it the time of day, so shame on you. [5/5] Story Development: [Big Bad Obstacle > Suffering > Cool Power Boost]. I have nothing else to say, just ride the dopamine roller coaster with me. [5/5] Character Design: I won't allow any of my characters to feel like they are made out of cardboard, they all have their reasons and their flaws. [5/5] World Background: Building lore is fun and slightly addictive. I am not an addict though, don't be mistaken. [5/5] Anyways, thanks for your time and understanding, I love you. Now go read. :}


Writing quality: Pretty good grammar, it's readable, that alone is an achievement. Although some descriptions are too abstract. Stability of Updates: That looking good. Story Development: The premise it's pretty original and thrilling, it's had little time to develop, so I'm excited to see what cooks out of it. Character Design: The MC feels like a compelling character with lots of room to develop, and the side characters do not feel like NPCs, so good on that. World Background: Decent lore so far. Keep it up.


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