
Fire of desire the series

**Synopsis:** In the shadowed corners of Sicily's power struggles, a story of love and vengeance unfolds. Pete Chalermchai, the revered mafia boss, rules his empire with a blend of fear and respect. His world is one of unspoken oaths and deadly promises, until he meets the enigmatic Yihwa, his niece-in-law, whose presence threatens to unravel the fabric of his tightly woven life. Yihwa, a woman shrouded in the innocence of youth, carries a lineage soaked in blood—she is the daughter of Pete's fiercest rival, the man who orchestrated the murder of Pete's mother. Yet, destiny weaves a complex tapestry, revealing that Yihwa and Pete were lovers in a past life, their connection unbroken by the passage of time. Their love rekindles amidst a backdrop of silent wars and whispered secrets, a flame that burns too bright in the darkness of their reality. Pete, a man carved from the stone of duty and honor, finds himself at a crossroads where every choice is laced with betrayal. Yihwa, born from the enemy and yet the keeper of Pete's heart, stands as both his greatest weakness and his ultimate redemption. "Fire of desire the series" is a novel that delves into the depths of a forbidden romance, set against the relentless drumbeat of ancient feuds and modern-day mafia politics. It is a tale that questions the very essence of fate and asks whether love can rise from the ashes of a past scorched by hatred and revenge. don't forget to like,vote, and comment instagram account:snuggle_bunny_girl01

Moonstone_novels17 · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 4: mysterious old man

After they left the temple

"Pete, this is so complicated, who is the girl? What does she looks like and what happened in the past?" Wayy looked confused

"This is the answer that I'm trying to find" suddenly an old man bumped into his shoulder

"I'm sorry Pete"she smile

"How did you know my name?" He asked

"Trying to find the answers for what happened in the past and what will happen in the future ? Your heart knew it but your brain forgot it" then he vanished into an air

"Pete what's going on,he vanished" Wayy tremble

"The old man in my dream " he started feeling dizzy


When he wake up he found himself in that deep blue ocean again

"Take this" the merman gave him a silver bracelet with blue diamonds and water dragon pattern on it

"What is it for?"he hesitated, then he takes it

"You will know later " he said

"Why are you putting me in the dark?why is everything complicated?why did the questions didn't have an answer? And why is everything hidden?"he shouted

"Because you are supposed to find the answers by yourself and solve the problems with that lady,and be careful or the history will repeat itself" then he disappeared

"Wake up....Pete.....wake up...you are scaring me" Wayy grabbed his arms and started shaking him

"It's nothing I just had that dream again" he robbed his forehead

He looked at Wayy wrist "where did you get this bracelet?"

"The old man gave it to me,in my dream " he touched the bracelet

"This thing is becoming scary"he paused,then he continue "Pete do you think that may be you are related to ocean?"

"No it's impossible, don't forget that I'm human being and there is no this kind of stuff in this generation"

"Ok forget it,can you escort me tomorrow, to submit my assignment?" Wayy make a puppy face

"Ok" he smiled


"Yihwa..."he saw her in the library, she's trying to pick a book but she is too short

"Yes" she turned around

"Shorty,let me help you" he stand behind her and pick the book

She turned around but she bumped her forehead on his chest

"I'm sorry, are you hurt?" He asked but she didn't hear him,because she is just looking at his face and lost in her own worlds

'Wake up Yihwa, how can you love your uncle - in - law' she said to her self

"Oh no... it's nothing,your chest is not that hard"she smile

"Why are you blushing?are you flirting with me again?"he laughed

"You are dreaming" she pinched his arm and run away

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