In the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se, things were quiet, the streets were clear of any unusual activities, with the streets being patrolled by professional earthbenders - the Dai Li. Yet underneath the calm, a hidden figure loomed across. Moving from the shadow to shadow, staying hidden to even to these skilled earthbenders. Criss-crossing through the alleyways, avoiding the Dai Li: both above and below. His black metal attire, blending in with the night. Soon he arrived at his destination, a lit, open window of Kyoshi warriors, where people were talking.
"We have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity, girls," said Azula, eyeing herself in the mirror, cleaned of the Kyoshi' make-up.
"Mai finally gets to wear make-up that's not totally depressing?" asked Ty Lee cheerily, removing her own make-up.
"Ha, ha," replied Mai sarcastically, her' a mess.
"I'm talking about conquering the whole Earth Kingdom," said Azula. Walking past the window, barely missing the hidden figure. "For one hundred years, the Fire Nation has hammered away at Ba Sing Se from the outside. But now we're on the inside, and we can take it by ourselves."
"Gosh, you're so confident. I really admire that about you," said Ty Lee, flattering Azula.
"It's something I admire about her aswell," came a voice from outside, shocking the girls. Soon a figure, jumped into the room, wearing a coal-black metal armor, his sun-golden hair, immediately giving away who he is - to Azula atleast.
'Zhan...? Impossi...he...Oh no!' realized Azula too late, when Ty Lee immediately acted.
"A welcoming? Alrighty!" replied Zhan, engaging Ty Lee in hand-to-hand. "Come-on."
'Darn...he is good...and good looking,' thought Ty Lee. The boy was blocking each strike she made...he was even better than her, until she got an opening...and struck hard-metal, hurting her fingers. "OW!"
" easy-tricks..." he replied. Grabbing Ty Lee's hand, pulling and throwing her over his shoulder, flipping her into the waiting Mai.
"Oh for goodness' sake!" exclaimed Azula. Going over to Zhan and giving him a light slap on the face.
"Which one was this for?" he asked, teasing her.
"Keeping a Princess waiting!" replied Azula. "Get up you two, he's harmless."
"I wouldn't say harmless..." said Mai, pushing Ty Lee off her.
"Mai, Ty Lee meet Zhan...a dear...friend...of mine," said Azula, introducing them.
"Friend huh?" said Ty Lee, getting a bit too close, for him. "He's kind of cute..."
"Alright Ty Lee.." said Azula, pushing the ecstatic Ty Lee back a little. "...hands off the merchandise.."
"Merchandise? Please..." said Zhan, faking being hurt. "...I'm a piece of craftmanship..."
"..and I'm a masterpiece..." replied Azula sarcastically, eyeing him...before both of them, started to laugh. "Okay...enough reunioning...time for business.."
"So I've heard.." replied Zhan, leaning against the wall, arms crossed.
"Indeed," replied Azula. "From the inside, we're in perfect position to organize a coup and overthrow the Earth King. The key is the Dai Li. Whoever controls the Dai Li controls Ba Sing Se."
Zhan had admitted that, Azula had planned this idea, through very well. Control the Dai Li, the secret-enforcers of Ba Sing Se, whose leader had been imprisoned by the Avatar and his group no-less. Sow distaint and doubt into their mind and you'll have them in the palm of your hands. He couldn't have thought it better himself, although his role was minor - give aid to Azula...not that she needed any. Yet if Azula' plan worked, they'd have the walls down...and his father' army inside, before any counter-attack could be formed. Speaking of which:
"Thank goodness you're here, Suki. Something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city, I just saw Prince Zuko and his uncle!" spoke a girl, running inside, seemingly a water-bender. Who somehow knew this Kyoshi...or the person who wore the outfit. "We have to tell the Earth King right away!"
"Oh, don't worry, I'll be sure to let him know," replied Azula, circled by Mai and Ty Lee, both in the uniforms.
"Too late..." said Zhan, appearing from behind the pillar that Katara was. Who by now had realized the fix, yet too late...a quick strike to the neck and she was out-cold, before she could react. "Too little...too late."
"That was quick!" replied Ty Lee, who had prepared to engage herself.
"No matter. It's time to end this," said Azula, smiling deviously.
Azula' plan had far, Mai and Ty Lee had passed on a hidden message to the Dai Li. Azula was taken to see their glorious leader, and work out a so called partner-ship. Namely a coup against the Earth King...go figure. Yet the fool of a leader of Long Feng didn't know, who he was playing with.
"The Earth King and the Council of Five do not trust the Dai Li. They imprisoned your leader, Long Feng. Soon they will turn on all of you and eliminate you. Seizing power today is a matter of life and death," spoke Azula to the gathered Dai Li agents, in an underground lair. "This coup must be swift and decisive. The Earth King and each of the five generals must be taken out simultaneously. Long Feng has placed you in my command while we overthrow the government. If I sense any disloyalty, any hesitation, any weakness at all, I will That is all."
"Nice speech, Azula. It was pretty and poetic, but also scary in a good way," said Ty Lee. Pouring a cup of tea for Azula, as the Dai Li depart.
"Yeah. I thought you were going to make that one guy pee his pants," added Mai, in an amusing tone.
"He'd of likely buried himself in earth, before that," replied Zhan, sticking to the shadows.
"There are still a few loose ends. The Avatar, and my brother and uncle," said Azula. "Speaking of did you end up here Zhan?"
"Pirates..." he replied casually.
"I...don't even want to know the details," replied Azula, drinking the tea.
Plan's in motion, agents sent to various positions to capture each, high-ranking Earth Kingdom General. Zuko captured by the Dai Li, and thrown in with the water-tribe peasant, things were going exactly as Azula had planned...with a few loose end's to tie-up.
"Thank goodness we're in time!" exclaimed another boy and an earthbender girl, running up to Earth King...a pair of peasants in Azula' opinion.
"In time for what?" asked the Earth King, oblivious to the events happening.
"Yeah. What are you in time for," asks Ty Lee, cartwheeling over to the water-tribe boy. "Cutie?"
Azula could care-less about the two... until the earthbender-girl knocked Ty Lee back with earthbending and Zhan who was standing behind the pillar.
"They're not the real Kyoshi Warriors!
" yelled the blind earthbender, shocking the Earth King...go figure.
"Sorry to disappoint you," said Mai, flicking her daggers at the earthbender, while Ty Lee handled the water-tribe peasant.
"This fight is over!" said Azula, having growing tired of the interuptions, while holding the Earth King at flame-point. Soon enough both the peasant and the blind girl surrender, Zhan knocking them out. With an approaching Dai Li agent, taking care of a flying rat. "Get them all out of my sight."
Soon enough the odd duo, along with the Earth King' pet-bear and flying rat are all taken away, probably to a prison. Long Feng soon joining Azula and her group, with some Dai Li agents behind him.
"Now comes the part where I double cross you. Dai Li, arrest the Fire Nation princess!" exclaimed Long Feng, earning him a raised from a nearby Zhan. "I said arrest her! What is wrong with you?!"
'Is he that thick?' thought Zhan, a dark smile on his face.
"It's because they haven't made up their minds. They're waiting to see how this is going to end," said Azula calmly.
"What are you talking about?" asked Long Feng, shockingly suprised.
'You played with fire, and got burned!' thought Zhan, standing next to the former Earth King' empty throne.
"I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing, so you've had to struggle, and connive, and claw your way to power. But true power, the divine right to rule, is something you're born with. The fact is, they don't know which one of us is going to be sitting on that throne, and which one is going to be bowing down. But I know, and you know," exclaims Azula, sitting down on the throne."Well?"
'Are you a leader or a pawn?' asked Zhan himself. Waiting too see how Long Feng would react: a lose-lose situation in anyway you see it.
"I...I.." says Long Feng, doubting his words, then decided to react...yet failing, before he even got a chance. A swift strike to the head, before he could attack Zhan.
"Don't flatter yourself! You were never even a player," exclaimed Azula calmly at the, downed Long Feng.
The end-game had started, Azula' final plan in motion, her final piece of defeating the Avatar, once and for all. Yet Zhan was doubting this part...which involved swaying his brother Zuko, to join her side. Why she was attempting this, Zhan didn't know. But Azula had told him to trust her on this, that she knew what she was doing...yet he still couldn't shake the odd feeling away.
"I'm bored!" said Mai, twirling her knives around, sitting around at the Earth King' throne.
"I thought you were helping Azula?!" exclaimed Zhan, having taken Long Feng away.
"Nope! Azula said she needed something alone," said Ty Lee, walking on her hands.
"Some old maze under the city. Azula went with ome Dai Li's there. Think the King had an old-entrance or something," said Mai, to which Zhan made with haste there. Thanking Mai on the way there. "Whatever."
Making his way to a secluded room...following the trail of spilt earth, he made his way down into whatever cavern this was. By the look the tunnel-way seemed to be carved only recently. Soon enough he arrived in a huge cavern, lit by many teal-glowing crystal - the old catacombs of Ba Sing Se.
And down below in the catacombs - Azula was fighting the Avatar, the same waterbender girl, from before in her natural enviroment near a lake...and the former Prince.
'Damnit!' realized Zhan, that Azula' plan had failed. Grabing a nearby unconscious Dai Li agent, that had been thrown uptop and giving him a few good shakes to wake him up. "Get the rest of your agents! Now!"
Letting the limping Dai Li agent, get help. Zhan soon eyed the battle, and a quick way down there.
"I think it's time, I introduced himself," said Zhan to himself, jumping down.
How could her plan fail? How could Azula' plan fail?! She had planned out everything - the Dai Li, Long Feng, the Avatar and his brother Zuko.
The Dai Li followed her, Long Feng would've bowed or been striken down, the Avatar could've fallen to her...yet his brother Zuko, was a gamble - as she realized it now. Azula tried to appeal to her sense of honor, his search for his father' affection, capturing the Avatar and so on. She hadn't expected the traitor to turn on him. Her plan was falling apart, her brought along Dai Li agents were quickly outmatched by the Avatar, even as good as she was, she couldn't take on 3-people at once.
"Give up Azula! Your plan has failed!" yelled Zuko, at his sister, sending fire blasts at her.
"You think, I'll give up, just like you did?!" asked Azula, gritting her teeth. "Never!"
"Your 3-against-1! You can't win!" replied Katara. Sending a water torrent at the Fire Nation princess, knocking her back a few feet.
"I'm afraid not!" came a voice from above, landing infront of Azula. He was boy, equal in age to Zuko's, yet he wore coal-black armor and had sun-yellow hair.
"Who are you?!" asked Aang, raising his staff at the newcomer.
"Who I am doesn't concern you, yet you are attacking my Princess and I can't let that continue," replied the figure, standing against three, guarding Azula.
"Then your a fool!" said Zuko, standing in an attack position.
"Ready Azula?" asked Zhan, whispering to the downed Azula who was slowly getting up, he had no gloves on.
"Ready...down-around.." she replied, grinning underneath. In a split second she unleashed a low blue fire-wave at the Avatar' group, sending them back, while Zhan had backflipped behind him.
'One...relax...' Azula started the mantra. While her enemies start to get back up.
'Two...breathe...' she continued, closing her eyes, synching their breathing.
"Three...RELEASE!" she yelled, re-opening her eyes and sending three consecutive white fireblasts at them.
"Du-" managed Zuko to say. Before the white fireball smashed through his own attack and into him. Katara and Aang had less luck aswell with this: Katara' water being turned into steam and the fireball hitting her, Aang' earthbending being punched through aswell, sending them reeling at different directions.
"Come on Zuzu...did you think you were the only one who learned a new trick?" asked a smiling Azula. Sending blast after blast of white fire at her enemies: none managing to counter it...not even the Avatar...their luck turning into misfortune as her Dai Li agents arrive, circling them.
'Victory fin-' Azula thought, before a pillar of light, shot up from nearby - the Avatar state.
The airbender appeared powerful with all that power at his fingertips, yet also Azula' shot lightning at him. Bringing down the mighty Avatar...falling.
Due to the fact that both the Dai Li and Zhan were watching the Avatar' fall happen, that they didn't notice the waterbender behind them...riding on a wave that knocked them out of the way.
'Time to end this!' thought Zhan, shaking the dizziness away and joining Azula in eliminating the waterbender, who was clutching the Avatar' broken body.
"Don'!" said Zuko, getting in-between of them and the girl.
"Is that your final" asked Azula, baiting him to see if he was dead-serious about betraying his lineage.
"...Yes...gimme your best shot...sister..." replied Zuko, ready for any strike thrown at him.
"Gladly," said Azula, ready to strike down her brother...but being being blocked by another fire blast from someone else - Iroh.
"You've got to get out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!" yelled the former General, covering Katara' and Zuko' escape, via a waterfall up. Before surrendering, the Dai Li covering him in crystal's soon enough.
'So close, yet so far,' thought Zhan, at this sudden turn of events...yet Azula seemed pleased and that was what mattered to him.
"We've done it Zhan. It has taken, a hundred years, but the Fire Nation has finally conquered Ba Sing Se!" exclaimed Azula, proud of herself for doing, what was thought to be impossible.
"Don't grow over-confident, Azula. The true bulk of the Fire Nation has yet to arrived," said Zhan. "But under current circumstances I think that it's so: the King overthrown, his General's captured, the secret-enforces yours to command. I believe you rule Ba Sing Se, in all but formality...which is a Fire Nation presence."
"I dreamed of accomplishing, something like this!" said Azula, rising from the her throne. "And now it is done.."
"Not quite..." said Zhan, removing a trinket, from a tiny compartment near his wrist.
"What are yo...ohhh..." stammered Azula, when she turned around and saw Zhan holding the last thing, she had expected in the world - a ring. It was golden ring, with an etched ruby in it.
"I know were supposed to be arranged...but I wanted us to have some free choice..." exclaimed Zhan, a little nervous. "I'm not much into sappy-stuff and I know neither are when we get the chance, may I have any honor of claiming your hand, my Princess?"
"I...I..I.." she stuttered, Azula couldn't get a word out, her cheeks a scarlet color.
"It's alright...I'm not forcing you into anything, you wouldn't choose...though we may not have that option...I wanted us to have our own engagement..." said Zhan, holding Azula' face between his hands.
"...okay now you are turning sappy..." replied Azula, easing into his touch.
"Sorry.." replied Zhan, shaking his head. Yet he felt Azula, easing her right-hand into the ring.
"Good-eye," replied Azula, eyeing the ring, wrapped around his neck.
"Thank you!" he replied, wrapping his arms around her waist. "...and don't worry...I sew a similar tiny pocket into your Royal armor...incase you need to hide it."
"You thought of everything?" she asked, leaning her head closer.
"Not this," he replied, kissing her on the lips.