
Fire Love

HOOK "Cyrus King.....What are you doing here..."- Anita was the first to react, hearing Anita call out "Cyrus". Andrea immediately turned to look at the newcomer. Andrea was surprised to face this man. Andrea remembered yesterday when she and he were in the same elevator.. "he intentionally..." Gray eyes stared at Cyrus, Andrea's hands clenched as if trying to control her emotions. "Calm down, be very calm...." Andrea reassured herself. - Wait.....Cyrus King, I will let you temporarily sit in that chair for a while, but as for the merger of HISMART into KINGKY, as long as I'm here, that will never happen. . With both hands slamming down on the table, Andrae stood up and looked at him sharply. She uttered cold words like an oath to herself. Before leaving, Andrea gently held the paper in front of him, then slowly tore the paper in half, then tore it smaller, then tossed it up so that not many pieces of paper fell. Many small pieces of paper competed to fall in mid-air. Everyone in the meeting room froze, they held their breath and waited. Andrea curled her lips and left the room in an extremely arrogant manner in front of many surprised and scared eyes. .......... Cyrus is the adopted son of a Mafia boss. Biological parents have passed away. Currently, Cyrus King is the son of Devil King. He is helping his father manage many large companies and is preparing to become the son-in-law of the Law family, the husband of Elena Law (Andrea's sister). Because Andrea's father had a history of heart disease, she followed his advice and returned home with her sister to study and work at the company even though she did not like business. Andrea knew her sister was getting married. When she returned home, she went with her to try on wedding dresses but never met him.

Mandy · Urbain
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11 Chs

The Conspiracy

After lunch, Andrea returned to her room. Now she finally had time to admire her room, which remained unchanged. The room was spacious and airy, with a prominent white tone. All the furnishings in the room were still in their original condition, but surprisingly, they showed no signs of dust despite the passing years. The room was also impeccably clean, most likely due to regular cleaning. Andrea couldn't help but reflect on what her grandmother had said during their meal. She had never been interested in business, but the conversation between the two of them before she came here made her ponder.

--Two months ago.--


Andrea was helping the maid prepare breakfast when she heard her name being called in a gentle voice.

"Yes, Grandma?"

"Come with me to the garden, dear..."

Andrea paused her work and walked over to the elderly woman, whose hair had turned silver but still exuded elegance and sophistication. She was Andrea's only granddaughter, and her grandmother always showered her with love and special attention. The grandmother only had two children, but now only Andrea's father and two grandsons remained. They would occasionally visit her on weekends, but ever since Andrea's father sent her here, her grandmother had been taken aback by her appearance. Though Andrea rarely smiled, she was not a mischievous child.

It had been seventeen years since Andrea came into her grandmother's life, and the presence of Andrea had lessened her grandmother's loneliness. In fact, her grandmother felt that Andrea's demeanor and character resembled her own daughter's, as if they were carbon copies. It must be said that her grandmother was the one who understood the inner struggles of her son-in-law and granddaughter the most. So today, she had to speak up. She couldn't bear to see the strained relationship between father and daughter for another ten years.


"Yes, Grandma..."

They walked together to the rose garden, which Andrea's mother had loved dearly. Andrea had heard her grandmother talk about how her mother used to personally plant and take care of this rose garden. Her mother had a deep affection for roses, and the vast garden was filled with an array of colors. It was divided into small sections, each with its own theme. Andrea often strolled through this expansive garden and had gotten to know the Juliet rose, the Sweet Chariot rose, the Blue Sky rose, the Crocus rose, and the White Tea rose.

Suddenly, her grandmother stopped in front of a bed of Misaki roses. Andrea remembered her grandmother's stories about how her mother adored this particular rose. The Misaki rose was exquisitely beautiful, resembling that of an angel. Its petals were always smooth and delicately folded, and its fragrance was as sweet as the cheeks of a young maiden in her prime. It didn't require extravagant decorations or excessive display; it had just enough to showcase its unique and elegant beauty. Andrea's mother had hoped that when she welcomed her child into the world, her child would be as gentle, sweet, and graceful as this rose.

Andrea stopped and looked at her grandmother. Indeed, she exuded an air of royalty and nobility. She was wearing a simple, long purple dress and a matching cardigan. Everything about her was simple, yet she looked regal because of her demeanor and words.

"I don't want you to blame your father anymore... Andrea, your father really cares and worries about you. Since he sent you here, not a single day has passed without him secretly calling to check on you."


"You blame him for bringing you here instead of keeping you by his side to take care of you, don't you? Haizzz.... the pain of being a parent. Since the day you were born, you've been missing your mother's embrace. Of course, your father had to love you even more, always filling in for your mother's absence. It's a huge responsibility for him, but he doesn't mind the difficulties of taking care of a child. He's afraid of you getting hurt, being teased by others, bullied by friends... remember when you were little and said you didn't want to go to school anymore? Your father had to endure the pain and send you here, trusting me to take care of you and protect you... Andrea, can you think of any other father who would sacrifice ten years of his life for the safety and well-being of his child?"

"Oh Grandmother... I've been blaming my father wrongly... I should've realized sooner..."

Tears welled up in her eyes as Andrea listened to her grandmother's words. She remembered when she was four years old, completely isolated and refusing to set foot in school.

"I understand now... I heard Elena say that Phillip is getting older, and his heart condition keeps recurring... Although in my heart, I really want to stay by your side and be your companion, I can't selfishly keep you here. It's been 17 years. Andrea, you should arrange to go back and help and take care of your father..."

Andrea embraced her grandmother tightly, realizing just how understanding and affectionate she was.


"I will miss you so much, Grandmother..."

Andrea regretfully hugged her grandmother, while the driver helped her with her luggage into the car.

"Silly girl... we have modern technology now. If you miss me, just make a phone call and the longing will disappear... you are my beloved granddaughter..."

Her grandmother patted her head and laughed. She laughed happily, but there was bitterness in the corners of her eyes. Andrea was already over 20 years old, a beautiful and graceful young woman, yet she still behaved like a child, always seeking comfort from her grandmother. If Andrea returned to her home country, this place would definitely become empty and sad.

"Alright... get in the car quickly, don't be late for your flight... and send my regards to your father..."

As the car left through the grand gate, the waving arm bidding farewell came to a halt. Her grandmother wiped away her tears, her beloved granddaughter...

"Madam, Madam couldn't bear to be apart from Miss. Why didn't Madam keep Miss here?"

The servant standing next to her spoke.

"I have taken care of and raised Andrea for 17 years, which means my granddaughter and her father have been separated for 17 years. Although I didn't want Andrea to leave, I can't selfishly separate them any longer. It's time for me to return my daughter to Phillip. If not, Rosabella in heaven will blame me... ha ha... come inside now..."

--Returning to the present--

Recollecting what her grandmother had said to her and the knowledge she had acquired, Andrea hoped that she could help her father and support her sister in some way. However, Andrea never gave up on her passion.

"Let's get started..."

Although Andrea was always quiet and reserved, her spirit seemed to be more optimistic as she spoke those words aloud. She then proceeded to tidy up her room. It was almost afternoon, and it seemed like she should start preparing to go to the company to start her new job.

When it came to business, Andrea was starting from scratch, but she had made the decision to return home, fulfill her mother's last wishes, and her father's desires. She had diligently researched and learned a little, accumulating some experience from her two cousins, whom she admired for their business acumen. Despite their praise, Andrea always underestimated herself and kept this hidden.


"Andrea, are you ready?"

"I'm coming."

As Andrea opened the door, she saw Elena waiting for her. True to her position as the PCT of HISMART, Elena exuded a professional aura, wearing a long-sleeved V-neck blouse paired with a pencil skirt that had a touch of vintage lace, sleek black high heels, and her long straight black hair cascading down her back naturally.

"Hey, sis..."


Elena was admiring her younger sister. Andrea was dressed in a simple outfit, a pastel pink tie-neck blouse paired with black trousers and black high-heeled sandals.

"You really look like a working lady, completely different from the soon-to-be-married woman."

It was rare for Andrea to playfully tease her sister like this. Perhaps it was the comfortable atmosphere at home that made her feel more relaxed and natural. Andrea gazed at Elena for a while. Elena's light makeup made her look gentle and charming, without concealing her powerful executive presence.

"You're also...you're not any different from me. Just wearing 5-inch heels makes you taller than me. I'm at a disadvantage here. And look at you, so radiant...Don't come too close to me."

Elena stomped her foot in mock anger, and then both of them burst into laughter. Andrea knew that her sister always had a playful side.

"By the way, how tall are you?"

"I checked, it seems like I'm 5'9"..."

"Wow...ideal height...I envy you...Okay, let's not be late. We still have to arrange things for Hai Nam."

Elena wrinkled her nose at Andrea, and then they both walked down the stairs, with Elena realizing that she had been wrinkling her nose without touching anything..."you're not wearing any makeup?" Oh my, if Andrea wasn't her beloved little sister, she would definitely be her enemy, as she envied everything about her, as everything about her was so perfect.

"Both Andrea and I will go to the company, Dad. You stay at home and have dinner with Uncle Lam Ha."

"Little An, do your best at work, my daughter...I believe in you."

Listening to her father's words of encouragement, Andrea nodded and received Elena's "assurance." Tomorrow was her wedding day with Cyrus, so she wanted to have everything finished and settled, including her work at the company.

"Tomorrow is a big day for you, sis. You have to be the most beautiful."

Andrea said as she sat in the car. Although she didn't know who her future brother-in-law was, she didn't bother to find out much. Before returning home, Andrea was extremely busy, juggling her internship and arranging her transfer.

"Oh, there you go, always so witty."

"And isn't the groom supposed to pick up the bride? How insincere."

Andrea teased Elena, of course, it was just a casual remark, but it made Elena's ears turn red.

"He's busy preparing for the wedding, and besides, you still have to accompany your dear little sister to work."

Elena teased back, thinking it would be good to help Andrea settle into the company. She was afraid that after getting married, Andrea would be too busy between KINGKY and Hismart and wouldn't have time to guide or help her anymore.

"Wow...seems like the groom is very thoughtful."

Elena drove both of them to the company. The yellow scratched letters of HISMART were embedded on the granite, with the information and address below. She looked around, surprised to find that the place was much larger than she had expected.

Andrea and Elena entered the main lobby, but before stepping in, Elena suddenly recognized the familiar figure of a young man. Wasn't he supposed to be at work this afternoon? Why did he look so confused, dressed neatly in office attire, carrying a briefcase in one hand?

"Hai Nam... why aren't you going inside?"

Elena was taken aback. Didn't she arrange everything properly yesterday?

"I did go in, but they said they didn't know me and this is my first time here."

"I understand, wait for me for a moment."

Seeing Hai Nam hesitate, Elena understood why. Did she fire them? Did she have a bad attitude? With just a phone call, in less than 5 minutes, a girl with lightly curly chestnut hair, wearing glasses and a fashion style quite similar to Elena's, appeared. She wore a red pencil skirt with a white button-up shirt.

"Did you call for me?"

"Can you help me take Hai Nam to the HR department for his onboarding? Oh, he's an architect by the way. I'll take Andrea to the meeting room first."

Elena said. After a brief introduction, Hai Nam followed Anita and went to the HR department to start his job. Before leaving, he looked back at Elena with a grateful gaze.

Andrea admired her older sister once again. She truly exuded authority, and her demeanor was impressive. Unlike Andrea, who only had contact with scalpels and medical equipment in her environment. As a surgeon, she often held a scalpel as easily as one would hold a knife and fork.

Through the introduction of her sister and the support of other shareholders, Andrea easily took on her role and Elena arranged for Anita to assist her. Andrea learned that the girl earlier, Anita, was Elena's secretary and also her close friend.

Anita stood by Andrea's side throughout the day, as she had been informed by her friend that Andrea was new to the business world and unfamiliar with this kind of work.

But Anita had some doubts about Andrea's capabilities. She had a different impression of her.

Time flew by quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already almost 5 PM.

"Haizzzz... finally, it's done," Anita sighed, more out of boredom than anything else. She had finished guiding Andrea and was now free of any tasks because Andrea had followed her instructions perfectly. The information Elena provided was accurate, but Anita still had to confirm it with her friend later.

"Knock, knock..."

"Come in," Anita invited.

Elena walked in with her handbag, looking at the two people in front of her. Andrea was focused on her laptop screen, while Anita sat beside her. Upon hearing Elena's words, Anita immediately rolled her eyes.

"Ugh... it's just because I've been idle, that's why I'm tired. Elena, I need to confirm if the information you gave me is correct..."

Anita stood up and walked over to Elena.

"What do you mean? Did my sister do something to upset you?" Elena felt a pang of worry and confusion at Anita's words.

"Is it true that Andrea knows nothing about business? I only gave her a brief overview, but she did so well that I ended up sitting here and relaxing by myself."

Anita praised Andrea.

"Anita is right, Andrea, you're really talented. Dad will be proud of you."

"Both of you are too kind to me," Andrea smiled. Her smile was so captivating that even Anita couldn't help but be mesmerized. She looked beautiful no matter what she did. With the encouragement from Elena and Anita, Andrea closed her laptop and prepared to leave. The three of them walked through the large lobby, catching the attention of everyone.

"Hey, who's that girl over there? She looks so unfamiliar," employee 1 whispered.

"You mean the tallest girl? She's stunning, and her height is ideal too," employee 2 replied.

"Nonsense... I meant what is she doing here? We didn't have any announcements about partners or special guests today... I think I saw her earlier in the morning too," employee 3 chimed in.

"She looks simple, but she has a 'western' vibe. // That's right, she must be from some noble lineage, you can tell just by looking at her eyes..."


There were so many discussions about her, but Anita looked at Elena, who looked at Andrea, who was walking silently. Anita shrugged her shoulders lightly to indicate that it wasn't important.

Although there were only three of them, there were two cars because Anita had driven herself to work that day. The three of them went to a wedding dress shop, where Elena and Anita had made appointments in advance. They were just there to pick up the dresses.

After trying on the dresses, Elena received a phone call and Anita indicated that she wanted to go with her.

"Andrea, can you drive home?"

"No problem. You two go ahead if you have something to do. I'll choose my dress and then drive back."

While Elena and Anita were trying on dresses, Andrea received a phone call from a friend who wanted to consult her about a research project. Andrea's friend was quite clever, so they ended up talking for more than 15 minutes. When she hung up, Andrea noticed that her sisters seemed worried.

Elena handed Andrea the car keys before she and Anita left with their packaged garments. Andrea was now alone in this place, surrounded by a dazzling array of dresses. After a quick glance, she finally settled on a two-tiered lace gown in mint green, adorned with a high collar, flared sleeves, and a bow detail. She entered the fitting room to try it on.

About 5 minutes later, Andrea emerged, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. The staff members standing behind her couldn't help but smile and compliment her.

"Lewis Miss, this dress suits you very well," one of the staff members said.

"Thank you, but please call me Andrea," she replied.

"Andrea, then."

"Oh, the beautiful benefactor..."

As the voice sounded somewhat childish, everyone turned to see a girl wearing an off-shoulder white top, paired with white shorts, white Nike sneakers, and her hair tied in a ponytail. She had a youthful and elegant face, and she carried a crossbody bag as she made her way towards Andrea.

Andrea remained silent, studying the girl in front of her. After a moment, she recognized her.

"You're beautiful. I didn't expect to see you here," Mandy exclaimed happily. Earlier in the day, she had felt sorry for not being able to invite Andrea for a meal. Now, she couldn't pass up the opportunity to get to know her better.

"Oh... please don't call me that. Just call me Andrea," she insisted. Andrea was quite impressed by this girl. Despite her expensive attire, she didn't carry herself like a wealthy young lady. Instead, she exuded a lively and mischievous energy.

"Alright then... I'm Mandy Claire King, 18 years old. You can call me Mandy for a closer bond," Mandy said cheerfully.

Andrea smiled and nodded, secretly exchanging a knowing smile with the staff members. Indeed, Mandy was incredibly adorable.

Because Mandy was younger and had a friendly and approachable demeanor, Andrea understood her intentions and responded.

"I'm Andrea Lewis, 27 years old. You can call me Andrea."

"Andrea, I think this dress looks beautiful on you. I also plan to choose a dress for my brother's wedding. Would you like to stay and help me pick one?"

Mandy made the suggestion to Andrea, still not having gotten her phone number and wanting to invite her for a meal.

Andrea glanced at her watch and then nodded at Mandy.

"But you have to wait for me to change out of this dress first."

"Oh my."

Her voice was somewhat cool but gentle, making it pleasant to listen to.

"Hey, did you all see how beautiful she is? I thought she was like a real-life angel..."

Mandy's words made the staff members cover their mouths to suppress their laughter. They had just heard that Mandy was 18 years old, yet her behavior was so cute and childlike, especially now as her eyes darted towards the fitting room or her hand rested on her left chest, leaning back and forth, displaying the same excitement one would have when meeting their idol.

After helping Mandy choose a suitable dress for her petite figure, the two of them went out for dinner before Andrea finally dropped Mandy off at her house. It seemed that Andrea and Mandy had a great conversation and shared a common passion for medicine.

From the balcony on the second floor, where he was discussing something with his assistant, his hands in his pockets, his face cold and distant, his gaze focused on the MXM parked right outside the gate. "Wasn't that Elena's car?"

Suddenly, Cyrus spotted his little sister getting out of the car, carrying a bag in her hand and still giggling without any signs of stopping, waving goodbye with her right hand. He had never allowed Elena to come here, so why did she bring his sister back with her???

"Go and do as I just said."

He uttered the words coldly, and his subordinate respectfully greeted him before leaving, while Mandy happily walked upstairs.


"Yes, Bro."

"Where have you been all afternoon? And why did you ask the driver to bring you back?"

Cyrus spoke in a warm but still icy tone. Mandy was used to her brother's demeanor by now.

"I went to visit the school and prepare for enrollment. Then I went to the fashion store, followed by dinner with Andrea. And now I'm here."

Mandy lowered her head and recounted her afternoon activities, knowing that if she wasn't honest, her brother would find out anyway.


"She's the lady who helped me that morning..."

Every time Andrea was mentioned, Cyrus could see the sparkle in his little sister's eyes.

"It seems like you really appreciate your benefactor."

Cyrus just commented, knowing well what kind of person he was, enigmatic, dangerous, with eyes that seemed to penetrate deep into others. And Mandy was such a carefree and innocent girl, so naturally, her thoughts were written all over her face. Unexpectedly, he received a long list of details from Mandy, about how friendly Andrea was, how she helped her choose clothes, how they went out to eat, and how Andrea even gave her contact information and brought her back home. It almost seemed like Mandy was showing off to him. He turned around and walked outside, smirking lightly.

"So, you really cherish Andrea?"

Cyrus asked, but he already knew the answer. Perhaps Mandy was just like him, captivated by that special gaze.

"It's true that you cherish her... It's a pity that I already have Elena, otherwise I would have loved for Andrea to be my sister-in-law."

Mandy was still enthusiastically expressing her thoughts, not lying at all. It was true that she cherished Andrea, not just because she helped her, but because of the allure that Andrea possessed, the allure in her eyes and the pure beauty within her. How should she put it... Mandy kept talking, forgetting to look at her brother's expression.

"You must be tired after being out all afternoon. Go rest in your room."

His voice dropped, cold and chilling. Mandy suddenly shivered and felt confused, but quickly went back to her room.

Only he remained, standing still without any other expression. He was quite satisfied with what Mandy had said, until she mentioned Elena and the wedding tomorrow. His face immediately changed, emitting a cold aura from his body.

"Tomorrow, the Lewis family will be very happy..." Cyrus sneered, before turning and heading back to his room.