
Fire Force: Demonic Combustion

A child named Akushi Tanahara grew up in a abusive household. He was beat by his mother, father, and his older sister. Mainly being used as a pet or servant. He never knew why he was treated the way he was. He grew up doing as they said and even then he was treated as trash, even the people around him held some hatred for him and he didn’t know why. That all ended when he was 12 years old. His mom, dad, and sister were enveloped in flames and he supposedly died. I will always hate harems and polygamy so don’t ask for it. I don’t really know what direction this will be going in, but hey imma do what feels right. Like in my other ff, you can keep your bitching to yourselves, but any real questions and things you’re interested in I don’t mind answering. There will be a lot of gore. I don’t own shit, but my OC’s. Enjoy or not idrc

God_Of_Hate · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Spirit Linking

"This is not hell. This is not limbo. Nor is this heaven. This place is my prison." The Fire said in a deep gruff voice.

What does it mean prison?

"Why are you in prison?" I asked. The fear I felt had been replaced with a semblance of calmness. I'm fact I felt like being here was natural.

"That's none of your business. How did you enter this place?" It asked.

"I died and was sent here." I said in a low tone.

"You can't be dead and in this place at the same time. If that was so, you would have been removed immediately, so I'll ask again. How did you get here?" It asked me this time more in a stern voice.

Wait, I'm not dead? Then how did I get here? Why am I here to begin with?

"So you truly don't know?"

"I don't. I thought I was dead." I said looking at my hands.

Wait. If I'm alive that means once this dream is over…I-I'll have to live there again.

My head hung low and I bit my lip to stop the quivering, but my eyes got watery and I started crying. In the silence of this prison I cried and cried for as long as I could.

I don't want to live there anymore.

Why is this even happening to me?

Why can't I die?

I hate living there, no I just hate being alive.

Thoughts ran through my head and in this place were I was weightless I curled up in a ball shaking and crying, till my eyes ran dry and I fell asleep.


—unknown amount of time later—

Waking up I was still in this dark space feeling weightless. If it wasn't for the fact that I was floating this pitch black scene would look just like my room.

It seemed that the fire I saw before was gone and I was left here alone. Floating in this endless void.

"So you're still here?" I heard a familiar voice.

"So are you. I thought you were some sort of hallucination." I said plainly.

"Quite the tone to be taking for a mere human." The voice said.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?"

"…" The voice went quiet as it looked at me.

"Why are you like this?" The voice asked.

"Family issues and you, why are you here?" I asked flipping my body to look at the face.

"…I was imprisoned here by a god who deemed me evil. I've been here for as long as I could remember." He said after a moment of silence.

"Were you evil?" I asked him. If he was then him being locked up would be understandable, but that would have me wondering why I'm here even more.

"I was not evil, but when I was around bad things happened or would happen. I was seen as bad luck amongst other spirits and so I was imprisoned." He explained.

"So they put you away because bad things happened around you. Well I was given away to people and bad things happened to me, so it's almost like the exact opposite of you." I said.

"I guess it is." The voice said.

There was a moment of silence, before I spoke again.

"I want to kill them."


"My parents, the townspeople, the whole city. I want to kill them all. Do you ever want to get out of here and kill the spirit that locked you up?" I asked.

"YES!! All the time I think about how I'd kill them if I got out of this place IF could I got out of this place, but this prison was made to specifically keep spirits in and remove them when their life was over." He said.

I jumped when it yelled at first, but then a thought ran through my head.

"You said this place was to keep spirits right, but you also said that I'm still alive right?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes, that means right now you're in some type of spiritual form." He answered.

"To think they beat me so bad it knocked the soul out my body. hehe."

"Hmmm" I heard him hum and I looked up at the face with raised eyebrows.

"I think I have a solution to both of our problems. If I bonded with your spiritual form then that should awaken you to the "real" world. As of now it's like you're in a coma." He said.

"How will that help?" I asked.

"You may not know this, but your spiritual form is, well, lacking in the actual spirit department. The reason you aren't awake yet is because your spirit is too weak to find your body. If I merged with it then we could find you body and both of us would be free." He said.

"I see, is there any risk involved in this?" I asked.

"Partially. Basically I'll be integrated into your soul, so this will hurt. I also can't just completely merge or you will die. And lastly, you won't exactly be human anymore."

"What do you mean "won't exactly be human?""

"You'll become part spirit and part demon." He answered.

"So I'll have power at the cost of being human. I don't care about being human…but I need power and I want power. So how do we merge?" I asked with my chest swelling with a new feeling of hope and excitement.

"I have to give you my name. Just say it with the bit of spirit you have and I'll do the rest."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Akuma."

"AKUMA!!" Yelling that name I felt some type of energy flow around my body and then I saw some of the fire moving like a thread into my body.

The first thing I felt was unbearable pain. It felt like someone took gasoline and filled the inside of my body with it and sat it on fire. For some reason I couldn't scream and I couldn't cry, because I was out of tears.

Instead I grit my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut till the pain was over.


—unknown amount of time later—

The pain was gone and I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was the flaming face of Akuma.

"What the hell happened?" I asked. Why was he still here? Why are we still here!?!

"Calm down. I couldn't fully merge with you because it would damage your spirit instead of helping it. I could merge just enough to awaken you and increase your physical capabilities."

"Then why am I still here?" I asked.

"Because your soul is finding your body. It's not where you thought you died. A part of my consciousness is within you, now goodbye. We shall speak again when you are in a state of peace." He said as his voice faded.

I was about to call his name when I was pulled out of the prison and I felt myself in my body again. This time though, it wasn't hurt and I didn't feel weak.

My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I saw was nothing, but incredibly tall trees. I looked below me and saw that I was in what looked like a flowing stream of water.

"Where am I now?" I looked over my body and saw that all my cuts were healed completely of left behind scars.

Standing up I looked at my reflection in the water. I looked the same.

"What changed?" I asked looking at my hands.

I should be stronger right?

I went to any tree that was close and was about to punch it but the second I clenched my fist my head felt like it was going to be crushed.

Clenching my head I fell to my knees as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.


Regaining my vision I heard loud murmurs almost like someone was making a decision. I could feel that I was laying on the ground in curled up ball. My body was hurting all over and I could feel the familiar feeling of broken bones.

"We should kill him!!"

"No, imprison him for eternity!!"

"I say we just destroy him right here right now!!"

"Disgrace to all spirits. How could you be born just to cause destruction!!"

People kept yelling about wanting me dead and then they said spirit. Then I knew, I was experiencing a bit of what Akuma went through.

Coming to that realization, I felt a pull on my body and I opened my eyes. I was back in the real world and my body was actually mine again. I leaned up against the tree and calmed down.

"Even spirits are like humans. Seems like they don't understand a thing." I muttered.

I got up and looked at the tree. Pulling my arm back I balled up my fist as tight as possible and with all my strength I launched it towards the tree.

The tree immediately buckled and was knocked down. It felt like I was punching a hole through a hollow door. My body looked like it wasn't malnourished like before and I looked like a normal six year old boy.

My question was how did I end up out here anyways?