
Fire Emblem: The Lion's Blade

A young man with black hair is reincarnated into the world of Fire Emblem. Born in the kingdom of Bern, he chases his dream of being the strongest.

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Chapter 7: The First Mission

It's been two years since I started my training. I'm 12 years old now and I have 8 more years till the storyline begins with Ludgren's ploy for power.

I had finished my training for the day when Brendan called me over.

"Percy you're doing a great job with your training. Lloyd has been telling me that you've been committing 100% of yourself into it."

'If only you knew old man.' I say thinking about the hell Zelgius and Gawain are putting me through.

I shudder just thinking about it. Who even makes someone fight knights with just their fists? What a bunch of psychopaths.

"The training ain't that bad!" Brendan says patting my back. Wait when did he get behind me? "Now the reason I called you in here. You're going on your first mission." He says looking towards the door. "Lloyd will be going with you to watch over you."

"Don't mess up on your first mission and give us a bad name." A hand lands on my shoulder. "Lloyd what did I say about sneaking up and scaring me." A tick mark appearing on my head. His hand moves from my shoulder to my head ruffling my hair. "What kind of older brother would I be if I

didn't bother you?"

"Good point I guess."

His hand continued to ruffle my hair. "Well if you two are done playing around your job is to take out a bandit camp. They've attacked the village of Bernard and some others in that area. You can take whoever you want with you Percy. Except for Linus."

"Why can't I take Linus with me?"

"If I let you take Linus, he'd do all the work. You two know how much like me he is!" Brendan says laughing to himself.

"Alright I'll go get some people to go with me. What's the strongest warrior they have?" I say looking to Lloyd. "I know he isn't going just to look after me."

"That's my little brother. At least one of you is a thinker. They have a berserker that I will be taking care of." Lloyd says with a smirk. 'I forgot everyone in this family was a battle maniac.'

"Let's go pick out some people then for the fight."

"Before you go you need a weapon now. You can use that wooden thing everywhere." Brendan says while bending over a box. He pulls out a slim sword.

"Really that tiny thing?"

"At your height this thing is your best bet at winning a fight. Especially since you aren't used to an actual weapons weight yet." Brendan puts the sword in front of me and I pick it up. 'No point in telling him about all the training I've done in the dungeon world.'

I walk out of the building and head towards the canteen looking for members. On my way there I run into a robed figure. "Teodor! I need your help with a mission."

"The figure looks up from his book and looks at me. "You need me for a mission? You're already being sent on one? I suppose an early age is the best time to get power. What I would do for that opportunity." Teodor says mumbling the last two sentences.

"Okay… well I do need your help. I have a mission to take out a bandit camp and Lloyd's coming with me."

"Hmm… I'll come with you, but you have to get Brendan to let me study Valor for longer."

"I don't know about letting him give you more time studying the Dread Isles, but I can see what I can do for you."

"It's a deal then young one."

"Thanks, Teodor! We're meeting at the gate in two hours see you then!"

I run off to enter the canteen and look for Uhai. I see him sitting down eating while Jerme and Pascal argue over something. "Uhai I need your help with a mission!"

He puts his food down and looks at me. "He's already sending you on a mission? I suppose that makes sense. Lloyd went on his first when he was 9. Okay. I'll help you, but only when you need it."

"Alright thank you! That's all I needed to hear. So, I have Lloyd, Teodor, and Uhai coming with me… Do I need anyone else?"

"Uhai where's Legault at?"

"He should be by the bar drinking away his problems or trying to find some score to rob." Uhai says going back to his meal.

"Thanks, Uhai! We're meeting by the gate in two hours!" I say running out and towards the bar.

Legault a member of the Black Fang since it's inception. He joined as a thief and an assassin. An actual assassin not like Linus and Lloyd who aren't classed as assassins. His nickname is the Hurricane and he's had before he joined us. His job normally is taking out anybody that betrays the Black Fang. He isn't well liked because of his job, but he isn't a bad guy. Just misguided.

"Legault! I need your help with a mission!" I say as soon as enter the bar. Sitting at the bar is Legault who dropped his drink hearing his name yelled loudly. "Oi kid what did I say about surprising me!" He says wiping at his clothes. I run up to him and sit down beside him. "I need your help with taking out a bandit camp. So, what do you say? Are you in?"

"Kid if it gets you off my back then yes, but don't ask me to do it again." He says with a tick mark. He picks up his drink to go for another shot.

"You know if you keep talking like that you aren't going to get married?" Legault drops his drink on himself again. "We're meeting at the gate in two hours! See you then, Legault!"

"Oi kid watch it or else I'm coming after you next!"

'This should be an easy mission with the crew I have assembled. Even then if it gets rough, I can summon Gawain or Zelgius to help me out.'


You can skip this part. It's just stats and abilities for anybody that wants to see them.


Name: Percival Reeds

Title: One-Eyed Blade

Race: Branded

Class / Level: Myrmidon / 5

(The number at the end are the stats at level 5.)

HP 18/20/21/23/25

SP 10/12/14/15/15

STR 8/10/12/13/15

MAG: 3/5/6/8/9

SKL: 12/13/14/16/18

SPD: 12/14/16/18/20

LCK: 3/5/7/9/11

DEF: 4/6/8/10/12

RES: 0/1/2/2/3

CON: 5











RETIREMENT FUND (LV MAX) - (For any currency the host has access to the Host receives a 1% increase at the end of the day.)

APTITUDE (LV MAX) – (Host now has 20% added to their growth rates.)

PARAGON (LV MAX) – (Doubles all experience gained.)

DESPOIL (LV MAX) – (Host obtains a Bullion (S) when they defeat an enemy. Based on Luck)



UNBREAKABLE (LV MAX) – Any weapon held by the host does not lose durability.

SPEEDTAKER (LV 1) – When Host defeats an enemy, they gain 2 speed. A maximum of 5 stacks. Resets per encounter.

LIMIT BREAKER (LV 1) – Host's maximum stat's are increased by 10.

REPLICATE (LV 1) – Host creates a clone of themselves that has the exact same stats.

DISCIPLINE (LV MAX) – Host receives double the amount of weapon skill experience.

LION KING'S BLADE TECHNIQUE (LV 5) – Host can use multiple different styles that have been optimized to fit together. Has unique forms.

DEADEYE BOW TECHNIQUE (LV 5) – Host has a hard time missing a shot. Has unique forms.

KING'S DEMOLISHER AXE TECHNIQUE (LV 4) – Host has the capabilities of smashing through the armor of any being in his way when wielding an axe. Has unique forms.

SKY PIERCER LANCE TECHNIQUE (LV 4) – Host has the jump ability to hunt down flyers if the host is wielding a lance. They can throw spears with enough might to create rifts in clouds and in the sky. Has unique forms for ground based and air-based combat.


Slim Sword x1 (Equipped)

Vanguard Brand x1

Black Fang Necklace x1 (Equipped)

Star Jacinth Ring x1 (Equipped)

Here's the next chapter!

2 of 3.

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