
Fire Emblem: The Lion's Blade

A young man with black hair is reincarnated into the world of Fire Emblem. Born in the kingdom of Bern, he chases his dream of being the strongest.

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37 Chs

Chapter 30: Retaking the Castle

Seeing Ephidel leave I step out of the shadow of Lord Hausen. Leila looks at me in shock, but I ignore her and bend down to look at the old man. I let out a sigh seeing my hand did block the strike on him.

"Lord Hausen, you can get up now. The assassin and Darin are gone." He starts to get up with my help.

"Wha-" Leila says looking at me look she saw a ghost. Lord Hausen looks at her and then back to me with a questioning look.

"She's one of Ostia's spies. She was also an old friend of mine, from back when I was a mercenary." I say coming up with an excuse as to why I know her. "Leila look after him. I'll deal with the intruders." I pull out a bandage from my bag and wrap my wounded hand. I head towards the door to deal with the intruders.

"Be careful out there Percival." Lord Hausen says, before returning to a chair.

I rush out of the room and immediately run into a group of Laus soldiers. In front of me is a man dressed in general garb along with three knights. The man in general's armor looks at me with a confused look before pointing his spear at me. "You! Where did you come from?"

Ignoring his question, I rush into the group. A hand on my sword summons a sphere of blades around one of the knights killing him instantly.

'3 left.'

I parry a spear from one of the knights and use it to pierce the other one.

'2 left.'

I dash forward at the knight and pierce through his armor killing him instantly.

"Now then… All that's left is you…" I say looking at the general.

"Hmph. You will learn to fear the might of Laus! I am Bernard, Knight Commander of Laus!" He says moving towards me in his heavy armor.

I dodge all of his slow spear strikes and I land a strike on his arm.

"Tsk!" The knight exclaims. Twirling his spear his tries to pierce me, but I step to the side. My hand on my sword aiming to pierce his armor. The spear connects with part of my armor but skids off. My sword pierces his plates. He pulls himself closer to me so he can punch me. He swings at me, missing his strike. His last breaths taken on my blade.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn to look at the group of people entering. Among them I see Eliwood and Hector's group.

"Percival!" I hear a voice shout out as I see Lyn run towards me pulling me into an embrace.

"Hey, Lyn. We're all right." I say returning the hug. My hand on her head staining her hair with blood.

Eliwood and Hector approach with the rest of their group and look at the room around us.

"Did you-" Hector starts to ask but stops when he sees me nod.

"Let's go in. Lord Hausen is in the back room." I say removing myself from Lyn, but she keeps her arms wrapped around mine not letting me go.

I give her a look, but she ignores it continues walking with me. Eliwood giggles behind me as Hector looks on confused.

We reach the backroom and enter it. Lyn sees blood on the floor and looks to see a trail of blood. "Grandfather!" She screams out.

"I'm all right Lyndis. The blood is not mine." He says walking over to us.

She looks him over for wounds and doesn't find any. She lets out a sigh of relief. Before she finishes she spots a purple haired woman exit the shadows.

"You… Leila!" Hector says recognizing her instantly.

"Yes, it's me, Lord Hector. It's been a long time." She responds with a bow.

"You know her?" Eliwood says looking to him.

"Yes, her name's Leila. She… works for Ostia…" Eliwood stares a bit harder at Hector and he cracks. "All right, she's a spy."

Leila smiles at the wary faces the other two lords show her. "Lord Eliwood of Pherae and Lady Lyndis of Caelin, correct? I am Leila. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Leila what are you doing here?" Hector says with a confused look.

"I… I'm following Lord Uther's orders. I'm investigating Marquess Pherae's disappearance." She says trying not to reveal her full mission.

"My father? What have you learned?" Eliwood says with hope in his eyes.

"Come with me. We should talk in private." Leila says looking at the group outside the door.

We walk away from the group while Leila glares at me. Lyn notices this but decides to ask about it later.

We enter a private room with me, Lyn, Hector and Eliwood.

"Let me start with my conclusion." Leila says looking at the lords. "Marquess Pherae… is alive." She pauses trying to find the proper words.

"Whoooo! Eliwood!" Hector shouts patting Eliwood's back.

"That's wonderful!" Lyn says with a smile happy his father is still alive.

"Are you sure?"

"I've been posing as a member of the Black Fang for more than a year. That's where I got this information. I have reason to believe it is true." Leila adds before giving me a quick glance. Lyn also looks at me with worry hearing about the group I used to work for. Eliwood stunned by the information doesn't notice their gazes, but Hector does. Deciding to hold onto that question for now he looks to Eliwood.

"They're the assassins guild that Erik spoke of." Eliwood puts in clarifying it for everyone else.

"Yes, we've known of their existence for quite some time."

"Explain." Hector says unaware of the group's true motives.

"The Black Fang is a guild of assassins that gained recognition ten or so years ago. They were founded by a man named Brendan Reeds. They're based in Bern. Their arms reached quickly in several other countries. Originally, they targeted only nobles who abused their positions. The masses saw them as chivalrous, defenders of the common man. Their activities found wide support." Leila says with occasional pauses.

"Chivalrous…" Hector says with a scoff. I ignore his scoff and let her continue.

"Then about six or seven years ago he met a woman. When he met that woman, their operations started to slowly change. Now they'll take on any target, no matter how difficult, as long as they're paid. And they're no longer killing only criminals; anyone is a fair target.

Lyn tightens her grip on my arm and looks at Leila. "Is this Black Fang responsible for what happened here?"

"Yes." Lyn looks at me, but Leila continues. "We've learned of a mystery man named Nergal, behind Reeds' wife. It seems the Black Fang is performing secret tasks across Lycia for Nergal. Nergal's trusted retainer Ephidel is with Marquess Laus. He manipulated Laus into hatching the rebellion plot against Ostia. The first to answer Laus's call for rebellion was Marquess Santaruz." She pauses for a moment before saying "Next was Lord Elbert, Marquess Pherae."

"You're telling me that my father endorsed this plan?"

"I cannot say. I do know that he is with Marquess Laus currently. In a place called… the Dragon's Gate." She continues.

"Dragon's Gate? Where is that?" Eliwood asks.

"On an isle called Valor, off the southern coast of Lycia. I apologize, but that is all the information I have." Leila bows.

"Of all places to be, Valor… Blast!" Hector exclaims.

"What kind of place is it?" Lyn says never hearing about it previously on the plains.

"It's said that those who step onto the island never return. The common folk call it the Dread Isle. If that's where my father is, however, I will go and find him. And this 'Dragon's Gate', too!"

Hector and Lyn both nod. "I'm going with you. I'll tell you right now, you can't stop me." Hector says and Lyn follows up. "I'm also going."

"Lyndis I appreciate your kindness, but… Shouldn't you stay with Marquess Caelin?" Eliwood says glancing at me.

"Laus must be stopped. Otherwise, they might target my grandfather again. I also wish to help Eliwood's father. Losing a parent… It's an unbearable pain. It's something I'd rather you didn't have to feel yet." Lyn says with a depressed look.

"Kid, you're about to rush into a place where people don't come back and you think you'll get rid of me that easily? If I don't come with you, who's going to look after you brats."

"Percival… Lyndis… Hector. Thank you. You give me strength."

Hector shakes his head. "Don't mention it."

"We're friends. It's what friends do, Eliwood." Lyn adds in.

"I'll look after you three no matter what." I say with a smile.

"I'm also going to continue searching. Lady Lyndis, I think it would be prudent to let the world think Maruqess Caelin is dead." Leila adds in.

Lyn starts to nod. "There's no point in that. Lady Madelyn is still alive, and they will come after her instead. I have a few people that can guard them while we're gone." I say with a smile.

The three lords and Leila look at me with a strange look. "What?" They all stop looking at me continue speaking.

"Leila!" Hector says grabbing her attention. "Nergal and this… Ephidel? What are they like?"

"I've yet to lay eyes on Nergal. I've spoken to Ephidel on several occasions, however. He's… eerie. He always wears a cloak that covers his face. And yet…" Leila pauses trying to find the right words.

"What is it?" Hector says impatiently.

"His eyes glow golden… You can't miss them. They seem… inhuman." Leila says as a final statement.

As we exit the room, I see Matthew approach Leila. Looking at the two of them with a smile, I walk away with Lyn to get my wound treated.


"Is that you, Leila?" Matthew says approaching her.

"Matthew. It's been a long time."

"What have you been doing? More dangerous work?"

"We're spies, Matthew. Everything we do is dangerous."

"That's true. So how long do you think this mission's going to last?"

"My objective is the same as yours: to rescue Marquess Pherae. If things go well, I'll be in Ostia at the same time as you are."

"Is that so? You need to visit my hometown."

Is this where you were born? Why?" Leila says questioning him.

"…" He gains a small blush. "To meet my parents."

"Hm? Matthew…" Leila says a little stunned at that.

"Ha ha. Well, that's that! See you." Matthew says rushing off.

"As slippery as ever… Didn't even wait for my reply." A small smile on her face.