
Fire Emblem: The Lion's Blade

A young man with black hair is reincarnated into the world of Fire Emblem. Born in the kingdom of Bern, he chases his dream of being the strongest.

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37 Chs

Chapter 11: Planning Ahead

'Well I left the Black Fang without a plan…' I think to myself as I enter a bar near the border of Bern and Lycia.

'It'll take me 5 or so months just to get to the Sacae… I could always take a detour in Pharae and then head there. I can't go to Caelin and Ostia due to the distance…'

'I don't want Lyn to lose her parents… but she won't start her journey without that loss…'

'Ah fuck it. If I don't save her parents, then what was the point of coming here!'

'System map out a path to the Lorca Tribe in Sacae.'

[Certainly Host.]

A moment later the bar doors open, and a rowdy bunch enter.

"Hector you know we can't just barge into a bar. Think about what the people will say." A red-haired youth says. He's wearing a blue cape with a blue coat over his white pants. A belt to keep his coat sealed along with white pants and blue shoes. The kid really liked blue. It does go well with his red hair I suppose.

"They'll say the lout is drinking like he's supposed to be!" His compatriot said. A young man with blue hair and an axe slung over his back. A red cape on with a blue undershirt and purple chest piece and gloves. His pants are colored black, and his boots are also the same color as his armor.

"Relax, Eliwood, we're only here to get information on those bandits! No ones going to say anything." The boy says patting the red-haired youth on the shoulder.

"Fine. Let's hurry it up."

The duo start walking towards anyone they can to get information on the bandits.

After receiving the information they're looking for they head out towards the bandit camp.

'Well I should watch to see how strong they are right now. They might not be at the level they need to be.'

'System purchase the axe "Helswatch".'

[Does host wish to purchase the bloodline required to use its blood link?]

'Not yet.'

[The axe has been purchased and is stored in the inventory.]

I head outside the bar and start following the duo.

'Hmm… looks like they're with their guards as well. They shouldn't have a problem with those three here, but better safe than sorry…'

One of the men is mounted on a horse. His armor declaring his status as a paladin. His armor is a lighter shade of crimson. His hair short and he sports a goatee as facial hair. His hair is colored purple. At his side is an iron sword, while a steel lance hangs off the side of the horse. 'He definitely has the look of a veteran.'

The next man is a largely armored man with spear. His hair colored a greenish yellow. He wears an armor set colored a dark orange. The weapon on his back is an iron lance. 'Oswin a loyal servant of Uther and Ostia.'

The last man is a brown-haired youth with two daggers at his sides. Wearing no armor giving away his status as a roguish thief. 'The spy who'll travel with us in a year's time. I already have your girlfriend protected so hopefully you'll be at full strength.'

'Well time to see where we're going.' I think as pull out Helswath and place it where I can reach it in case of an emergency.


After a few hours we reach the location they should be at, but don't find them. Instead we see a smokestack off in the distance.

"My lord it looks like the bandits are raiding a village in that direction." Marcus says pointing out the smokestack.

'Oh? He really is a veteran. Instead of panicking at not finding the bandits he figured out where they were instead.'

"Let's hurry then!" Eliwood said as he started running in that direction. Hector already ahead of him pulls his axe. "I'll end these bandits for their actions!"

'Ah shit they're running now…' I look towards the smokestack and consider my options. 'Oh, here's an idea…'


Reaching the village after Eliwood and crew shows me a scene I was half expecting. The bandits were saying they'll kill the villagers if they don't put their weapons down. 'It's a terrible idea trying to do that with Hector there, but how could they know better.'

Taking this opportunity, I sneak around the back of the village and look for an entry point.

"There's no need for that. We'll put our weapons down!" I hear Eliwood's voice say over the fire.

'That's the distraction I needed. Good job kid.'

I take out my Wind Edge and look towards the three guards at the back entrance of the gate. 'Don't miss now!'

I charge forward and send out three wind blades from the sword. They cut through two of the bandits decapitating them. The third lost an arm. His mouth opening for a scream, but I reach him and pierce his throat. "Should have thought about the consequences, scum." I say pulling the sword out.

[Host has received +6 Speed, 6 Experience and 3 System Points.]

'My experience input has been decreased… I suppose it's because these pieces of trash don't offer a challenge.'

I continue my hunt for bandits inside the village. I found one trying to rip a woman's clothes off, but before he gets the chance his head leaves his body. Another bandit trying to kill a man protecting his family receives an axe smash from yours truly.

'System how many left?' I ask after getting rid of 10 bandits.

[There are 9 remaining near the gate by the noble group, Host.]

'Perfect. Time to get rid of the last bandits.'


(Eliwood POV)

I had just dropped my sword in front of me, while Hector argues with me about it. I give him a stern look and he along with our guards drop our weapons.

"We dropped them like you said. Now let that villager go." I say looking at the young girl he has his hands on.

"Why would we do that?" He says with a devious smile. He puts the dagger to her throat-

"NO!" I yell out.

The bandit's arm wielding the dagger goes limp. Rather than limp his arm is no longer attached to his body.

"What in th-"I hear Marcus says as he looks towards the other bandits.

While we were distracted with the leader, we missed two of the bandits falling to the ground in a pool of blood.

Hector upon seeing the villager safe picks up his axe and rushes into the bandits. I do the same and charge the bandits.

After a few minutes of battle, we finish the last bandit.

"Eliwood watch out behind you!" I hear from Hector and turn around. Standing in front of me is a bandit mid-swing.


'Looks like they can handle the rest of the bandits at this point. Now the question is do I reveal myself or just go about my day…'

'It'd be more fun if they already know who I am.' I think to myself before deciding to head out.

'System how many bandits remaining?'

[One bandit remaining.]

'Oh, where are they hiding?' I look over the battlefield and spot a single bandit standing. His right arm gone, but in his left is an axe. He's standing behind Eliwood about to smash it into the back of the young lord.

"Eliwood watch out behind you!"

[He's over there.]

'No shit Sherlock.'

I don't know when it happened, but my body started moving without any restraint.

'Can't let him die here. Roy's needed in the future.'

I reach the bandit in time and stab my sword into his axe wielding arm. I then unhook my axe and slam it into his neck.

"Made it." I say aloud. I pull the weapons out of the bandit and put them away.

Behind me I can hear Eliwood sheathe his weapon while the others keep theirs out.

'He really is as naïve as he is in the game. That's probably what made him so charismatic.'

I turn around and look at the red-haired youth. My eyes becoming gentle looking at him. He does remind me of Nino, that naivete of his. I put a hand on his hand and ruffle his hair.

"Always double check to make sure the enemies down before you rest your guard kid." I say continuing the ruffling.

His face showing me that he's stunned by what I'm doing, but it's not going to stop me. How did he even get it like this? It's not like there's shampoo in this world.

"Ahem." Eliwood says recovering his dignity, but it's not enough as I keep patting his head.

I can see Hector trying to stifle a laugh, while Marcus is giving me a mean look.

"Yes, I can hear you lad. What's the matter?" I say to Eliwood trying to get a reaction.

"I'd like to thank you for saving my life." He says not doing anything about my hand on his head. He begins to bow, but I stop him.

"There's no need to thank me. It's only natural I save someone that reminds me of my little sister."

"I remind you of your sister?" He says confused.

"You're just as naïve as her!" I say. Hector unable to contain his laughter roars loudly.

"He just met you and he already knows you so well, Eliwood." He says in-between his laughter.

Eliwood sighs and looks back to me after giving Hector a death stare. "Can I at least ask for your name?"

"Well I could give it to you, but then I'd get found out too easily. That would be no fun!" I say giving him a smile.

'Giving him the thought that I'm an easygoing person would make it easier for him to accept me after he finds out I was a part of the Black Fang.'

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you lot, but you should be careful with the missions you take on. Bandits are serious business. They usually don't have very many morals, since they're willing to do this to innocent villagers."

Marcus and Oswin both nod at that and look at the two lords they're responsible for.

"As for you axe boy." I say pointing at Hector. I'm going to take full advantage of the fact they haven't told me they're nobles yet.

"Oi, who are you calling axe boy, you wind freak!" Hector responds with a tick mark.

"Wind freak? That's a new nickname. I kind of like the ring to it… Anyway, work on your axe skill. Do you have a teacher, or do you just swing it wildly hoping you hit something?"

"I don't have a teacher. They all want me to learn how to use a sword."

"Hmm… Tell you what kid. I'll teach you a few things with that axe of yours."

Hector looks at me suspiciously. "What's in it for you?" he says looking for a motive.

"Don't you want to learn from the best axe fighter on this continent?"

"Uh…" Clearly hesitating. That means there's a chance he says yes and that's all I need.

"Alright axe boy since you don't believe me let me show you."

I look around for an open plain or something I can use to demonstrate.

"Let's go over there I'll show you how to use an axe properly."

Hector nods and the crew follows behind me. The three guards are conversing with each other. Probably trying to figure out who I am or what their plan is in case I attack them.

"Alright this tree looks good. Axe boy strike the tree with your axe."

"You want me to hit this tree..., with my axe?"

"That's what I said. Go ahead and do it. See if you can knock it down in one swing."

"Hmph. Easy enough."

He pulls his arm back and smashes it into the tree. His axe only manages to get halfway through it before it stops.

Oswin and Matthew clap and cheer on their lord. "Lord Hector's the strongest!" Matthew yells out.

"Naturally." The response comes out of Hector. Having a competition in the one thing he prides himself on should be enough to convince him.

"Alright axe boy step back."

The group steps back and the guards all start to reach for their weapon.

I pull the axe out of its place and place it in my right hand over my shoulder.

"Watch and learn kid." I move to the next tree. The thickest one in the forest.

I start spinning the axe in the air and activate my colossus skill. I grab hold of the axe and swing right into the tree. It's cut thoroughly and cleanly and a shockwave emerges from the tree launching into the others behind it. 6 total trees fall in the aftermath.

I turn to look at the group and they have their mouth open wide in surprise.

"So, what do you think axe boy?" I say looking at Hector with a smirk.

He looks at me with a serious expression. "Please teach me to be strong." His eyes gaining a determined look in them.


[End of fight loot]

[38 Experience and System Points.]

Oh man, 2000 words! Hopefully this becomes the norm from here on out! But no promises on that.

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