
Fire descendant: I fell in love with our attacker

Hi, I am Helen and I am the heir to an underground throne. My great grandmother was the ruler of Chizou's tribe (the fire tribe) and my grandfather who was supposed to be the next heir was sent into exile for falling in love with an human. It was said that a war will break out between the fire tribe and the water tribe and only the chosen person will be able to save the tribe. Am I the chosen person? Will I be able to save immortals?, Hmm but what happens after I fell in love with the rival team, our sole enemy?. If you're interested in this story, please make sure to add to your collection. I will be posting 15 chapters a week. So it will definitely keep you busy. Do good to support the book and give me a review.

Jesutofunmi_Lucas · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

The visit to the Chizou's tribe

Wo Zhang and I have become really close to each other over thepast few weeks, past few weeks, and I am loving it. I have always wanted to go to the Chizou's tribe, and Wo Zhang promised to sneak me in today. GG was very skeptical about it;; what if he was taking me to meet the king so they could capture me?? I thought about it, but I wanted to risk it for love. Wo Zhang loves me and can't do anything to harm me. GG was very unsure if she should allow me to go, so she chanted a protection spell and said I would go after my day's training.

I stood at the usual spot, and at the exact time of the training, god Chizou appeared with a man who looked like Grandpa Zouzou in my dreams. I looked at him and carefully analyzed him;; he is indeed the one.

"This is Zouzou;; he will be the one training you on how to use your flaming sword," God sword," God Chizou said. I smiled and waved at my grandfather, and he waved back. After the introduction, god Chizou went back while I started my training with my grandfather.

My grandfather was a very strict and tough person;; he was training me like a guy to the extent that I could not even take a break. I was so exhausted by the time we finished training.

"Will you be staying here till we finish our training?" training?" I asked him..

He just nodded and went inside the secret chamber. What's wrong with him? Well, that's none of my business.. I went in, took my bath, wore something nice and ran back outside to wait for Wo Zhang.

"How is my love doing?" doing?" Wo Zhang said from afar while I ran to meet him. He carried me and kissed me on the cheek. Omg, I'm in love. This is my first love and I want it to last.. One part of me is saying no;; he will betray you, but the other is telling me to go for what I want. I looked down for a moment, but he noticed. He assured me that nothing would come between our love not even his tribe. I smiled and we started our journey to Chizou's tribe.

Throughout the journey he held my hands and we talked and talked pouring out all our hearts to each other. He even said he wants to have three girls. I laughed at this and said the gods blesses us with children, we can't predict which gender we will have.

"Hmm, okay, if you say so, are you tired?? You are looking stressed already," he asked, and I responded with a nod. He carried me on his back and assured me we were almost there.

Ten minutes later, we got to Chizou's tribe.. The place was massive and beautiful studded with gold. The gate was also gold, and I could see the inside too. I thought we were going to sneak in but Wo Zhang brought me to the front gate. What if we were caught?? I was so scared but Wo Zhang assured me once again and this time I wanted to run back.

"Oh no, come on, nothing is going to happen to you under my watch.. I have promised to take care of you, and nothing shall befall you.. I give you my words, and I swear on my water pendant," pendant," he said.

I worriedly entered the tribe, and I must say, the place was magnificent, it immediately took my breath away and I loved the peace it brought to my soul.

We walked around for a little while and while taking our rest, I spotted the shady looking old man, the one that pretended to be grandfather Zouzou, I was very scared that I started running, Wo Zhang caught me immediately and brought me back to the fountain. I started doubting if Wo Zhang truly loves me. What if he was sent to bring me here?. I breathed heavily and before I knew it, I blacked out.