


Why are my titles like this...

hm? i see a little arrow next to the word Titles.

I click on it.

Titles: Child of fire: comes from ability to use all types of fire and is partly due to the nature of fire and hosts personality. Flashy: FIRE. Greedy: all types of fire, srsly. Over powerd: all types of fire use. Sparkle: FIRE. Fire Wolf: German shepard best fits personality, host will bite, whine and hyper like their doggo, and while host wants to be a wolf they are very unfit for it, for they are hopeless in the real world and are stupid, the best they could get is wolf pup of lazy wold, and honestly dont deserve to be a german shepard, as they are a smart breed of a dog.



Clicking on status a new page pops up

Details & Status shown in one to create simplisity for your small mind.


Name: Aik Flare (im so creative arent i)

Race: Avin (A-Vin) (more powerfull Archon)

Gender: Female

Hight: 5'8

Age: 14

Titles: Child of fire - Flashy - Greedy - Over powerd - Sparkle - Fire Wolf



Hp: 200/200

Agility: 15

Strength: 5

Endurance: 5

Lvl: 1



Fire ball - 0 sec recharge

Big fire ball - 5 sec recharge

Sunshine - 30 sec recharge

des: a sheild that every 3 sec emits dmg of 150

Duration: 20 sec

Morning Star

Des: a feild of light spreads across the floor, every 3 sec it emits dmg of 350, increases sheild time to 25 seconds, gives boost of +200 def. while Morning Star and Sunshine are activated the whimp of a user can transfrom the magic book into a spear do to feeling safe enough to atk close range.

Duration: 1:30


5 hit


Morning Star

-locked until 4-

Nyoom: decrease stamina by 20%