I was laying in bed waiting and wondering. All my thoughts wander they all were like," I wonder if Finn thinks about me," and ,"I wonder if Finn will actually show or was PB was lying." For about an hour I thought like that.then I heard a knock. "Princess", sticky buns calls," He's here." "I rush to the door unlocking it a quickly as possible." Finn", I ask in excitement. Then I realized it's him. "Finn", I scream and jump onto him. We slowly fall to the ground I embrace him all I feel is air I know he's there but I can't feel him. I open my eyes and gaze at him then I feel his loving arms rap around me, he pulls me in to whispers,"you look beautiful." I blush and see him gazing at me then...
BAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM. We hit the floor we both just lie there in complete silence until he pulled his hand from hugging me to brush her hair of her face. We both sit up gazing at eachother not knowing what to say...
Until I break the silence. "Thanks for that Finn", I say. "No, prob FP," he replied. We stand up not losing each other's gaze. When we're finally up I look over I noticed sticky buns looking sad. "Hey um, sticky buns I think it's time for you to go", I say trying not to be rude. "Okay princess", he says while slowly turning to walk away.