
The Thrifty Treasure Trove

Pulling into a nondescript strip center, I drag Dillon with me into the thrift store. 

"Okay Dillon, think of this as a treasure hunt. Just look around and you'll find the coolest stuff."

"Like what?"

"That's the best part. You have no idea what you could find. It could be old, new, vintage, designer, the list goes on! A couple of weeks ago I bought $10 worth of stuff so they sold me a brand new pair of sunglasses for a penny."

"So you had to pay $10 for them?"

"Yes and no. That's besides the point. The point is you can get some really cool stuff on the cheap. A thrift store is the perfect example of 'one man's trash is another man's treasure.' It's your day so I'll find something as fast as possible and then we can leave, but I'm telling you if you don't look around you'll regret it."

"Okay, I'll look around."

"Don't worry I'll come find you the moment I find everything I need. Have fun!"