
Chapter 25

The way she’d scheduled her days off, she could leave work early on Tuesday and drive up there that evening, arrive Tuesday night, and have a full five days before leaving Sunday night. The wedding was Saturday, so she’d give herself an extra day of sun and sand before heading home. Hell, she could even call in sick on Monday if she needed to recoup from the long drive. Lord knew she had the time. And if her boss tried to give her grief, she’d tell him it was a female problem. That always shut him right up.

There was still one problem, though. Where to stay?

She made a few investigative searches for hotels online, but soon found out what she already suspected—everything in Wildwood was booked for the summer. Oh, she could get a hotel room, sure, if her dates were flexible, but only after Labor Day, once the boardwalk closed for the season and the tourists left.