
Final Trial of Mankind

The Final Trial of Humanity Author Zixiao Devouring the Moon In the 37th century of the Earths calendar The earth was invaded by the demon world Civilians were almost slaughtered The moon is like the sky Lu NingxueI am Lin Ping and Chen Yueru Ben is traveling and campingBut suddenly I felt the world change The ultimate trial of mankind This is the perfect passport for human evolution to travel to all worlds Trial failure only perish

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Ji Xuan

"Crack, crack, crack, crack..." There was a sound of shattering compact bones, and then, the body of a silver wind wolf froze violently, and then softened as if all the bones had been pulled out.

Mu Chen is not interested in finding any weak points for this kind of spirit beast that he can easily crush, because that would be ineffective, basically as long as the strength is not as good as his, he will crush to death with his fists or weapons.

Mu Chen collected the essence very familiarly, and immediately let the bloody token record the points.

About ten days ago, he and Luo Li came to the end of the spiritual road and found this place called the Black Demon Forest. This is where Luo Li said that there are many high-level spirit beasts, and there is one that can fight with the golden armored dragon and tiger. The beast is almost where the powerful spirit beast is.

In ten days, Mu Chen hunted and killed nearly twenty high-level spirit beasts, and some thirty-odd spirit beasts of slightly lower levels.

He is not interested in improving any spirit body, it is just to recharge the [template].

And Luo Li is not too keen on the opportunity of spiritual power empowerment. Mu Chen can hear from her words that if she returns to the family, the benefits she will get are not comparable to the so-called spiritual power empowerment. In her eyes, it seemed that it was not worth mentioning at all.

Well, of course, Luoshen Clan has had a Saint-Rank Heavenly Sovereign in the history anyway, although it is now in decline, the background is not comparable to that of the Spiritual Academy in this place.

"Hey, Luo Li, where are you going next?" Mu Chen asked the girl.

Over the past few days, the two have practiced together, hunted and killed spirit beasts together, and usually fought and made noises, and their relationship has warmed up unconsciously.

Luo Li unsealed her frozen heart in front of Muchen, and Muchen also took off the disguise in front of Luo Li, getting along with her real side.

Ever since she opened her heart to Muchen and didn't care if he disturbed her state of mind, she became more cheerful and her beauty bloomed accordingly, it can be said that it has risen to a higher level.

As long as there is no problem with aesthetic concepts, they will basically be fascinated.

Fortunately, Mu Chen is not a native of this world, but a traveler, and his knowledge is not at the level of a country bumpkin. He has a strong resistance to the beauty of women, so he just looks at it with an attitude of admiration, no Become a fool who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

Of course, Mu Chen can really endure loneliness, and he also enjoys the quiet time alone, but if someone is willing to share with you, and if they are sincere, then even Mu Chen will not foolishly refuse.

He's not a masochist, just like those idiots who think they don't deserve to be with so and so, interesting? In order to show how miserable and tragic you are, and to arouse the sympathy of others?

It's extremely boring, Mu Chen is not interested in playing house with them, it's better to make yourself happy with that Beijing time.

Mu Chen didn't have any mortal enmity such as killing his father and mother, but his own cheap mother was imprisoned voluntarily for him.

Why do you have to make your heart so heavy, Mu Chen just needs to be himself, as long as he lives happily.

"What do you mean, are you continuing to hunt high-level spirit beasts?"

"Hmm~~Luo Li, do you think we should go and see that spirit beast?" Mu Chen and Luo Li walked side by side by the mountain stream, knelt down and took a handful of water to wash their faces.

"You mean Thunder Lin Beast? I want to go to you, I don't want to die." Luo Li rolled his eyes at him and said coquettishly.

"Well, I have a lot of ways to save my life. Spirit beasts of this level can't deal with me. However, with our relationship, I don't need to hide it from you. I'll show you if you go with me. , how is it?" Mu Chen smiled slyly.

"That's good, you go, I'll wait for you here." Luo Li became more cheerful, especially when facing Mu Chen, the defense in her heart was completely removed.

"Speaking of which, we have come to the end of the spiritual road, and we have been in this black demon forest for so long, not to mention Ji Xuan, and even others have not seen it." Mu Chen lay down on his back, and said lazily.

"Ji Xuan? It's normal that you can't see other people. Almost everyone has been gathered by Ji Xuan and Wen Qingxuan and other powerful guys. There are only more than a hundred people who have entered the final spiritual path this time. Ji Xuan Seventy or eighty people have been recruited, and that girl named Wen Qingxuan also has twenty or thirty people under her command. I don't like either of these two guys." Luo Li said flatly.

Muchen was stunned, although he had read the original book, he really never thought about what Ji Xuan relied on to win over so many people for his use, strength or financial resources?

There are only so many people who can get the qualifications for spiritual empowerment. With these people around him, can they get it?

As for that Wen Qingxuan, she should be a girl, but unexpectedly she has such a charisma, twenty or thirty people fought for her.

"Why do you dislike them?"

Mu Chen smiled slightly: "That's right, if you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it, no reason is needed, I just like your personality."

Mu Chen also thought so in his heart, even when he was an ordinary person, he did the same thing, which also caused him to have few friends. No matter in his previous life or in this life, Mu Chen was a loner, and it was rare to meet such a friend. Mu Chen is not going to let go of a girl who is both interested in character and in the moment.

On the other side, after hearing his words, Luo Li stared at him quietly for two seconds, her pretty face blushed, and then turned her head hastily to prevent Mu Chen from seeing her flushed face. face.

The two lay on their backs on the grass by the stream, extremely comfortable.

Mu Chen crossed his legs, held a piece of grass in his mouth, and squinted his eyes to enjoy the sunshine in the sky. He found himself enjoying the time with Luo Li more and more.

Although they may separate soon, this does not constitute Mu Chen's worrying thoughts now, after all, if the result cannot be changed, then he can only enjoy the present to the fullest.


Suddenly, Mu Chen's squinted eyes opened, and he sat up with his left hand supporting his body. Almost at the same time, Luo Li beside him also sat up.

"Someone is coming!" Luo Li and Muchen said in unison, facing each other.

After finishing speaking, the two of them suddenly looked at each other with a smile, and then joined hands and jumped into the dense branches and leaves of the huge towering tree, hiding their figures.

Not long after, I saw a group of people appearing from the other side of the stream in groups, walked to the stream, squatted down and drank a few mouthfuls of stream water suddenly.

"Ge Hai, why do you keep forgetting that you are on the spiritual path, so you can't drink these untested streams at will." There was an undeniable will in the faint voice.

"Brother Xuan, I'm really thirsty, so I just drank a couple of sips, it's fine. Besides, this Black Demon Forest is our territory, who dares to poison here?" Ge Hai stood up and said with a smile.

A young man with a face like a crown jade and wearing a white gown walked slowly from the crowd, looking from a distance, he had a refined demeanor.

Ji Xuan!

He was Ji Xuan who was internally appointed by the Holy Spirit Academy and whose reputation had already resounded throughout the spiritual path.

He has red lips, white teeth, and a handsome face. He looks like a refined gentleman, but he may be the one with the highest cultivation level in this spiritual path (Mu Chen did not cultivate the spiritual body).

By the way, Mu Chen's feeling when he first saw this person was Murong Fu's version from another world.

Beside Ji Xuan, there was a young man in black clothes, with a stern face, his eyes swept all around, looking extremely cautious.

"Beihai, you don't have to be so nervous. With you and brother Yang here, there is no one in the entire spiritual path to be our opponent." Ji Xuan patted the black-clothed boy's shoulder lightly and smiled slightly.

"That's right, Qiu Beihai, you are also the existence of the peak of the third-level spiritual body. There are very few people in the spiritual path who can hurt you, so you don't have to be so nervous every day." Standing beside him, Yang Hong smiled. nodding.

"I'm just used to it. No matter where I am, I have to make sure that there is no danger. Go ahead and leave me alone." Qiu Beihai said coldly.

Qiu Beihai, like Yang Hong, is the existence of the third-level spiritual peak. They are not Ji Xuan's subordinates, but Ji Xuan's valued people. They promise to help Ji Xuan in the final spiritual path with great benefits. Take the first place in the assessment.

However, Yang Hong and Qiu Beihai knew in their hearts that Ji Xuan's strength was unfathomable and should be higher than them. Maybe the two of them would not necessarily be Ji Xuan's opponent if they fought together.

Yang Hong even speculated that Ji Xuan might have reached the fourth-level spirit body. If that's the case, looking at the entire spiritual path, no one can compete with him for the spiritual crown of the final spiritual path.

"Brother Yang, I heard that you were defeated by Luo Li's sword?" Ji Xuan suddenly turned his head and asked in a deep voice.

Yang Hong was stunned, but nodded naturally: "Luo Li's swordsmanship is really exquisite. I made a careless move and was hit by her. Fortunately, she didn't chase after me, otherwise I would definitely die."

"Then do you think Luo Li will be able to resist if he cooperates with Beihai?" Ji Xuan continued to ask with no expression on his face.

"That's natural. Although Luo Li is powerful, she is definitely not the enemy of me and Bei Hai. However, there seems to be a young man by her side, named Mu Chen, whose spiritual cultivation level is not clear, but his strength may still be in front of Luo Li. Come on." Yang Hong said slowly.

"Mu Chen? I already know that he is the real number one of the fifth guardian land. As for Song Yuqing who left the spiritual road, in fact, all her points were obtained by this guy alone. ." Ji Xuan smiled slightly, and said indifferently.

"Yes, he is indeed very strong. Zhao Tiandu and the others besieged him, but they were all killed in a short period of time, leaving no one behind. But I don't understand the relationship between Mu Chen and Luo Li, like Mu Chen I saved Luo Li twice, but Luo Li insisted on chasing and killing him, which is very strange." Yang Hong frowned slightly and said curiously.

Ji Xuan turned around sharply, his originally calm face suddenly became cloudy: "You said that Mu Chen saved her twice, yet Luo Li wanted to kill him instead? Damn it, this Mu Chen deserves to die!"

"Brother Ji, what do you mean?" Yang Hong asked curiously.

"You guys don't understand Luo Li's personality. This girl is devoted to cultivation, and her actions are not as high-profile as in the legend. As long as you don't disturb her cultivation heart, then she won't even pay attention to you. If Mu Chen saved her two If Luo Li wants to kill him again, then it means that Mu Chen has entered her heart and affected her cultivation! Damn it, Luo Li is mine, and I will absolutely not allow other men to enter her heart." There was a hint of anger in Ji Xuan's voice, and he said coldly.

Yang Hong and the others took a deep breath, and only then did they understand why Ji Xuan wanted to bring Luo Li to his side. It turned out that this guy actually liked Luo Li.

"When you meet Mu Chen in the future, if you are sure, shoot and kill him! After leaving the spiritual path, I will thank you very much. Of course, if he falls into my hands, then I will let him live instead of die." Ji Xuan Yi changed his previous refined demeanor and said viciously.

"Okay, let's remember!" Yang Hong, Qiu Beihai and others looked at each other, then nodded.

"Then what if we see Luo Li?" Ge Hai asked suddenly.

"You must be more polite to Luo Li. It would be best if you could invite her back. If not, please let me know as soon as possible. I don't want to wait any longer. This girl Luo Li has a very strong personality. If she really can't do it, I can only use a strong one." Yes." Ji Xuan replied coldly.

"Okay, I got it!" Ge Hai nodded, he still had a deep memory of Muchen, almost died in his hands.

"Okay, let's go and have a look at the Thunder Scale Beast. These few days may be its relatively weak time. If we can kill it, then we will get great benefits." Ji Xuan turned around and walked towards the dense forest. Go deep.

A group of people followed behind him, walking slowly.

On the mountain stream side, Mu Chen and Luo Li had a panoramic view of all this.

[It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here. ]

Muchen murmured in his heart, then turned his head to look at Luo Li, only to see the girl's pretty face flushed, her heart beating fiercely, it seems that Luo Li also likes him, that's fine.

Yes, that's fine.

Suddenly, he saw Luo Li standing up, leaping down from the canopy of the tree, and then yelling at the mountain stream: "Ji Xuan, you have no right to like me, if you want to kill me and Mu Chen, now Just come."

The girl's voice spread far away, and instantly echoed in Ji Xuan's and the others' ears.

This made Mu Chen directly cover his face, and he forgot about this scene when he was happy.

On the opposite side of the mountain stream, Ji Xuan turned around abruptly, the murderous intent in his eyes condensed into substance, and he shot straight at him.