
35. Getting settled.

Once Lili was set up in her room and had her things unpacked she came back downstairs. Hel was already sitting next to me still with a little blush on her face but looking happy.

"Alright Lili, first off do you have a dungeon guide and are you registered at the guild?" I ask.

"No. I wasn't allowed to register." She admits.

"Well we can go there in a bit and get you registered with my dungeon guide and our familia." For now I search through my spatial ring for a couple of items, minus the 3 airships I had, there were other useful items i could use. For example Cloud wasnt the only one who came with Materia, Cid and Vincent also had materia.

I pull out a pair of green orbs, hopefully she can use these.

"Let me see your left arm please." I request.

She holds out her arm with a confused look. "These are materia, they allow you to cast magic spells, the current ones I'm giving you are Cure, which is a healing magic and Quake which is a earth based combat based magic, you are not to show these to anyone else, you are not to take them out, you are not to sell them. Pretend like they are your natural magic if anyone asks understood?" I tell the girl who nods quickly.

I push the materia into her arm and they sink in easily. Her eyes glaze over for a second but she recovers. "Now try to use Cure on me and do not use Quake in or near the house."

She nods before pointing her hand at me. "Cure!" a green glow covers my body proving it worked.

"You know the other healing spells right?" I ask.

She nods knowing all the magic instinctively in the materia.

"Good, just in case you get injured or a teammate gets injured you can now heal them. Saves money on elixirs and medical expenses." Having everyone know healing magic could only be beneficial. Having a life saving magic on hand is a good trump card to have in case of emergencies.

"We will have to get you some food for the kitchen, me and Hel don't really eat." Gods and Goddesses don't really need food or sleep or baths as their body is usually in perfect condition all the time. However they enjoy the sensation of such things.

"You don't eat?" Lili asks confused.

"My body is a bit different I suppose and I don't really need to eat or sleep, I spend most of my nights reading. If I do eat I usually pick up a snack or something on the way to the dungeon." i tell her.

There was a fully working kitchen though as Odin had made sure this house was suitable for Hel to have a familia even if it took a long time she would be prepared to house some people.

"Okay, should we go do that now?" Lili asks.

"Sure we have time. Do you want anything Hel?" Hel usually turns down offers of me bringing home food as she isn't used to eating and it doesn't bother her.

"No, I'm fine thank you." She denies. "Do you need money?"

"No I have some Valis on hand and I might as well register Lili at the guild, I have a handful of magic stones I can sell." I look at the couple of lizardmen cores in my pouch.

However the world around me suddenly slows down and turns black. I find myself confused for a second before recognizing the god reward area.

"Welcome hero, your patron is back with rewards! You have changed the fate of a hero in your world for the better. As a reward you know what you'll recieve!" The god of playstation says as 3 more templates cards pop up.

"Please let me get something useful!" I shout quickly.

The card silhouette starts to rapidly shift before coming to a halt on a man with short well combed brown hair, he was dressed in some rather nice looking clothes. However I groaned when I saw his weapon, it was a gun like an old flintlock.

"Balthier, from final fantasy." The card exploded and I get more knowledge in my head and a couple of items in my ring.

The next however was different it was a silver haired girl with some rather revealing clothes and a long hammer weapon.

"Meru, from legend of the dragoon." Once more memories bombard me but I seem to be getting used to them and some items file into my ring.

The last one was a blonde haired woman with a bow and I could only sigh.

"Miranda, from legend of the dragoon." The final card explodes and I find myself back in the house with a rather disappointed look on my face.

"What happened?" Hel asked with worry.

"I just gained some more legacies, however they aren't too useful." I admit, pulling out two new dragoon spirits I push them into my body to join the others.

The blue sea dragoon and the white dragoon. One for water and one for light, with mostly healing moves. I pull out a variety of woman's clothing and lay them on the table because I sure as shit am not going to wear them.

"What is happening? And why do you have girl's clothes?" Lili asks confused.

I just shake my head, "That's for later."

As for the people I had gained, Miranda was a princess who was a bit skilled in archery with a bow, however I doubt I would use a bow when I had guns. Meru was a dancer who used a hammer with a long pole like handle, but she was also a wingly which was a magical race kind of like elves who could fly with magical wings of light.

I reached up and felt my ears which were normal. However I also felt something different. With a push of mana a pair of silvery light wings burst from my back over my clothes luckily. However they did look magnificent.

"Beautiful!" Hel says looking at the wings before touching them as her hand passes through the whisps of magic.

I could feel myself float slightly at will. "That could be convenient I suppose."

Finally there was Balthier. Much to my frustration I had gotten myself another airship as he was known as a sky pirate, he preferred to use explosives and guns which I already had plenty of knowledge on. However I did learn some skills like pickpocketing and lock picking. Basically he was a glorified thief with guns and an airship. I did however get some strange new items. Esper glyphs, which were basically just the same as guardian forces or summons. Other than that I didn't get anything else. 2 dragoon spirits, a new airship, some basic thief skills, more knowledge on guns and explosives, I could belly dance now though so that's something. Other than that the wings were the most useful thing I had gotten with the glyphs.

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