
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime et bandes dessinées
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215 Chs


Back inside the wooden base of our dear protagonist, he was seen holding a hammer, some nails, and other stuff meant for making something and indeed it was indicated by the weird wooden contraption in front of him.

With the body of Eldian 1 propped into a wooden cylinder, a weird thing was grasping his neck and on top of the cylinder was a wooden floor with a hole that is weirdly the size of our protagonist's head.

"Phew, finally finish," he mutters as he walks back to admire his creation and looks at the part where he was to prop his head on.

'Take a deep breath, gather as much oxygen as I can pump to my head and keep it alive, then just keep reloading mentally to keep myself alive and wait for the healing process to start and with that, the bones, muscles, even nerves would reconnect with the eldian's absurd regeneration and it should work just fine.' He thought while glancing at the body of the dead eldian in front of him with a cold gaze.

'Let's just do this.' He thought, picking up the sword from the gear on his waist, he puts one on a weird platform that directly connects to the neck of the Eldian in front of him.

And as he climbs up the wooden ladder to the platform above the Eldian, he lines his head up on top of the hole that is just above the Eldian's head which was encased in a wooden cylinder to keep it in place.

'Chop off his head along with my head at the same time, replace his head with mine, then keep spamming the save and load function to keep myself conscious and alive, then if all goes well, I would be reborn as an Eldian.' As he takes a deep breath to flood his head with oxygen, he pulls a lever without hesitation and felt an absurdly sharp blade cutting off his head alongside the Eldian below him.

As the head of the Eldian got discarded away, his head directly falls to the cylinder directly to the beheaded neck, and felt the neck burning his also beheaded head due to the steam it produces.

With closed eyes, he spams his save and load with all his might as his consciousness keeps nearing the brink of falling off and staying on in the tight rope of life and death.

'Save, load, save, load, save, load.' He chants in his mind to keep his focus.

As his mind is starting to wane like a fire fighting the gusts of wind, he grits his teeth while more veins went to connect with his mind, and soon, by the time his forehead became a waterfall of sweat, the Eldian's body starts to move on its own as if it was possessed and it was, he successfully managed to gain a new body!

"Haaaaah, phew! It's a success," he mutters, taking off the wooden cylinder that keeps his head in place and he felt how weak his new body was.

But he didn't worry, he calmly removes the locks on his body so that it doesn't accidentally fall to the ground and as he walks around, he slowly gets accustomed to this new and unfamiliar body, as if he was piloting a robot instead of his own body.

'This would take me a while to get used to, but finally, I managed to do it.' He thought, with a knife suddenly appearing in his right arm, he slashes a small wound on his index finger and watches steam erupts along with the finger regenerating to normal without any problem.

"This regeneration, this would be very useful for training. It would mean less sleep needed, faster recovery, perhaps faster metabolism, and more innate abilities that would grant me an absurd advantage compared to the time I was a mere human. And also, the ability to turn into a titan with the spinal fluid can be a trump card if I play my cards right and become a titan shifter later," he mutters, nearing the river, he glances at his new naked body and he could already feel how better it was, he felt more energetic, more alive than as if vitality was coursing through his body.

'But now, I have a 13-year deadline for my lifespan, so I must reach this body's limit fast and make a save once that is reached. Well, a few months wouldn't hurt if I already just threw away years of progress to gain more potential.' He thought, glancing at the weights in the distance and chuckling at how he thought he would permanently leave this place already, but in a twist of fate, he would have to spend a few more months in this place.

(A Few Days Later)

"Higher endurance, strength, agility. In just a few days I'm already regaining a huge percentage of my previous peak. It seems like I wouldn't have to spend more than 2 months here," he mutters as he glances at his well-defined body that was slowly becoming relatively the same appearance as his original one showing the wonders of the Eldian body.

Putting on his gear, he shoots a hook to the ceiling above him, and with gas erupting from his waist, he reaches the roof but accidentally bumps his arm to the hatch instead of grabbing it as he sighs while dangling on the cable that was attached to the hook.

'This new body is really hard to get accustomed to, I know my talent is pretty trash but I didn't expect it to be so low that I haven't adapted to this body of mine already. Sigh, I guess I can only replace talent with enough effort.' Grabbing the hatch, he opens the hole to the ceiling, and using his arm as a swing, he swings his body out of the hatch to reach the top of the roof.

"Another long day of training awaits me, sigh, I wonder if I will have to reincarnate later to reach a new world? Or another universe, and is this universe planet or solar system size? Sigh, fictional media is really limiting itself with the lack of space travel," he mutters while two hooks shoot out of his waist towards two trees, with the two hooks attaching themselves to the bark of the trees, he was flung forward at a rapid pace to the depths of the forest.

As he swings from one place to another, muscle memory kicks in on overdrive as he instinctively does the usual movement he does but soon, his shortcomings are seen as when he killed a titan on the nape, his legs slip on the titan's shoulders making him fall to the ground but he kept his calm and shoot his right hook to the tree on his right to dangle on it.

'That's another mishap, but it's lessening every day and that's undoubtedly progress.' He thought, retracting the hook back to his waist, he felt his muscles slowly regrowing at a rapid pace to grow stronger from the stress it was going through with his training, and soon, steam slowly seeps out from his pores as he looks at it with curious eyes while falling down to the ground now that his hook isn't attached to the tree.

'How does matter even appear from nowhere when Eldians transform into titans? More secrets to uncover, more time needed to train myself to reach my limits.' He thought, shooting both of his hooks to one on the left and one on the right, flinging him forwards as the trees around him became a blur at the speed he was going.

(A Few Months Later)

In a dark forest full of overgrown trees bigger than the average titans, a rapid blur was seen moving around as tens of titans were summoned below him out of nowhere with each being 15 meters tall.

As the blur reaches past the roof of leaves above them, he takes a deep breath preparing for his final test.

As he reaches the peak of his swing, he closes his eyes and puts his mind into a state of complete calmness.

'Resisting the urge to eat humans was easy enough, but keeping my mind clear has been not an easy task. But after a few months of training, I should be able to keep my mind clear without obstruction, with the only one left being my body dissolving due to the heat of the nape. But that's no problem when I'm constantly reloading so… let's finish this training arc!' he thought, and with a single command, his body that was high above the air suddenly flashes, and within an instant, it suddenly becomes a 15-meter-tall titan with short black hair and rippled with compact muscles from head to toe.

"ROAR!" he shouts while falling down to the ground directly to the middle of the horde of titans he summoned.

With his knees directly hitting the nape of two oblivious titans, blood covers his knees as he uses the two titans as a cushion for his fall.

'2 killed, 48 left.' He thought, standing up from his kneeling position as the other titans looks at him with a blank stare due to them having little to no intelligence.

But soon, that changed when he rushes to punch the head of another titan destroying its nape, alerting them that this titan was hostile, they started to rush towards him surrounding him in a circle.

'3 killed, 47 left.' He calmly thought, as he calms his mind further to assess the situation as best as he can, he easily deduces a plan out of this encirclement.

'The side over there is thin of titans and I should be able to kill the 3 on that side with ease and get out of this circle.' He thought, and without hesitation, he rushes like a mad bull and pierces his fingers directly through the neck of the first titan in front of him while he dodges the blows of the one on his side with minimal movements.

As he ignores their attacks, he continues his rush in a singular direction and he does a spinning kick to decapitate the head of the next titan in his way, and as he was high in the air, he uses the decapitated titan's body as leverage to jump forwards to the last titan in this part of the circle, killing him in one blow with one high jump kick to the neck.

Now free from the encirclement, he stretches his hand out to the left and out came a gigantic log from nowhere a few meters in size and he easily wields it with one arm.

As he rushes back to the horde of titans, he easily smashes their heads to mere smears on the ground, and with each blow killing multiple titans, he was soon left alone in the forest surrounded by the steam of deteriorating titan flesh.

"After 3 months of intense training as a titan, I finally mastered this body in all forms of survivability, from parkour to combat. And due to me changing my body from before, I was able to easily get attuned to my titan form without any problems after I injected myself once more with the spinal fluid a few months ago," he mutters while his titan body disappears out of nowhere and he was left there high in the air without support, but with two hooks erupting from his waist, he attaches them to two nearby trees and dangles in the air to look at his destroyed surroundings.

'Goodbye Paradis Island, I could have joined the Eldians and eaten the 4 warriors for myself along with the coordinate, but that's near impossible with their special abilities as titan shifters. So to Marley, I shall go.' He thought, taking a deep breath, he flies high in the air to go back to his base and start his real rise to the top in another world of mysteries, titans, geopolitical warfare, and tragedy.

AN: This is 2022 words, you're welcome.

So how the fuck did his plan work? Well due to the Eldian instantly getting punctured out of the nape, they essentially have a titan shifter's physiology just without the abilities, the ability to become a titan at will, and retain their clarity if they become a titan again. So he just spams save to save the current regeneration and load to keep himself conscious, because if he just loads, well his head and the Eldian's body will fail to connect because it always revert back to the unregenerated state.

And also, because our dear nameless protagonist has the ability to safely change between a human and a titan, he was able to train himself to remain conscious as a titan and essentially become something akin to a titan shifter but just far weaker.

Writing is hard, so give me powerstones.

(May 17, 2022 – 174th day of writing)