
Filling the holes in their hearts

I have been betrayed by one who is supposed to love me. I'm ready to revenge. Love is not real and I have had enough of it.

Itsene07 · Urbain
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5 Chs

Preparing for battle

"Rachel, why did you leave your husband? Where have you been all this while?" Her mum asks. Rachel was at her parents place. Her mum Mrs Adeniyi was not the type that liked to be ignored. Her father on his part was a very patient man.

"Mum, dad, there is something big going on," Rachel replied before smiling at her daughter Ivy who was playing with toys on the floor. "I even feel so ashamed to say it."

"Stop speaking in riddles. What is going on?" Mrs Adeniyi asks.

Rachel looks at her dad before saying, "Tunde is cheating on me. And not only that, he has been cheating even before we got married. He and his girlfriend who can't have a child plan on taking my child and getting rid of me."

"Are you sure of what you are saying?" Mrs Adeniyi asks shocked. Her husband was also too stunned to speak.

"I have no reason to lie against Tunde. I loved him and I thought he loved me too," Rachel replied. "But everything is a lie. All lies."

"How did you find out about all this?" Mr Adeniyi asks.

"By luck dad. I saw the messages she sent to him on his phone and when I arrived Lagos from Abuja, I met the lady in the house, wearing my dress. The funny thing is that his family is aware of the relationship."

"You don't mean it," her mum said.

"All Tunde want is for me to bear him children. I know I'm not the best wife in the world but I've never cheated on my husband. I gave my marriage my all. I made a lot of sacrifices but Tunde used me."

"Rachel do you have any evidence to prove this?" Her dad asks. "This is really hard to believe."

"Yes I have dad," she replied showing her dad screenshots of Tunde and Silvia messages. Mrs Adeniyi also saw them.

"How can he do such a thing to you?" Mrs Adeniyi asks. "No wonder you have not been happy. Hah, that man and his family are evil people. What are we going to do now."

"Calm down," Mr Adeniyi said to his wife.

"Mum, I already have plans for Tunde," Rachel said smiling. "I'm going to make him pay for trying to use me. He is going to suffer and he is going to regret ever meeting me."

"What do you plan to do?" Her mum asks.

"Just relax and watch mum."

"Will you stay here with us? At least so we can look after you," her dad asked.

"I can't stay here because Tunde can come here anytime."

"But where are you staying? Is it convenient? You know you have a baby," said her mum.

"It's a nice place provided by a friend and Ivy likes it. I just need time to lick my wounds.ĺ

Mr Adeniyi stares at his daughter who sounded so calm and confident. He didn't have a good feeling about it at all.

Rachel Adeniyi was the last child of Mr and Mrs Adeniyi. She was married and was having issues with her husband and she had been avoiding everyone especially her husband. She was not going to let him get away with his betrayal.

"Sandra, come let's do your homework," Imade said to her daughter.

"No mummy," Sandra replied.

"If you don't do your homework, I will be angry with you and your teacher will be angry with you."

"I'm going to tell aunty Anna for you."

"Suit yourself. But you have to do your homework," Imade said to her daughter. She heard a knock on the door and went to and it.

"Good afternoon Imade," Arnold greeted.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"How are you Esohe?" He asks Sandra who was standing by her mum.

"Fine," Sandra replied.

"Sandra, go inside," Imade said to her daughter. "Arnold, why are we here?"

"I came to see you," he replied.

"See me for what?"

"Can't an old friend visit?"

"We were never friends Arnold and we will never be friends," she replied.

"Come on. I know you are angry with me but you would not even give me a chance to apologize."

"I don't need your apology. Go away."

"I'm sorry for being a jerk to you when you were younger Imade. Please forgive me."

"I've heard you. Goodbye," she replied slamming the door on his face. "Good riddance."

"Andre, Your mum has been calling. She wants you to come home," said Philip his assistant.

"Did she tell you why she wants me to come home?" Andre ask.

"No. But she has been calling over and over and over to remind me to tell you."

"It's okay. I've heard you. You can go," Andre said.

"And your sister Tracy is in a bit of a problem," Philip added.

"Philip go back to work."

Alright, he replied leaving.

Andre knew his mum was calling probably because of his sister or probably because of some other problems. He was still in thoughts when his phone starts to ring. It was his father.

"Father," he said answering.

"Andre, your mum said she has been trying to reach you for two days," said his dad. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes everything is fine," Andre replied.

"Then why haven't you been reachable?"

"Haven't you reached me? Look dad, I'm very busy right now and I have a meeting to get to."

"I want to see you Andre," his dad said.

"I'll find time to come and see you."

"Soon Andre," his dad said.

"I've heard you dad," Andre replied hanging up.

His family and their trouble. Now his dad wants to see him

"Philip," Andre yells.

"Andre, you should have just used the the intercom," Philip said when he came in.

"I'm not in the mood. I'm not taking any calls for now. Not even that of my dad, mum or anyone. If they calls, tell them I'm not in."

"Alright. What if it's Shalom?"

"Tell her to go to hell," he replied.

"Okay. If you say so."

After work, Andre went to see his mother at her residence.

"Good evening mum," he greeted.

"Hello Andre. How are you?" His mum Patricia asks.

"I'm fine, he replies as Tracy comes out too."

"How is work today?"

"Work is fine."

"Tracy, aren't you going to say hello to Andre?"

"Hi Dre," Tracy says.

"What is the problem now?" Andre asks.

"Why do you always think there is a problem?" His mum asks.

"If there wasn't a problem you wouldn't have been calling the way you did. What has Tracy done this time?"

"I lost my job," Tracy replied.

"Great. What do you want me to do?" Andre asks.

"Andre please don't sound like that," his mum said.

"What happened Tracy?" Andre asks.

"I slapped Mr Adesina," she replied.

"Oh! You have gotten to that stage of slapping your boss."

"He was harassing me. How long was I supposed to tolerate it," Tracy replied. "He wanted to rape me."

"Tell me this is a joke," Andre said.

"No, it's not. I went to submit a file to him and before I knew it, he grabbed me and pushed me onto the table and I hit him with the stapler and slapped him. He fired me and send he was going to sue me for assaulting him."

"Bastard. I think you need a lawyer. And you should talk to dad."

"As if your father will do anything," his mum said.

"What can I do?" Andre asks. "I have a lot on my plate right now. Dad is the best person to help you."

"Dre please," his sister begs. "I need your help and it's not like I did anything wrong. I only defended myself against a pervert."

Andre stared at his sister and shook his head. Usually, Tracy was the trouble maker but this time she was a victim.

"Fine, if you get served, just let me know. I have to go now," he said.

"Thank you," Tracy replied.

"Won't you stay to have dinner with us?" His mum asks.

"I'm having dinner with Gladys and you know if I tell her I won't make it, she won't like it," he replied. Gladys was Andre's twin sister.

"I understand," his mum said. "No problem. Take care of yourself."

"I will. Goodbye."