
Fighting Armies In The Apocalypse

In order to fend off the apocalypse, humanity was forced to go toe to toe with all the dungeon armadas around the world. It was a blood bath. With humanities average individual strength and lack of technology, they were easily defeated. All humans were massacred, almost to the point of extinction. Now I, Keith Moore, the last human alive, will face the armies alone on my conquest for revenge. It doesn’t matter if they have an army. It doesn’t matter if they have weapons. It doesn’t matter if they number me a Trillion to one. I’m inevitable. I am revenge. ——— I’m going in blind baby. No outline, no real direction, no ending. I’m extremely lazy so don’t expect long chapters..

TheGolden_Ghoul · Action
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2 Chs

The Last Human

Dead bodies riddle the street, most human, but some, some aren't. There's a distinct smell of gunpowder and rot in the air, theres even some on the ground, though I can't really focus on that while I'm being shot at by lasers. There will be more dead bodies, they'll make sure of that.

'I can't let them die in vain!' I think furiously. Ever since the day they came, they only killed us. Humans. They came in many different shapes and sizes, just as the portals they came in did. We tried to fight them at first, using our tanks and rockets to kill them in mass. But even that was fruitless. They had better machinery, more people, more guns. Our knowledge of the world didn't help us in our fight against them, and now it's just us, the 81st ADF Platoon. We're the last remaining people of the last remaining city. Haha, life sure is ironic...

"Throwing fragment grenade!" I yell out before throwing the 3rd grenade in my pouch. Only one left huh.

"Hold the cover! Don't let them advance or we're dead!" Our platoon commander is the only military official left in our ranks, so he's taken the lead. He does have an excellent sense of leadership, but they don't care about it. They just kill.

BANG BANG BANG-, the battle keeps on going. Lieutenant Naru got killed, as well as a few others. Now we only have 8 soldiers.


"It's only us left sir! We have to- SIR!! Shit! Everyone retrea-"


Damn it! If we run, we'll be shot down, but if we don't, we'll die anyway... what do I do?


My last grenade. Fuck it, I'll die anyway, might as well make it end with a bang. It might also help my platoon members escape. I look over my cover, trying to spot the place with the most gunpowder. 'Can I really do this? Well what the fuck else am I gonna do?' I steel myself. 'There! Right beside the cafe, that's a good spot! Phew, huuuh, okay. Ahhhhggggg just go!'

"AHHHHHHHH!" I scream a VERY manly scream, flailing like a madman towards the the target area, grenade in hand.

30 Meters


24 Meters

*FWIIIIIOMMMUU* An ELB from the enemy side shoots towards me, but misses. Hooohhh thank god!

10 Meters


5 Meters

*FWIIIIIIOOOUUUUM* This one hits its mark right on the leg, fanfucking tastic the 4! I scream in pain and fall, grenade almost falling from my hand. 'Not yet..'

'No, just a little closer' I desperately crawl. I can't give up yet.

4 Meters

I can't move much anymore. I'm freezing and my head is ringing. 'One.. mor...push..' I pull the pin and toss it as far as I can. Hopefully it lands.


"GGE TEA I" I don't know what their saying and I don't care. I'm so cold. I've done what I could, so let's just slee-