
Fight the world

He who can fight the world is the Valkyrie. Young Chen Ling, occasionally get a drop of the supremacy of the demon beast blood, thereby awakening the family swallowed heaven blood, blood, blood. With all the blood to cast the peak of the supreme martial arts, the death of the holy god, break the ancient clan, achieve the throne of the warrior god.

DaoistUnUtzX · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter V The Punishment of Clan Gate

"Chen Ling, Chen Ling."

Wu Long's loud cry suddenly came from outside the residence of the disciples of the Outer gate. Wu Long rushed into the courtyard and saw Chen Ling standing at the door. Then he said, "Chen Ling, are you crazy? Last night you really..."

Seeing no false worry on Wu Long's face, Chen Ling's heart warmed. "Do you think I would do that?" she said with a faint smile.

Wu LONG pupil shrinks, silent A moment slowly way "I understand you, if you really are that kind of person, Lin Xiaoyu is afraid to be early by you got hand."

"And if Lin really liked you, this wouldn't have happened."

"Last night everything, are Qi Jun and Lin Xiaoyu's plot? Is everything in the past Lin Xiaoyu in disguise?"

Wu Long looked at Chen Ling intently.

Chen Ling looked at Wu Long in admiration. The guy's head was turning very fast, and the analysis came out at once.

"Why didn't I see you were so clever before?"

Wu Long angrily rolled his eyes and said, "Chen Ling, are you stupid? You don't care about anything at this time?"

"When this happens, your reputation in the house will be completely tarnished, and the House will even banish you."

"And what about your relationship with the Chens and the Lins?"

Wu Long now really wondered if Chen Ling had been struck.

Chen Ling's eyes were cold and he was silent for a moment. Then he slowly said, "Thank you, Wu Long."

"What happened last night, let me thoroughly see the face of Lin Xiaoyu. I this just understand come over, in the moment that I cannot awaken bloodline, Lin Xiaoyu is no longer Lin Xiaoyu, everything that he is to me is camouflage."

"The world is cruel, and this doesn't hurt me. I understand the practice of Lin Xiaoyu, but I will never let go of Lin Xiaoyu and Qi Jun."

Chen Ling's voice was cold and stinging. Wu Long felt Chen Ling as if he were a different person. There was an unspeakable and terrible smell pressing on him.

I do not know why, Wu Long suddenly feels Lin Xiaoyu and Qi Jun will have bad luck.

"What are you, what are you going to do?

"The possibility of your expulsion is great."

Wu Long swallowed and muttered.

"Moving Shan Zong will not banish me." Chen Ling burst out laughing.

"Will not expel you?" Wu Long frowned and looked puzzled. Why did this guy have such confidence?

"My father saved the master once, so the Emperor will not banish me, but the punishment will certainly come, depending on what it is." Chen Ling light way.

Wu Long suddenly opened his mouth, incredulous way "I depend, you still have this kind of relation UNEXPECTEDLY?"

But then he drooped again and said, "Even if we don't expel you, I'm afraid it's not going to be a good day, you..."

Chen Ling can not wake up blood, Wu Long is very clear.

Even if the move does not expel him, how can he stay in the zong if his reputation is ruined?

Back to the Chens, what will the Chens do to him?

"Is there any way to debunk Qi Jun and Lin Xiaoyu?" Wu Long gritted his teeth.

"Last night, they both confirmed my conviction." Chen Ling didn't care. "So, why do I bother to explain? Let nature take its course. And, I RATHER THANK Lin XIAOYU, thank her to let me finally see her true colors."

"Chen Ling, are you stupid?" Wu Long stared at Chen Ling with an extremely worried look.

"Don't worry, I'll be all right." Chen Ling smiled, suddenly glanced outside, slowly narrowed his eyes.

"Chen Ling, come with us."

The two young warriors strode into the courtyard and saw Chen Ling sneering.

"Law Enforcement Hall."

Wu Long turned around and his face changed.

"I'm going."

Compared with Wu Long, Chen Ling was calm as if the protagonist was not himself, patted Wu Long on the shoulder, and strode toward the law enforcement disciple.

"Chen Ling, I don't think we need to tell you what you did last night." Law enforcement disciple cold way, looking at Chen Ling's eyes is full of sarcasm and disgust.


Chen Ling frowned and coldly swept the two of them and said, "Are you afraid of wasting time?"

The two law enforcement students were stunned for a moment. Obviously, they did not expect Chen Ling to be so calm, and there was no panic on Chen Ling's face.

Is this guy really Chen Ling?


They looked at each other, then smiled and left the courtyard with Chen Ling.


"Chen Ling, you must hold on."

Wu Long looked at Chen Ling's disappearing figure, clenching his fist.

Law enforcement.

When Chen Ling came here, there were already many people in the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Qi Jun, Lin Xiaoyu, these two protagonists impressivepresence.

In addition, the female disciple Deacon Du Bihua, as well as the law enforcement Lord Jiang LAN and a number of law enforcement hall disciples.

Seeing Chen Ling's arrival, all eyes in the hall fell on him.

Qi Jun, Lin Xiaoyu sneer.

Du Bihua eyes do not hide disgust.

The face of many law enforcement disciples is hanging thick cynicism and ridicule.

Only Jiang LAN, frowning, sat at the head and looked at Chen Ling.

Jiang LAN was a warrior in the land.

This gave him a great fright.

Blood Dan.

Chen Ling was known to move the mountain Zong and could not wake up his blood. How could he suddenly become a warrior in the blood zone without any sound?

Is this boy unknowingly awakened blood?

Jiang LAN was thoughtful.

Under Jiang LAN's scrutiny, Chen Ling was also very nervous.

Before he came, he had been trying to hide, swallow the blood of the hidden ability did not let him down, Wu Long, law enforcement disciples did not perceive his difference.

Even in the hall from the faces of the people he could see that these guys did not see through his repair.

But Jiang LAN eyes of a bit of surprise or he saw.

Jiang LAN is a warrior in the land of heaven.

Can you get away with it?

Even if swallow day bloodline is strong and incomparable, but he just confluence now, strength is low and weak, can not deceive the Jiang LAN of Dan boundary of land not necessarily.

The expression of surprise made Chen Ling's heart sink.

I'm afraid we've been caught.

I hope Jiang LAN doesn't expose it.

"Chen Ling, as a disciple of the Sect, you have a heart of desire and intend to insult Lin Xiaoyu. According to the rules of the sect, you should have all your practices removed and be expelled from the sect." Jiang LAN pupil a narrow, cold light suddenly appear, awe - inducing voice lets all people inside the temple is heart quiver.

Chen Ling felt a pang in his heart. Jiang LAN's cold tone made him suddenly have a bad feeling.

Although Qi Jun and Lin Xiaoyu conceal very well, but Chen Ling still saw a sneer and ridicule.

Chen Ling clenched his teeth and said, "The master of the temple, the master of the temple, any punishment, the disciples have no opinion."

Hear this word, Qi Jun and Lin Xiaoyu are one Leng, the vision that looks at Chen Ling immediately resembles idiot general.

This punk looks like he's been hit.

They looked at each other and sneered.

Don't explain?

Jiang LAN looked at Chen Ling in surprise.

It's strange that the boy didn't panic at all.

Insult Lin Xiaoyu?

The expression of Qi Jun and Lin Xiaoyu inside the temple is under his eyelids, act as law enforcement Lord, if still do not see this among them there is a trick, he also white when so many years law enforcement Lord.

Jiang LAN frowned slightly.

Think of the master of the confessed, Jiang LAN glance Qi Jun and Lin Xiaoyu, the face of a wipe is not easy to detect the narrow "however, the door to cultivate a disciple is not easy. Chen Ling, if you can't become a disciple of the inner gate within one month, you should abolish the practice and expel the clan."

Chen Ling's pupil shrank and looked at Jiang LAN unbelievably.

Is that a punishment?

He was sure that Jiang LAN saw through his practice and became a disciple of Neimen within a month. What was the difference between this punishment and no punishment?

Could it be the master...

At this point, Chen Ling did not show any emotion. He bowed down and said, "After a month, if the disciple cannot become a disciple of the inner gate, he will discontinue his practice and leave the gate."

Qi Jun and Lin Xiaoyu some strange saw Jiang LAN, also did not think much, although did not drive out Chen Ling directly, but this punishment, the result is already doomed, just let Chen Ling live more than a month just.

Maybe it's because of the Chens.
