
Fight the world

He who can fight the world is the Valkyrie. Young Chen Ling, occasionally get a drop of the supremacy of the demon beast blood, thereby awakening the family swallowed heaven blood, blood, blood. With all the blood to cast the peak of the supreme martial arts, the death of the holy god, break the ancient clan, achieve the throne of the warrior god.

DaoistUnUtzX · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 17 Soaring into the Sky

"Move the rocks."

Below the sunshine, Chen Ling's pupil is slightly squint, can star like eye is flashing the light that lets a person be unable to fag.

Move the mountain to move the stone, is a very glorious ceremony.

Because moving rocks often means promotion, strength promotion, status promotion, for any warrior, are full of inexplicable majesty.

For some, of course, it's an honor. For others, it's shame.

"Chen Ling, nine moving rocks are the peak of the Wu vein, and if you reach ten, you will become a disciple of Neimen."

Jiang LAN looked down at Chen Ling with a faint smile.

In his eyes, Chen Ling became the inner door is a sure thing.

However, he became increasingly curious about Chen Ling.

A month ago, he could see through Chen Ling's practice, but today, he could only see a blur. Chen Ling's practice was completely covered up, and he could only have a vague feeling that Chen Ling was a bloody realm.

"Is this boy really the Chens' trash? They say geniuses are silent for years, but even this boy has been silent for a long time."

Jiang LAN couldn't understand.

He didn't bother to think about it. As long as Chen Ling had enough talent, Zong men would train him, and that was enough.

"Just start when you're ready."

With the sound of Jiang LAN falling, the expression of the people outside the square is a narrow.

Move ten rocks?

In your dreams.

"Damn it, where's Wang Hao? What happened to that guy? I'm still waiting for my money."

"Fuck, the bastard didn't come."


"Ha ha, finally from Wang Hao to win back once, cool."

"Hey, if Chen Ling can move ten rocks, I'll eat them."

"Go on, I'll eat it for a hundred bucks."


"Lao Pang, you should be able to carry fifteen yuan by now." Gu Bo looked at the rocks, a faint smile.

Pangle grinned. "Almost," he said. "Not nearly as good as Goug."

"Ancient brother should soon cross into the blood Dan higher rank." Qi Jun looked at Gu Bo with hot eyes.

"Ha ha, and almost." Gubo shook his head and smiled, but the pride and pride on his face could not be concealed.

"Chen Ling moved." The vision of Lin Xiaoyu stares at Chen Ling all the time, see Chen Ling walk to rock, she spruce eye blinks, tease way.

Suddenly, the eyes of the public gaze.

Chen Ling walked up to the rock step by step and slightly bowed his head, revealing a sneer that others could not see.


His body suddenly bent, his hands hugged the huge rock, a low drink, the rock rose from the ground, his hands held on top of his head.

"This side of the rock weighs a thousand pounds, ten is ten pounds, ten pounds of gravity without blood Dan, simply can not bear, I hope this boy can not be crushed."

"Scoffed Pangle.

"It's not that easy for him to want to die with Master Jiang Tang." Gubo clasped his arms over his chest, with a sneer on his lips, and seemed happy to see the scene.

In the square, Chen Ling stood straight and looked straight ahead.

A rock, a thousand pounds only.


"He said quietly.

Next to the law enforcement disciples quickly lifted a rock, steadily on the first piece of rock.

Two pieces.




The sound in Chen Ling's mouth was incessant, and the rocks and rocks overlapped.

His arms were as big as the sky and he didn't move.

The rocks are already several feet high overhead.

Eight pieces.


Chen Ling's voice didn't fluctuate at all.

"Has this fellow reached the ninth order of martial arts? How dare you add the ninth piece."

"He was eight heavy Wu mai before, but even to reach the Wu mai nine heavy, also stopped at this, no awakening blood, will never be able to enter the blood Dan."

"The last piece, watch."

"If I were him, I'd just admit it. There's no point in embarrassing myself."


The ninth rock fell steadily.

Chen Ling is as lofty as a mountain, holding several feet of high rocks, standing on the square looks particularly inspiring.



The first ten blocks.

Chen Ling body motionless, steady if the pine general.

"Holy shit, did I see anything? Someone rubbed his eyes, staring blankly at the scene.

"Ten pieces of... Not down, how is that possible?"

After a brief silence, the crowd went deep into the fryer.

Qi Jun is head a blank, dull way "This, this rock won't be false?"

"How is he supposed to carry ten?"

Lin Xiaoyu tried to rub the eye, the eye did not spend ah.

"Ten dollars. He's the Red Kingdom." Gubo's languid expression suddenly rose in awe and stared at Chen Ling with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Only THE Blood Dan CAN resist TEN pieces. He must BE THE BLOOD Dan."

"Didn't you say he was useless?

Gu Bo and Pang Le are pegged to Qi Jun and Lin Xiaoyu.

"It's impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible." Qi Jun seemed not to hear Gu Bo's words, stammering and muttering.

"It must not be true that he has not awakened his blood. How can he break through the realm of Blood?" Lin Xiaoyu repeatedly shook his head, complexion white, unbelievable this scene.

Gu Bo and Pang Le looked at each other, then at Chen Ling, both thoughtful.


Chen Ling's voice rang out again.

Steady and powerful voice, but like a thunder, in the ears of the explosion.


The eleventh piece.

There was total silence, dumbfounded, dumbfounded. A crowd, for a long time did not return to God.

Qi Jun and Lin Xiaoyu is awakened finally, look at this scene foolishly.

"Eleven yuan, is he really Chen Ling?"

Qi held his fist tightly and his eyes were wide open. He had an impulse to rush up and experiment with Chen Ling himself.

Lin Xiaoyu heart, suddenly give birth to a regret.

Has he been hiding all this time?

Mountain stone can not be false, that is to say, Chen Ling's repair to achieve the blood Dan initial stage.

One step ahead of the Qi army reached the red Kingdom.

Compared with the shock of the public, Jiang LAN is look as usual, this scene as early as in his expectation.


"Four more."

Jiang LAN pupil suddenly shrinks, horrified stare Chen Ling.

Add four pieces?

15 bucks? That's the middle of blood Dan.

A month ago, Chen Ling was only at the first level of blood Dan. Did he reach the middle level in a month?

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Four rocks fell one after another.

Chen Ling's body trembled and his arms trembled slightly. He clenched his teeth, and the blood Dan ran fiercely and his true breath gushed out. Instantly, his body was straight and his arms were knotted with muscles.

If it gets the blood pumping, $15 isn't his limit.

But 15 bucks is plenty.

For a moment, there was dead silence outside the square.

The crowd froze, and even Gu Bo and Pang Le opened their mouths in shock.

"Master Jiang Tang, the disciple has reached his limit." Chen Ling looked directly at Jiang LAN slowly.

Not out of breath, not flushed.

Jiang LAN took a deep breath and her eyes lit up.

A genius.

This kid is an absolute genius.

"Good, good, good."

Jiang LAN suddenly waved his hand and even said three 'good' words.

"From this day on, you are a disciple of Neimen."

Jiang LAN's shout woke everyone up.
