

when he arrived at Lucy's place she was already waiting for him at the door and looking at her made him wonder if truly they were going on a months trip or a year. she had bags lined up at the door

" Good morning sir " she greeted as he approached

" good morning " he replied but she noticed the frown on his face

" sir any problem? hmm I mean why the frown "

" I was just wondering why you have so much luggage"

" ohh well I get homesick if I stay away from home for a long time so I just took some of the things that would make me feel at home where ever we go "

" here Lucy " Alicia handed her another bag

" hey there " she greeted Zack

" good morning ma "

" I hope you both have a nice trip "

she walked away smiling.

Throughout the trip, none of them said a word to one another, the only thing Lucy was able to ask was where they were headed and she was so curious to know the kind of job they are doing on an island no one stays at.

Zack on the other hand was thinking of a way to train Lucy without telling her the true reason they were there.

when both of them arrived Lucy couldn't help but admire the beautiful structure on the island, it reminded her of a movie she watched when she was in her teenage years about a hero who had to kidnap his heroin on her marriage day to make her his.

" hope is not being kidnapped here " she giggled which Zack seemed to have heard.

" what does she think of herself not even in my wildest dreams would I want to kidnap her unless her father would have my head on his feet " he murmured and carried their luggage into the house.

All luggage was kept in a room which Lucy found weird as there were other rooms in the house

" the other rooms need cleaning and are dusty" Zack replied as if reading her mind.

she had a look around the room and suddenly burst into laughter which Zack found strange he turned to see the cause of her laughter but saw Lucy holding a lady's underwear which reminded him of his last visit here

he snatched it from Lucy and thrashed it into the waist bin

" hmm I must comment sir your girlfriend's friend is surely neat and tidy," Lucy said sarcastically

" I don't have a girlfriend and call me Zack, not sir," he said and left the room.

Lucy was left to arrange all their belongings and left for the kitchen which was already clean and Zack was preparing them something which they both ate without altering a word to one another.

Lucy was lying on the bed trying to reach her mum but it was to no avail as there was no network service

" how does he expect me to work her when there isn't next work service" she signed and made her way outside the house.

It was already late and Zack was lying on the bed, Lucy didn't feel sleepy so she headed for the water m

the island was surrounded by water and Lucy loved the water.

she took off her footwear and placed her leg into the water feeling it, she couldn't explain the amount of pleasure she felt but it was the best she had ever had in her life

she dip her hand in the water and it became ice, she smiled seeing she could at least do this perfectly as she has always failed at any spell she has tried doing

The entire water surrounding the island became ice unknown to Lucy and zack who saw all this happen was left in awe seeing this gave them an idea of how to train Lucy.

The next morning Zack woke Lucy up at exactly 5am, Lucy being clueless just obeyed all the instructions given to her.

After an hour of jugging, Lucy sat on the floor panting

" must we do this, I mean ... "

" Exercising helps build the body "

have never run for even five minutes in my life but you've made me run for an hour " she complained

" that's why you're lazy and if you want to keep leaving with me here you should get used to this now come on "

when they both arrived home Lucy just ate breakfast and went to bed.

while Zack couldn't stop laughing seeing how lazy Lucy was.

I woke up to the sound of broken glass, I quickly made my way to where the noise came from and found Zack with a broom. it seemed he was arranging the room.

I cleared my throat to gain his attention but he just ignored

" What a grumpy"

" erm sir when are we going to start work "

" right now "

"meaning? " I retorted and he took a deep breath

" theirs a ghost here "

on hearing what he said I burst into laughter

" a ghost, like seriously sir I taught you were educated and practical "

" you might see what I just said as silly but don't worry with time you'll notice it " he replied and walked out on me

" This man is so foolish although he's educated and blessed he's still foolish; I can't believe we came all this way leaving all my comfort just to find a ghost " I stormed my feet and left.

There was absolutely nothing I could do except sleep and eat so I went back to bed

being sincere I wasn't feeling sleepy so I made my way to the kitchen as I was very hungry

I checked the time and it was 8 pm and Zack seemed to be nowhere

I went to the kitchen to prepare something for myself, but the only thing I could find was eggs and some bottles of milk and I wasn't too experienced at cooking

feeling frustrated I slam the door of the fridge and my hands on the counter.

" First he says we're here on a business trip, and then he says we're here to find a ghost, and now theirs no food, did you bring me here to kill me Mr. Zack ken " I screamed but it was useless as he was nowhere to be found.