
Fight for the throne!

In the mystical realm of Drakonia, a land blessed abundantly by dragonic energy. The throne, once thought to be the rightful seat of the ancient royal bloodline, became the basis of war in Drakonia. Alliances will be formed. Secrets will be shattered. Truth will be concealed. Power will be used. Strategies will thrive. Revenge will be sought. Finally, war will come!!! _ The MC, Roshan is the only rightful heir to the throne. His life has been a mystery since birth. He is popular for his inability to perform spells, an ability that comes naturally to other members of the royal family. Triggered by what he was experiencing, he began to question himself: why is he weak? What is the mystery surrounding his birth? Why can’t he perform spells? In order to get answers, he embarked on a journey of adventure, where he got to know what he really was. Just when he was about to accomplish his mission fully and claim what was his, he made a mistake! [Note: This book has a large cast of characters, and to avoid confusion, their roles will be included in key places.]

Amiedo_Bahubali · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

A stronger Villain 2

After Abigail's maid had secretly come to narrate everything that happened in the palace to the prime minister. He hurried to Onju Martial Academy to meet Lucas now that the plans had backfired.

Lucas was awaiting news of Roshan's death when the prime minister secretly rushed into his chamber.

Immediately, the prime minister entered Lucas' chamber, the room was charged with an unusual aura, making him feel someone's presence.

"It is me! Turn to the back." Zeres ordered and Lucas quickly went on his knees upon recognising the voice.

"My lord, you shouldn't have stressed yourself. You could have sent for…."

"Shut it!" The prime minister yelled.

"It has backfired!!! Abigail is in prison, my daughter is in prison!" Zeres yelled and revealed his secret subconsciously.

"You failed to carry out the task properly. Tell whoever you sent to poison the king that she should turn herself in!!!"

"Poi…poison? The king has been poisoned? How come?" Lucas asked surprisingly.

"You dare question me? Is this your way of defying me?" Zeres inquired furiously.

"I dare not, my lord." Lucas quickly bowed and apologized.

"I do not know about what happened to the king and I didn't send anyone to the palace. The king instructed the minister of war to change some of the palace workers and he will be doing that in the next two days. I plan to use that opportunity to hijack them on the way and make our people go to the palace instead." Lucas explained.


"Yes, my lord."

" So, who poisoned the king then?"

How come the king was poisoned the day he told his daughter to put an occult poison in his tea before he sleeps at night?

Why does it look like someone played his game against him by poisoning the king that same day?

Zeres became confused, he fell on a chair as a tree would fall after cutting it. Beads of sweat formed on his face.

Who would want to poison the king if not him? And for that person to poison the king, he is obviously interested in the throne too.

He would have suspected Avery and her son, but it is a day to attend to general court matters, so she wouldn't want to do that on a day like that. Moreover, Abigail's maid had told him that Avery and Abigail cooked the food together and they even tasted it before serving the king.

Another person that came to his mind was Roshan, but he would never do that to his uncle.

Zeres began to analyze the situation.

Definitely, someone knows about his plans and that person is trying to use it against him. If not, why did that happen while the king was eating the food cooked by his daughter.

Zeres racked his brain for a while, trying to figure out who actually poisoned the king. Judging by how that person was able to poison him at the right time, that person seems like a stronger villain.

"Excuse me….my lord. I have a question. You said something earlier, and I am confused because of that. Is the king's concubine your daughter?" Lucas asked, pulling Zeres out of his thoughts.

There was a flash of shock on Zeres face when Lucas questioned him.

"Wh…what do you mean? Who told you that nonsense?"

"You said it earlier, you said your daughter is in prison."

"Errr, I guess that was a mistake. I don't remember saying that. What about the one I told you to get rid of here?" Zeres quickly changed the topic to avoid suspicion.

"Do not worry about that, my lord. Before this week ends, the news of his death will spread." Lucas assured.

"I hope you know what you are doing? Because we have two days before this week ends."

"Yes, my lord. I know what I am doing. I gave him the wrong spells and magic guidelines. This will lead him to summoning invisible spirits that will drain him to death."

"Good!" Zeres complimented.

"Now, it seems like our plan needs changes. Because it seems an unknown person is trying to overthrow the king too. But, we must help the king's concubine out of the prison first, she is an innocent person.

Tell the others, we are meeting very soon." Zeres instructed and made his way out of the place.


Back at the palace. The prime minister, minister of war, minister of welfare and other few ministers came to check on the king upon hearing about what happened. Although, they didn't get to know about what happened with Abigail.

The minister of war went to the palace with hundred soldiers to guard the king's palace because he felt the palace wasn't safe anymore. His daughter also told him about what happened to Roshan and what she noticed about the attackers, making him more suspicious of the palace.

Three out of the ministers made their way to the king's chamber. After the head eunuch informed the king about their arrival, they were allowed to see the king.

Upon getting there, they met the royal physician covering the king with a blanket, it seems like he was getting better.

After the royal physician left, they moved closer and bowed before the king.

"Greetings, your majesty. We are sorry about what happened." The Prime minister said as they all rose up.

Maximus [the king], rose up the moment he noticed their presence.

"Easy, your majesty." Odin [Minister of war] said as he moved closer to support the king.

"It's my fault for leaving the royal palace unguarded, that is why this happened. Who do you suspect?" Odin inquired.

"Uhhhm. I think Abigail is responsible for this."

"Your concubine?" The three ministers asked at the same time with widened eyes.

"Why will your concubine poison you?" The prime minister asked as he shouted on top of his voice.

"I think we should stop here." Maximus said as it was getting difficult for him to breathe.

"Okay, your majesty." Odin said as the minister of welfare helped the king back to a comfortable position.

"Do not worry, your majesty. We will investigate her right away." Odin assured as he made his way out of the king chamber.

"Why don't we confirm this?" The prime minister said with a shaky voice as they made their way to arrest Abigail for further interrogation.

Zeres body trembled as they made their way to the prison. Upon getting there, they met Avery, the queen, talking to Abigail who was on her knees, pleading.

"Greetings, your highness. We have been permitted to arrest your junior wife, Abigail." Odin interrupted their conversation. Afterwards, three soldiers barged into the prison and dragged Abigail.

"Stop!" Avery ordered. "Let her go, now!!!"

"No one dares to arrest her!" Avery declared.

"We are sorry, your highness. That is his majesty's order. Arrest her!" Odin ordered and the soldier moved closer to her to drag her again.

"Don't you dare!" Avery countered.

"I am the queen of Drakonia, the second in command. I hereby put my title on the line, she didn't poison the king's food." Avery said with a straight face and walked away afterwards.

After this, no one dared to arrest Abigail because the queen vouched for her.