
Fight for Life

What happens when you die and come back to life? You become a Demon Hunter of course! Follow Quint, Shay, and Lucas as they try to rid the world of demons! P.S. if you have any suggestions on how the story should go or any ways i can improve upon, just let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading! :)

Animated_Kingdom · Action
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47 Chs

Chapter 38: Quint vs. Lance

After seeing Lance use a technique that's similar to Lucas's, Quint was a little distraught. This created an opening for Lance to attack and he took it. Lance jumped over the wall and dove down with a kick to Quint's chest. Quint crossed his arms in front of him just in time to block the kick and pushed against Lance, forcing him back into the air and wide open. Quint jumped after him and punched him in the jaw. Right before the punch connected, stone spikes grew from Lance's face. The punch broke through the spikes and landed on Lance's jaw. Lance fell to the ground after that attack.

"Get up! I saw what you did, you're not fooling me," stated Quint while pointing at Lance. Blood can be seen dropping from Quint's knuckles.

Lance began to stand up and laugh and said "You saw and punched me anyway, that is very brazen of you. You're already more fun than that other fighter, he only worried about some woman when he should've been focused on battle."

Quint raised his fist up, exposing the deep lacerations to his fist. "This is nothing compared to what you put Lucas through! That's why I didn't pull back. I wanted you to know how serious I am about burning you to ashes with my power," said Quint while still clinching his fist.

"You're fire can't reach me with this power!" declared Lance as he covered himself in stone.

Quint's fists and feet were set ablaze with red flames as he charged at Lance, filled with anger. Lance stood there assured that Quint couldn't break his armor. Quint hit him with three straight punches and a kick to the side of Lance's head. Lance smiled after the assault and looked Quint right in eyes and then punched him in the gut with his stone covered fist. Quint spat out blood from the hit and was knocked away from Lance.

"This power is magnificent! He was harboring this power and didn't even use it against me?! Such a let down," said Lance nonchalantly.

"What are you talking about?!" yelled Quint.

"Well haven't you noticed? I've been using the other fighter's powers. I drained some of his energy and gained his abilities with my Vampire's Bite ability. If you wouldn't have interrupted me, I would've taken all of his power. But I see that I've gotten more than enough to defeat you," explained Lance.

Quint stopped and thought about when he first showed up and realized what he actually saw. "He was biting into Lucas's neck! That's how he steals energy! I was wondering why he was using techniques similar to Lucas techniques!" thought Quint.

Lance saw the change in Quint's expression and said, "Aw, now you've realized what you're up against and why you can not defeat me."

Quint rushed him again with a flurry of blows, but to no avail. The punches had no effect on Lance's armor of stone. Lance laughed as he watched Quint attempt to break through the armor. Quint continued punching him, causing cracks in the armor. Lance looked shocked at the results of the punches, but quickly gathered himself and double hammer fisted Quint. Quint was knocked into the ground face first! Lance jumped backwards in order to gain distance from Quint. He started to repair the cracks in his armor by adding more stone on his armor, making it thicker.

Quint looked up from the ground, pieces of pebbles falling off of his face and blood running down from his head and into his right eye. He saw that Lance's armor had gotten thicker.

"Damn! It's going to be harder to break through! I guess I'll have to punch a little bit harder then!" thought Quint as he got back to his feet.

The flames on Quint's wrists changed colors to a darker red and began taking the shape of a dragon's head. He charged at Lance again, hitting him with his Fire Fist technique over and over again. Lance started to attack back because now he's being pushed back by Quint's onslaught, but Quint dodged the counterattacks! Quint's attacks were coming so fast that they were longer visible to the human eye. Lance's stone armor began crumbling under the might of the Fire First technique. Lance attempted to run away, but due to the weight of the armor, he was slowed and couldn't escape. Quint started bashing him around his body, moving in circles around Lance. The armor had finally fell apart! Now Quint's punches were connecting with Lance's body. Lance hit the ground after Quint was done striking him.

Quint stood over Lance and gathered fiery energy into his hand. Lance looked afraid when he saw the awesome sight of Quint getting ready to deliver the final blow.

"Please spare me!" yelled Lance as he groveled at Quint's feet.

"Spare you?! Do I look like a fool to you? Would you have shown mercy to anyone?" asked Quint as the energy gathering in his hand got bigger.

"Yes! Yes! I will leave right now if you want! Just please let me go!" cried out Lance.

"I'm having a hard time believing that!" stated Quint.

"It doesn't matter now because I have you where I want you!" replied Lance as he launched himself into Quint's leg and biting it.

Quint didn't react to being bitten. He just looked down at Lance stealing his energy.

"Get as much as you want. You're dead anyway," said Quint as he released the energy that was gathered in his hand.

Lance's body and the surrounding area was completely scorched! "That was for Lucas!" thought Quint as he watched Lance's body disappear.

Quint looked around him and saw that people were hiding and recording him with their phones. He ran away quickly in the direction of the nearest hospital. "I got to check on Lucas and his mom. Shay, I'm trusting you to defeat that demon in your own! I know that you can do it!" thought Quint as he got closer to the hospital.