
Fight for Life

What happens when you die and come back to life? You become a Demon Hunter of course! Follow Quint, Shay, and Lucas as they try to rid the world of demons! P.S. if you have any suggestions on how the story should go or any ways i can improve upon, just let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading! :)

Animated_Kingdom · Action
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47 Chs

Chapter 37: Joan's Power! Lucas's Relief!

Lucas stood there, surrounded by his yellow energy. His power was so great, that Lance unconsciously stepped backwards in awe of the power. Lance stared at Lucas, but then Lucas had disappeared! Just as he noticed it, Lucas appeared behind him and hit him in the back with two fists, sending him flying into a building. Lucas followed behind him and started bashing Lance through the building. People ran out and away from the building as Lucas beat on Lance. Lance began to no longer try to defend himself. Lucas continued his onslaught, which caused the support beams of the building to fall.

Lance smiled and said, "Yes! This is the power I've been looking for!"

Lucas screamed out and then blasted Lance with a yellow, spiraling energy beam. The attack forced Lance to the other side of the building and into the ground. Lucas slowly walked towards Lance and stood over him. Lucas clinched his fist and a stone spire sprung from the ground and through Lance's abdomen. Lance smiled and coughed up a blood. He began to think about what Miko had said about Lucas.

He heard Miko's voice say, "The one I fought has latent powers within him. If you find a way to have him bring them forth, it will be the battle you've always looked for." Lance closed his eyes and stopped breathing.

Lucas turned around and walked toward his mother. She was still inside of the stone capsule Lucas created to put her in.

"I wonder how much time has passed. Is it too late to take her to the hospital? I can still at least feel her life force, so she's still alive. I better hurry and get her some help!" thought Lucas as he got closer to the capsule.

He turned around and looked at the damage he had caused. A whole building was destroyed due to his recklessness. At that moment, Lucas felt a terrible presence lurking over him.

"Hahaha! Yes! Yes! This is what I wanted!" screamed Lance.

Lucas searched quickly around the area, seeing if he can pinpoint where Lance was, but it just felt like he was everywhere.

"Where is he?!" thought Lucas frantically.

"Here I am!" screamed Lance as he came falling from the sky and onto Lucas! Lance wrapped his arms around Lucas's body and bit into neck.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" screamed out Lucas as Lance's teeth sank deeper into his neck.

"What's wrong?! I feel weaker and exhausted!" thought Lucas.


Shay charged at Joan aggressively with punches and kicks, but Joan blocked them all with the shield.

"Now witness the power of the shield!" stated Joan as the shield began to shine.

The shield emitted a strong force that hit Shay and it felt she was hit by the combined force of all of her attacks. Shay remained standing, but her body looked like it had been beaten.

"That was the final test. I know exactly what that shield does. All that I have to do is avoid hitting it and I can win this," thought Shay as she smile.

"Smiling at a time like this? Do you find your death funny? The girl has gone crazy at the reality of her situation!" said Joan while brandishing her shield.

Quint looked at Shay and recognized that smile.

"No you're mistaken. She only smiles like that when she had figured out a complicated problem," thought Quint.

Joan rushed Shay with the shield while preparing to bash her with it. Shay sidestepped her and attempted to punch Joan, but Joan raised her shield so Shay pulled her punch back. Shay then performed a leg sweep, but Joan dodged the kick by jumping over it. Joan then attempted to hit Shay with the shield, but again she dodged the strikes by jumping backwards, putting distance between her and Joan.

"Hmmm…. You're pretty skilled at hand to hand combat. But I have the advantage now," announced Joan as she reached down and grabbed a rock.

"So you have the advantage because you can throw rocks or something?" asked Shay condescendingly.

Joan threw the rock at Shay, but Shay sidestepped it, but the rock exploded as it went past her. As the explosion went off, Shay raised her arm to protect her head. Her arm is now bloodied with deep lacerations.

"To answer your question, yes. I will win by throwing rocks," said Joan while gathering more rocks and chucking them at Shay.

Shay actively avoided being close to the rocks as they exploded as they got near her. She hopped from spot to spot, watching the rocks and thinking of a strategy.

"See, you have no chance against my ability, Overload. All I have to do is pour my energy into something and it explodes," announced Joan as she vast in her glory, "The world is my weapon!"


As Quint and Ariel watched Shay battle it out with Joan, He could feel the disappearance of the demon's energy that Simone was fighting.

"Ariel, did you feel that?" asked Quint.

"Yes, Simone has taken care of one of the demons. Lucas is still struggling against the one he's fighting," replied Ariel.

"Struggling? How can you tell?" asked Quint while staring at Ariel curiously.

"If you concentrate, you can sense more than just a person's energy. You can tell their movements and even their emotions. Lucas's emotions are filled with sadness right now," stated Ariel.

"Sadness?! I gotta go! Something must be really wrong!" said Quint as he surrounded his legs with white, hot fire and dashed off towards Lucas.


Quint rushed through the city, leaving a trail of fire behind him. He followed Lucas's energy and noticed that his power was dropping rapidly.

"Something has to be going on. Even if he was fighting at full strength, his power wouldn't drain this fast!" thought Quint as he was able to see the capsule that Lucas had created and Lucas standing there with a demon on his back.

Quint immediately punched the demon in the face causing him to let go of Lucas and fall backwards away from him. Right after, Lucas attempted to do a roundhouse kick, but Lance dodged it.

"You ok?" asked Quint to Lucas.

"Yeah, now that you're here. Take care of this guy for me, I got to get mom to the hospital," replied Lucas.

Quint looked puzzled for a second and then gave Lucas a nod. Lucas ran to the capsule he kept his mother in, opened it, picked her up, and dashed off towards the hospital.

Lance attempted to chase after Lucas, but Quint stood in his way.

Lance was beginning to become frustrated and frantically said, "He's the one I want to fight!" as he pointed at Lucas whole running away.

Quint's face had a seriously angry expression on it. He had pieced together the situation at hand. Lucas's sadness, his mother, and the demon.

"You threatened his mother's life, didn't you?" asked Quint while maintaining the same expression.

Lance smiled and said, "Yes! What's it to you?"

Quint didn't answer, he just reacted by sending flames at Lance. Lance stomped the ground and a wall of rock came up from the ground, blocking the fire.

Lance is out of trouble now and Joan's revealed her power! What will happen next?! Be sure to vote for this book and add it to your collections!

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