
Fight for Life

What happens when you die and come back to life? You become a Demon Hunter of course! Follow Quint, Shay, and Lucas as they try to rid the world of demons! P.S. if you have any suggestions on how the story should go or any ways i can improve upon, just let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading! :)

Animated_Kingdom · Action
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47 Chs

Chapter 29: Lee The Destroyer

Shay had ran to the shopping district and was stunned by what she saw. This part of the city was always lively at this time of the day. People filled the sidewalks walking from one store to the next. Struggling musicians playing their instruments with hopes of getting discovered or at least make a quick buck or two. The restaurants were filled with happy customers having joyful conversations as they chowed down on their meal. Energy was contagious, if you traveled here, your day would be ten times better. But these are not the things that Shay saw. What Shay witnessed was people screaming and running away in every direction, trying to escape a blood thirsty demon.

Shay started running towards the danger. As she ran, she passed torn limbs, dead bodies, and blood splattered everywhere from the buildings, to the road, and sidewalks. As Shay got closer to where the demon was, she could see him sitting on some sort of throne, legs crossed, waiting.

"This demon is heartless and doesn't respect human life at all. And now, he's just sitting there with that smug face," thought Shay as she quickly approached the demon.

When Shay got close enough, she noticed what the throne was made of.

"What kind of sick fuck are you?" shouted Shay.

"Sick? I'm just enjoying myself," replied the demon as he shrugged.

The demon looked human, with pointed ears, red hair, handsome, and pale skin. He wore a red robe, with a golden tie around it, sandals, and small hoop earrings. Blood stained the bottom of his face, evidence that he has been drinking blood. He sat upon a throne made up of human body parts.

Shay rushed him with a strong punch, but the demon blocked the attack with one hand while remaining on his throne. Shay looked surprised, but her state of shock was quickly interrupted by a tendril smacking her in the face and knocking her away from him. Leaving a cut on her face. She rubbed her cheek to wipe the blood away.

"You won't catch me off guard again!" shouted Shay as she powered up.

"Hahahaha! You have spirit! Let's enjoy ourselves until the destruction of this city. After that, I'm afraid you'll be dead. Muahaahhhaa!" laughed the demon while still sitting.

"This city will not be destroyed! We will make sure of that!" announced Shay while starting at the demon.

"Do you not know who I am? I am Lee The Destroyer of the Imperials! Destroying cities and towns and lives is what I do. What can you do to stop me?" exclaimed Lee.

"I'll kill you before you kill anyone else!" said Shay.

Shay ran towards Lee again, this time Lee blocked her punch by crossing his arms in front of him. The attack forced him and his throne backwards. She followed up with a round house kick with her left leg, pushing him back even more and breaking his guard.

"You're open now!" said Shay as spinned into a heel kick using her right leg, but one of Lee's tendrils wrapped around her ankle and held her in the air.

Lee stood up and said "You have more power than I have given you credit before. I'll honor you by fighting while standing."

Three more tendrils appeared from Lee's back, wriggling around. Lee pointed at Shay and the other three tendrils headed towards Shay. She grabbed the tendril that had a hold on her and used it to pick up Lee and toss him aside. His tendrils stretched out and grabbed a light pole to stop him from landing onto the ground. Shay grabbed her bag and pulled out a water bottle.

"Are you thirsty now girl? You're not gassed out already are you? We've only just begun!" said Lee.

His tendrils stretched out to Shay once again, but she quickly opened up the bottle and manipulated the water into the shaped of a blade from a scythe.

"Water Scythe" said Shay. The edge of the water was sharp enough to cut through the tendrils and the attack continued towards Lee. Lee dodged the attack and counter by sending a ray of energy at Shay. She was hit in the leg by it! He then fired these more energy rays at her and they all landed. She was hit on the shoulder, chest, and abdomen. Shay screamed out.

"So you're an elemental user. That's rare, even within the demon community. Maybe that's why you have a little strength, but it's not enough. I'm going to take my time with you. Man Si!" said Lee.

Lee pointed at her and fired another dark, purple energy ray. Shay attempted to dodge the attack, but her leg couldn't react in time and was hit in the abdomen again.

"This fucking hurt! His attack is having a weird effect on me, my body isn't responding like it should. Wait did he call that move Man Si? That's Chinese for slow death! That had to be affecting my body! I got to figure out a way to become mobile," thought Shay as she examined her body. She noticed that her leg and andover had turned purple.

"So you've noticed! I created this move so I can torture my favorite opponents. This move will greatly reduced your reaction time in the afflicted body part by slowing down your nerve receptors. Be grateful that I've acknowledged your strength. Now the real fun will begin!" said Lee while grinning and whipping his tendrils against the ground.


Over a hundred years ago in the demon works, there was a small, uncharted village populated by low class demons. These demons didn't participate in the great war and lived peacefully away from the conflict. As a child living in this village, Lee lived happily with his mother and father. That is until a demon horde fighting for the Demon King attacked the village. The demon horde surrounded the village and began attacking the villagers sand their homes. The demon leading the charge was Tupp.

"Gather every able bodied demon to the center of the village!" commanded Tupp.

The demon soldiers ran into every house and dragged out the demons kicking and screaming. They struck down the children and the elderly.

Soldiers came beating on the door to Lee's home. "Lee, hide in the secret spot!" whispered Lee's father. Lee moved an animal skin that was on the floor to reveal a small hatch. He opened it and jumped into the compartment. His mother quickly covered up the hatch. Just as she did that, the soldiers burst into the house and forced Lee's parents to the outside with the other demons.

Lee's world has been turned upside down. Through the floor boards, Lee could see his parents being taken away. Tears fell down his eyes because deep down he knows that this will be the last time he sees his parents. His crying was interested by the sound of demons being killed.

I'm the center of the village, the adult demons are lined up in front of Tupp. "This will be simple, join us, fight for us, and die for us or you can die right now. The choice is yours," said Tupp to the first demon.

"I have no interest in your war!" shouted the demon and then he spat in the face of Tupp.

Tupp took his to his face and rubbed the spit. His eyes turned red, at the same time, the demon soldiers cowarded in fear of what was about to happen.

"So be it!" shouted Tupp. He put his hands together and ran through the defiant demon, ripping him apart. The demons in line stood there, frozen with fear for their lives. There was no way that any of them could stand up to the commander of this demon horde. One after one, they agreed to join him and fight in the war.

When Lee heard someone die, he left the compartment and his home to look at what was going on. That's when he saw that his father was next in line.

"Will you join us?" asked one of the soldiers.

"No! I live in peace and do not wish to kill or die in your war!" said Lee's father resoundingly.

The soldier was surprised by the answer. Surely the display of Tupp's power would've deterred others from rejecting the offer. "You fool!" shouted the soldier as he brought his sword down upon Lee's father. Lee's father prepared to block the attack, but it didn't matter, the sword cleaved him in two! Lee let out a whimper and tears began gathering in his eyes. His mother looked back at him because she heard the noise. He looked back at her, but her facial expression had changed into a look of sheer terror because what she saw standing behind Lee was Tupp.

Tupp smiled as he reached down and grabbed Lee and said, "Who does this brat belong to?! I thought I told you to kill the kids and elderly!" shouted Tupp.

Tupp looked around and saw the expression on Lee's mother's face.

"You! You must be his mother!" said Tupp while pointing at Lee's mother.

"He is my son," she responded while trembling.

Tupp threw Lee to her. She caught him and started crying while holding him.

"Kill the mother and son!" commanded Tupp.

A soldier slowly approached them. "Look away, son," said Lee's mother as she held him tight. Lee closed his eyes and wished that there was something he could do, wished for strength. As he watched the soldier prepare to run him and his mother through with his sword, something awoken inside of him. He and his mother were surrounds by purple energy. The sword couldn't pierce the energy. Lee jumped from his mother's arms and two tendrils grew from his back. Tupp watched the event carefully. "Leave my mom alone!" yelled Lee as his tendrils grabbed the soldier and ripped him apart. He then attacked two other soldiers and killed them immediately. He then turned his attention to Tupp and charged at him. Tupp dodged the attack.

"See, that's the kind of power we're looking for! No one touch this kid, he has potential and will be an asset to the war. Kill the rest!" commanded Tupp.

"Noooooo!" shouted Lee as he began attacking Tupp. Tupp sidestepped him and kneed him in the chin, effectively incapacitating Lee. Lee laid there, motionless, watching his fellow villagers get slaughtered.

Tupp kneeled down beside Lee and said, "See those people are weak, so they become crushed by the strong. Strength is the only thing that matters. If you were strong enough, couldn't you have saved her? Couldn't you have saved your village? Being weak has no place in this cruel world, remember that. I'll take you in and make you strong."


"Man Si!" said Lee. Shay gathered water around her arm in the shape of a whip and grabbed hold of a light pole and dodged the attack. "Water Scythe!" said Shay. The attack was fired directly at the center of Lee. Lee dodged it, but Shay was already behind him and kicked him in the back. Lee was falling to the ground, but his tendrils helped him avoid hitting the ground.

"You're quite resourceful! I thought this fight was over, but it seems that you still have a lot of fight in you. Allow me to show you how weak you are!" said Lee.

Lee's body began to be surrounded by purple energy. The energy condensed to a small ball. "Super Man Si!" said Lee. The ball was fired at Shay, but she sidestepped it, thinking that she avoided it. The attack exploded, creating a ten foot diameter explosion. Shay's right side was affected by the attack. Her right arm and right leg are now useless.

"See that attack shuts down your nerves completely! You won't be getting any feeling on your right side for a while. Let the torture begin! Hahahaha! That's what you get for being weak!" said Lee excitingly as he approached Shay.

"This guy is actually smart! How many battles has he been through? He never reveals anything until it's too late for his opponents. I'm kinda glad that I can face him, even though his power level is weaker than mine, he's made this fight very difficult for me," thought Shay.

Lee charge at Shay with a knee, but she blocked it with her left arm, but Lee's tendrils started whipping her body. Shay screamed in pain.

"Wonderful! I love the sound of my victim's screams. More! More!" thought Lee.

He began to whip her harder, tearing away at her clothes and exposing skin. The tendrils started to break skin and causing her to bleed.

Shay started to smile. "What are you smiling about?" asked Lee as he started whipping harder, "You should be screaming."

"Look.... behind you!" said Shay.

Lee turned around and saw a sphere of water behind him. Shay began laughing at Lee and said, "You were so caught in torturing me, that you didn't even notice what I was doing. I can't believe that I was actually impressed by a weakling like you!"

Lee turned back around towards Shay and wrapped a tendril around her neck and placed a hand on the sphere. Lee fired a Man Si through the sphere, but it remained intact. Shay motioned her left hand and the sphere slowly approached Lee, slowly consuming him. Lee had no choice but to let her go. Lee attempted to blast his way out of the sphere, but that didn't work. Shay walked up to the sphere and said, "Struggle until you drown. A weakling like you can't break this."

Shay turned around and walked away from the sphere. "Weak! Weak! I'm not weak!" thought Lee. He then heard in his mind Tupp telling him, the strong crush the weak. He then thought about his mother's murder. "I won't be weak again!" shouted Lee as the sphere started being filled with his purple energy. Shay stopped walking when she felt his energy.

"He still has power left?!" thought Shay as she turned around and raised her hand attempting to maintain the sphere. Lee came bursting out of the sphere charging at Shay. He attacked her with a flurry of punches and kicks! Shay's body was slowly recovering, but it wasn't enough. She took the full brunt of Lee's attack. Lee withdrew his tendrils and took a fighting stance. Shay can now move her right side and ran at Lee. Lee did the same. He took a swing at her, but she dodged it by ducking and punched him in the gut with an uppercut, launching him into the air. "At the end, atleast you weren't weak. Water Cannon!" said Shay. She gathered energy and water into her hands and fired the water blast at Lee. "This is the end," said Lee as he watched the attack come closer to him. The attack hit Lee and went right through his abdomen. Lee's body hit the ground, lifeless.

This chapter is nice and long. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think.

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