
Fiend of Anmae

Anmae is the Capital of the Desilia Kingdom. There lived Fang LiHua, who is an illegitimate child of the Grand Duke. Since she was born, it has been as if the world has cursed her. Failing to awaken her magic, making her a normal human, which contrasts with her father, who is known for his destructive magic, along with his brother, who is already seen as promising. But there's more about Fang LiHua. After all, at the age of five, she pushes the wife of the Grand Duke from the stairs, leading to the death of the Grand Duke's wife.

nikooniconi · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter One

Fang Yu Zuan has always been the protagonist of the praise. He's the only heir and the citizen has been expecting him to surpass his father, the Grand Duke. In Anmae Academy, he was called the child prodigy. He's always at the top, both in academic achievements and magic prowess. He's used to the flattering eyes of everyone, always following him are the eyes full of admiration.

But everything changed when he was only seven years old. His father was carrying a newborn child into their home and a woman was being held by the guards outside their home. Immediately passing the child to one of the maids who got out because of the commotion.

"What's happening here? Who's that woman?" His mother who just got down was confused, as she stare at the woman who keep screaming outside their home. His mother probably hasn't noticed the newborn child being held by the maid beside her.

"You! Daring to steal my child! I will curse you!" The woman screamed in rage as he glared at the Grand Duke, her purple eyes we're glowing.

It was when his mother realized what was happening, she finally noticed the newborn child being held by the maid. She was shocked, but betrayal can be seen as she looked at her husband in disbelief. Her husband who promised to be loyal and only love her, has brought an illegitimate child inside their home.

The Grand Duke ignored her, and coldly said, "Take her away, make sure she doesn't show herself in front of Fang Jia."

"Understood." The guards said as they began to drag the woman out of Fang Jia's property.

The woman keeps struggling as she glared at the Grand Duke. "Fang Mu Chen, you will forever regret this day."

When they no longer see the woman, his mother was looking at his father, silently crying, Waiting for him to explain what was happening. But his father only shook his head at her, offering no explanation.

Finally, looking at him. "Yu Zuan, look after your sister." Throwing his obligation at his seven-year-old child. Yu Zuan was shocked by the sudden responsibilities.

Before his father walked away, he asked him, "What's her name?"

The Grand Duke stopped walking as if he realized something. "I seem to remember she has no name. You could name her and tell the butler to have it registered."

"I see." Yu Zuan agreed as he took in the appearance of the newborn child.

It can be seen that she was just a newborn, as the child isn't even properly cleaned yet, her hair and skin still have some blood. No wonder the woman looked so tired.

The child has a truffle of white hair, her eyes are closed as she sleeps. Wanting to see her clearly, Fang Yu Zuan walked toward the maid carrying the child. Raising his hand and touching the newborn child's cheek, he quickly retreated his hand when she suddenly opened her eyes.

She inherited the eyes of Fang Jia. Just like him and his father, she got a pair of turquoise eyes.

"Fang Li Hua, her eyes look like a pear blossom. Butler, have it registered." He said and looked at the butler who was waiting for his order.

"I will follow your order, young master." The butler nodded and take off.

"Ning Xuo, take some maids with you and clean one of the rooms in the west wing. Prepare all the necessities a child her age would need." He ordered the maids who were waiting idly by the side.

Finally, "Clean her, you'll be her personal maid from now on." His last order before he left.

Fang Yu Zuan may be mature for his age, but everything that happened today is too much. His brain is having a problem processing all the pieces of information he heard today.

First, his father clearly cheated on his mother. His mother, Xue Chengguang is weak, she's just a normal person who failed to awaken her magic. But she was his father's childhood sweetheart. Despite the opposition of everyone, he still married her. Living the perfect life as the head of Fang Jia.

Second, his father's forbidden affair bore fruit and took the child home. From what he heard, his father may have forcibly taken the child when it was just born.

He needs to gather deeper information to fully understand everything.

The gossip that the Grand Duke brought home an illegitimate child spread wildly. Everyone at the Academy was looking at him with pity. Especially Shen Ze Yu was worried about his friend and kept looking at him, obviously not listening to the lecturer.

His best friend, Shen Ze Yu, is the Crown Prince. For someone from the Royal Jia, Shen Ze Yu is easy to get along with. He is adored with long bright vermilion hair always kept in a braid, with a pair of orange red eyes. As his father is the Grand Duke, them being the same age, it gave a chance for them to grow up close, just like actual brothers. Considering they will work with each other a few decades later, they began to trust each other even at a young age.

Fang Yu Zuan combed back his shoulder-length golden blonde hair as he let out a sigh.

"My mother has never been the same." He said.

Shen Ze Yu titled his head, " What do you mean?"

"She almost killed Li Hua a few days ago. Anna just came at the right time." Shen Ze Yu was shocked by what he heard as his eyes widen.

"No way! Auntie really did that?" Xue Chengguang's image has always been elegant and kind. She looks as if she can't even kill a fly, and will cry if she accidentally killed one.

"Ever since Father took Li Hua home, Mother's mental health collapsed. Now, the Butler appointed a few guards to ensure Li Hua's safety." Fang Yu Zuan continued as he sat at their designed table in the cafeteria.

"What did your father say?" Shen Ze Yu asked, he was well aware of how cold and strict the man is.

"He fought with Mother, saying how she should get used to it, that LiHua is just another person to feed. But, Mother didn't take it well." Because he has been at his father's side since birth, he knew how his Father would deal with his mother.

"Should I go to your Manor? It may help distract your mother." His best friend suggested.

"Please do, your presence would be a great help." Fang Yu Zuan let out a small smile in appreciation.

One of Shen Ze Yu's magic is somehow unique, it's a power that can be inherited from his mother's family. They let out an aura that can calm everyone normal person in their presence. For people like them who awaken their magic, a grown-up and powerful Shen Ze Yu's magic can help purify their core.

"Ey! Ze Yu and Yu Zuan, wanna play with me?" The two were taken aback as someone sat exactly in the middle of them.

Another friend of Fang Yu Zuan, Qing An Rong. Among the three of them, Qing An Rong is the only one who acts his age. Childish, playful, but someone who gets serious when needed. He has shoulder-length purple hair, which he sometimes ties, with a pair of mardi gras eyes. His older sister is the current High Priestess of Desilia Kingdom.

Unlike them, Qing An Rong didn't have to shoulder such responsibilities at a young age. He can act his age, and enjoy his childhood. It was something the two of them envied, at the same time happy for him, after all, Qing An Rong is their friend.

"Well, I would go to the Fang Manor to see Yu Zuan's little sister." Shen Ze Yu informed him. They're only seven years old, let Qing An Rong be innocent.

"Should I go too? But what if the baby cries?" Qing An Rong excitedly said but showed some hesitation.

"It's all right, Li Hua rarely cries." He only heard Li Hua cries once when his Mother tried to suffocate her by covering her face with a pillow.

1. Jia means Family

2. Anmae is the capital of Desilia Kingdom

3. Grand Duke is next highest position next to the King.

Chapter 1 will be like the 'filler' chapter. Then the next few chapters are Fang Lihua's life growing up.

More information about magic and demons will be revealed.

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