
fgo Ritsuka fujimaru (gudao) x servant

Gudao stories with the Servants there is no connection between stories ( no ntr to gudao , mind control netori harem )

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Gudao has sex with Artemis, part 2

Da Vinci-chan: "Hmm... For a moment I was worried about what would happen."

Koyanskaya of the Light: "Aren't you misunderstanding something? All we did was prepare Artemis, but if she can't heal the Master, there's no point."

BB: "Don't jump to conclusions. If you don't have sex with me, all our efforts will be in vain. Oh, can I have that soy rice cracker, please?"

Medea: "Zzzzz... Ugh (drinking hot tea)"

Da Vinci-chan, who was among the three people having tea to celebrate their achievements, began to discuss what the future held for them while savoring his soy sauce-flavored dango.

Da Vinci: "Well then... no matter what we do with Artemis Faker, we have to deal with the Master first. Is there anything you would like to say?" (picking sesame dangos)

BB: "There's nothing I want to say. It all depends on what you do now, Senpai (use the teapot to pour more tea into the cups)."

Koyanskaya de la Luz: "We've given all the support we can, and now all that's left is for those two to get naked and have fun (adds rice crackers)."

Medea: Well, I didn't put a lewd mark on it (Artemis Faker)

The other three froze with their mouths open when they heard the words Medea said.

Da Vinci: "Hey... that doesn't seem right..."

Medea: "The next number is those two, right? Don't worry, I'll help you if you need me."

medea ended the conversation with a feeling of "Is there a problem?" and drank tea again.

The other three did not say anything to him and did not pursue the matter further.

Afterwards, Da Vinci received sudden news and left the room.

BB: "For now, I'm worried about Senpai's condition, so I'll continue to upgrade the stabilizer."

Koyanskaya de la Luz: "Although they are stabilizers, they are only a temporary solution and there is a possibility that the virus mutates. It would be best to avoid their excessive use."

Medea: "These are the people who caused the virus, so I'm worried..."

BB: "Hmm, that's pretty shocking."

Koyanskaya of the Light: "Yes, I agree."

BB and Koyanskaya from Light: "It's really their fault!! (pointing at each other) Why are they pointing at me!?"

Medea: (stunned and speechless)


Artemis F: "Master. I've brought you some food from Emiya and the others."

*F stands for Faker.

A day has passed since Artemis F was born.

Artemis F pushes a service cart loaded with food and drinks for two into the room where Fujimaru is isolated.

Fujimaru: Th-Thanks, Artemis.

Even though Chaldea has a large dining hall large enough to accommodate a large number of people, Fujimaru had Artemis bring him food.

Da Vinci-chan: "It would be bad if I come into contact with another female Servant and something happens..."

This is it.

It may be that it is an unknown virus, but this is to avoid making a mistake in the treatment method that has been designated (which is a unilateral process of selecting a machine).

Nightingale: "Is that okay? (In full armor, Nightingale is equipped with all the medical equipment and tools she thought would be necessary to treat Fujimaru.)"

Asclepius: Oh no.

Male Servants who are aware of the situation are (secretly) guarding the room where Fujimaru is isolated in his place, but it is unclear how long they can last (due to the actions of out-of-control Servants such as Kiyohime).

Since it is unclear which female Servant will be the one to treat Fujimaru, matters must be handled with great care.

Yes, if we make a fool of ourselves and the last master of humanity dies, it will all be for nothing...

Fujimaru & Artemis F "Itadakimasu"

Contrary to the situation, after Fujimaru and Artemis F joined hands, they ate the breakfast prepared by Emiya and the others.

Fujimaru: "(Salted salmon, rice, miso soup with wakame seaweed, thick omelet with spring onions, and burdock root dressed in sesame seeds... Oh, natto! It's been a while since I've seen it.)"

Fujimaru was mesmerized by the colorful Japanese food when he heard the clattering of chopsticks.

Artemis F: "Um... well. I think you're supposed to hold the chopsticks like this... huh? Well, um..."

Fujimaru was surprised to see Artemis F struggling with chopsticks for the first time.

Fujimaru: (So, so cute!)

I was just normally excited.

The stark difference between her and the real Artemis made Fujimaru himself captivated by her unique charm.

Incidentally, in order to distinguish her from Artemis, Artemis F wears a stand-up collar shirt and a lace skirt, but Fujimaru is unaware that some male Servants who are unaware of the situation are stunned when they see her.

Fujimaru: (It's a sight I could look at forever... Huh? N-No, no. If this keeps up, she won't be able to eat!)

After escaping from Artemis F's charm (she didn't do anything in particular), Fujimaru talks to her.

Fujimaru: Are you okay, Artemis?

Artemis F: "Um... I'm sorry... I... it's my first time using chopsticks so I don't know..."

Fujimaru: "Ah. Then just hold it the same way you would a pencil..."

Artemis F: "Huh? Pencil? What's a pencil?"

Fujimaru: "Ah"

Oh no, he's just letting his bad habit show... Fujimaru thought to himself, holding his head in his hands, but he quickly pulled himself together and moved over to Artemis F's side, taking her hand.

Artemis F: "Huh?! Wh... M-Master...?"

Fujimaru: "Sorry, it was just a habit I forgot to do... First of all, the way to hold chopsticks is to place the bottom chopstick between your middle finger and ring finger, like this."

Fujimaru kindly teaches Artemis F how to hold chopsticks by touching her fingers.

However, his teachings did not reach Artemis F's ears.

Artemis F: (H-ha-ha...!? I touched it! My hand touched Master's hand! Is it okay to touch it?! If I transfer a strange disease to Master, it will be a big problem...!!)

For the newly born Artemis F, having Fujimaru touch her made her feel more anxious than happy.

She was aware that she was not a normal person, so she faced particular anxieties.

But it wasn't all bad.

Artemis F: "Master's hands... they're warm."

Fujimaru: "Hmm? Did you say something?"

Artemis F: Oh, it's nothing...

Fujimaru: Oh, really? Then next is...

After that exchange, Artemis F was able to enjoy her meal with Fujimaru without any problems, thanks to having been taught how to hold chopsticks.

A while later, shortly after midnight, Artemis F went to deliver Fujimaru's lunch.

Artemis F: "Master! Boudica prepared this for lunch..."

Fujimaru: "Ugh..."

Artemis F: M-Master...?

When Artemis F entered the room, what she saw was Fujimaru sitting on the bed, holding his head and moaning in pain.

Fujimaru's complexion was clearly no better than when Artemis F saw him during breakfast.

Artemis F: Are you okay?

Fujimaru: "Uh, uh, ah... Sorry, Artemis. Thank you for bringing me food again..."

Fujimaru tries to greet her with a smile, but his expression quickly changes to one of distress.

Artemis F: "Uh... well..."

Not knowing what to do, Artemis F panicked, but then the door to the room opened behind her.

BB: "Yes. Excuse me for a moment."

BB appears elegantly dressed as a nurse, pushes Artemis F aside and runs towards Fujimaru.

Artemis F: "Huh?! Wait a second...!"

BB: "I said I apologized earlier. Senpai, can you see me?"

Fujimaru: "Eh... bi... BB...?"

BB: "Yes. This is your cute BB-chan. It seems like she's still conscious. Next up is..."

BB makes detailed notes of Fujimaru's condition in the medical records he brought with him.

BB: "...Okay then. Senpai, please take this medicine. You'll feel a little better."

Fujimaru: "It's just a little..."

BB gave Fujimaru a capsule and then put him to bed.

BB: "Ugh... I think it's okay for now."

Artemis F: "Oh, you... what did you give the Master to drink?"

Artemis F, still not understanding what happened, approaches BB and tries to talk to her.

BB: "Mmmm..."

BB let out a deep sigh, turned around and grabbed Artemis F by the neck.

Artemis F: "Ugh!?"

As Artemis F is shocked by the sudden turn of events, BB speaks to her in an angry tone.

BB: "This is what happens if you don't have sex with me first."

Artemis F: "What?! W-what are you doing...?!"

Artemis F blushes after hearing what BB told her.

However, BB continues talking without paying attention to this.

BB: "Right now, Senpai is in a state where if he doesn't have sex with a specific person, he will die from a virus. Although he feels like he is going to die, he is a kind person, so he doesn't do it." .try to force it, you know?"

Artemis F: "Oh, that's not true..."

BB: Do you understand? You were created as a substitute for a specific person who can heal you. So hurry up.

Medea: "Stop it, BB."

Medea appeared without warning and pulled BB's hand away from Artemis F, who had been grabbing her by the neck.

Artemis F: M-Medea...?

BB: Don't get in the way, Medea. I'm going to her now.

Medea: "I told you not to do anything unnecessary. If Ritsuka saw you like this, he would be sad, you know?"

BB: "...The effect only lasts until today!"

After saying that to Artemis F, BB immediately left the room.

Artemis F: "..."

Medea: "Ugh... not at all."

Artemis F is stunned by the sudden series of events.

After Medea cast a spell on the lunch that Artemis F had brought her, she took his hand and quietly left the room where Fujimaru was sleeping.

Medea: "Can I have some tea? Would you like some sugar and milk?"

Artemis F: Y-Yes... please...

The scene changes and Artemis F is now in Medea's room.

This is the place where she brought me, still holding my hand.

Artemis F: (Wow… there is a lot of strange grass and strange colored water…)

Looking around, Artemis F's eyes lit up with curiosity, perhaps because there were so many unknown things.

Medea, who had finished getting ready, handed him a tray with a tea set.

Artemis F: Thank you...

Medea: "...I guess I'm not used to it after all."

Artemis F: Huh?

Medea: "I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm just glad you have your own personality."

Artemis F: "..."

Artemis F, sensing that Medea was being somewhat evasive, tried to distract her by adding sugar and milk to the tea on the tray, and began stirring slowly with a teaspoon.

Medea: Do you like to mix things up?

Artemis F: "...I don't know yet."

Artemis F was approached by Medea, but she was nervous because she could guess what they were going to say.

Medea: "That's true... You were only born two days ago. Of course there are things you don't know."

Medea: "You hate it when we make decisions you don't understand, don't you? There are so many things you don't understand, and yet the people around you have such high expectations of you. It's too unreasonable."

Artemis F: "..."

Artemis F finished mixing the sugar and milk, but did not touch the tea and concentrated on listening to Medea's story.

Media: "I feel sorry for BB. She feels responsible in her own way, that's why she said what she said."

Artemis F: "Um, what is your relationship with Master, BB-san?"

When Artemis F found out about BB, he timidly asked Medea what her position was, and Medea's expression suddenly changed.

The media: "Criminals and victims"

Artemis F: "Huh?"

Medea continued saying to the astonished Artemis F:

Medea: "BB was also the reason the Master was infected with the virus."

Artemis F: "What?!"

Artemis F instantly panicked.

What if someone told you that the person who said those things to you was one of the perpetrators?

Artemis F: "Uh, well...hmmm?!"

Medea: "I know how you feel... I thought to myself, who does she think she is? Oh, that's right, do you remember the girl with the pink tail?"

Artemis F: "Y-yes! She's the woman with glasses that Medea and BB were with!"

Medea: "That girl is both guilty and victim..."

Artemis F: "What?! I mean, why is he the victim even though he's the culprit?!"

Medea: "Well... it's a long story, but is it okay? Umm, murmur murmur murmur murmur..."

Artemis F later heard everything he knew about the incident from the media.

The perpetrators played with Fujimaru and he ended up doing it.

To treat Fujimaru, who has been infected with an unknown virus, selected maids must hug him.

And what will happen to the maids who are hugged by him?

Artemis F: "...So, Medea has a baby in her womb, right?"

Medea: Yes, it is. She hasn't taken human form yet, but she's growing properly inside me.

While saying this, Media gently rubbed her stomach.

Seeing Medea slowly rubbing her belly with a loving expression on her face, Artemis F shyly asks her a question.

Artemis F: "Hey, hey, Medea? I... I wonder if I can have Master's baby too?"

Medea: "It is absolutely possible. I can guarantee it 100%."

Artemis F: "Oh, I see... so even I can have a baby... hehe..."

The somber expression she had when she was brought before the media was gone, and now Artemis F looked happy and embarrassed as she placed both hands on her reddened cheeks and shook them from side to side.

Artemis F: Um... if it's not too much trouble, could you tell me more about your Master?

Medea: "Hehe... Sure, sure. I'll play it for you until you get tired."

Artemis F heard from Medea about the path Fujimaru had taken to get to where he is today.

A meeting and farewell in the singularity where Fujimaru suffered a lightning shift.

Fujimaru fought many battles risking his life.

Separation from a doctor he met in Chaldea.

After hearing the story of their ongoing fight to protect the future from a stranger, Artemis F made a decision.

Artemis F: "Medea. I have made a decision."

Medea: "Is he okay?"

Artemis F: "Yes. From now on, I have to take the initiative."

Medea: "I understand. There is still some time before the Master awakens, so I will give you the knowledge and the lewd mark... and then there is the rest. I will at least prepare some fighting clothes for you."

Artemis F "Thank you Medea"

Medea: "Don't worry about it. Do your best, Artemis. Face Ritsuka with your own feelings, not because someone told you to."

Artemis F: Yes!!

With all the help he could get from Medea, Artemis F took action on his own before Fujimaru woke up and called certain people.

Artemis F: "Please! Lend me your strength!"

When Artemis F told these people, they all agreed to cooperate with his plan without asking why.

It seemed that Artemis F's plan was proceeding smoothly, but in the room prepared for her, she was holding her racing uniform in a paper bag handed to her by the media and bowing her head.

Artemis F: "Now that I think about it, is it really okay to use it for a fight...?"


Fujimaru: "Where am I?"

Although he was supposed to be asleep in his room because of the medicine BB had given him, he suddenly noticed something strange and could hear the sound of waves, and when he woke up he found himself on an unfamiliar, deserted island.

You may not understand what I'm talking about, but I don't really understand it either...and why am I wearing swim trunks?

Fujimaru: "Anyway, let's first look at the situation...!"

The moment I tried to stand up, I was hit by an intense pain from inside my body and collapsed on the spot.

Being on the sand exposed to sunlight unobstructed by clouds was just the right temperature and even felt comfortable, but that was overridden by the pain.

Fujimaru: "Y-yes, it's tough..."

There was no doubt that the pain he was feeling in his body was caused by a virus.

I tried to hold back and not go out of control like I did with Koyanskaya and BB, but it seemed I had reached my limit.

My consciousness fades away as I feel my body about to explode, an sensation I would never normally feel.

Fujimaru: "Ugh... I can't die... in a place like this... yet...!"

Even though he was repeatedly hit by small waves from the sea, he forced his body to stand up.

I have to fulfill my "responsibility".

Even though it's to treat the virus, I have to protect the woman I raped and the child I have with me.

Fujimaru: "Guuuuh...fuh...!"

Fujimaru finally managed to stand up from the spot while enduring the pain that was attacking his entire body, but his body was trembling like a newborn fawn and it seemed as if he might collapse at any moment.

Fujimaru: "Ah..."

Fujimaru was overcome by a wave that only hit his feet, which normally wouldn't cause any problems, and he nearly collapsed.

Artemis F: Master!!

Fujimaru: "Eh..."

Just before Fujimaru collapsed, Artemis F appeared out of nowhere and embraced him, supporting him.

Artemis F: "I'm sorry Master... it was taking me so long to get changed..."

Fujimaru: Ah, Artemis?

As Fujimaru's vision cleared, the image of Artemis F appeared clearly.

Artemis F: Y-That's right! The drug Medea gave me is on my chest!

Fujimaru: "Ah, hmm?! Ah, Artemis, what's going on with that swimsuit?! And what about your chest?!"

However, the clear visibility was a bad thing.

The swimsuit that Artemis F was wearing was a white one-piece, but it was wide open from her chest to her stomach, exposing the cleavage of her enormous melons.

To put it more simply, everything is visible except for the nipples and areola.

Hidden swords do exist in the world, but even with the naked eye, it was impossible to tell during this sea rehearsal that one would be hidden in the chest...

Artemis F: "Yeeees!"

Fujimaru: "Ubo?!"

When Artemis F forced Fujimaru to drink the capsule-like medicine she had taken from her chest, everything went dark before his eyes and he lost consciousness.


Fujimaru: "...So that's what it was."

Artemis F: I'm sorry, Master...

The next time Fujimaru woke up, he was on Artemis F's lap.

Even Fujimaru was awakened by the sight of Artemis F's two enormous melons, and tried to get up in a hurry, but Artemis F forcefully stopped him, saying that he must still be tired.

In the end, Fujimaru ended up listening to the full story up to this point while sitting on Artemis F's lap.

Fujimaru: "A tiny singularity that did not disappear naturally occurred on Oceanus, so we had to rayshift and solve the problem directly, but since I was in this state, Da Vinci and the others were worried about what to do, so Artemis suggested this to me. 'I'll take my Master with me, but the other Servants will solve the problem!!' Is that okay...?"

Artemis F: Yeah, something like that.

Fujimaru: "Has the cause been resolved?"

Artemis F: "Yes. I solved it while Master was asleep."

Fujimaru: "..."

Fujimaru put his arm over his face as a blindfold.

Artemis F: "What's wrong? Maybe the sun was too bright? Maybe the parasol was in the wrong position..."

Fujimaru: "No, that's not it, that's not it, Artemis... I'm the one who's in the wrong..."

Artemis F didn't say anything to Fujimaru as he complained, but simply watched him quietly.

Fujimaru: "It's frustrating that I'm causing so much trouble for everyone and can't solve the problem on my own..."

Artemis F: "..."

Fujimaru: "It's the same now. Impregnating a female Servant in Chaldea just to treat me, someone you don't love, is nothing short of despicable."

Artemis F: "Nothing."

Fujimaru: "Eh..."

Artemis F removed Fujimaru's arm, which he had been using as a blindfold, and gently stroked his face.

Artemis F: "Everyone loves Master. If Master is in trouble, everyone lends them their strength, and if everyone is in trouble, Master lends them their strength. We all need each other, so we join hands and help each other. And even someone like me... I need you."

As Artemis F spoke each word tremblingly, Fujimaru just looked at her.

Artemis F: "You know...I couldn't help but feel anxious. I had to do what everyone told me to do, and on top of that, I had to embrace a man I'd never met before. But you faced me head on. You treated me not as a fake Artemis, but as a woman...and that made me so happy."

Fujimaru: "..."

Fujimaru moved his head off Artemis F's lap and faced her head on.

Artemis F's hands trembled as she frankly confessed her feelings, carefully weighing every word that came out of her mouth.

Artemis F: "That's why I want to be with you. I'm grateful with all my heart for this one miracle, and I'm happy that I was able to face the fact that you needed me, even if just for now."

Artemis F: "I want all of you... So please turn me into an Artemis who loves only you."

Fujimaru's face turned red after hearing Artemis F's confession and he stared at her, feeling his heart pounding rapidly.

Artemis F, her face redder than Fujimaru's, also looked at him.

Artemis F: "...Is this bothersome?"

Fujimaru gently embraced Artemis F as she muttered anxiously.

Fujimaru: "So it's not a bother... Thank you, Artemis. I've made up my mind. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I will definitely make you happy. I promise."

Fujimaru moves away from Artemis F and holds the pinkie finger of his right hand in front of her.

Artemis F: "L-little finger...?"

Fujimaru: "It's called 'Yubikirigenman' and it's a sign that you will always keep your promise."

Artemis F: "...W-Would you be willing to promise me something like that?"

Fujimaru: "Yes, if I want to respond to your feelings, it would be rude if I didn't do this much..."

Artemis F: "...I, I understand."

Artemis F also timidly puts out the pinky finger of her right hand and, just like Fujimaru, intertwines it with his.

Fujimaru: "If you lie, you'll get a thousand needles."

Artemis F: "What?! A thousand needles?! Is that a dangerous promise?"

Fujimaru: "Uh... well then I'll hit you ten thousand times."

Artemis F: "I don't like hitting or being hit..."

Fujimaru: "Wh, what should we do?"

Fujimaru himself has no experience making this kind of promise, so he is flustered and doesn't know what to do.

Seeing Fujimaru like that, Artemis F blushed slightly and said to him:

Artemis F: "If you break your promise, then please marry me!"

Fujimaru: Marriage?!

Artemis F: "If you break your promise, I'll marry you! Then I'll definitely be happy! No, I'll definitely make you happy!"

Fujimaru: "..."

Artemis F launches a fierce attack on the stunned Fujimaru, but as she goes berserk, her entire face turns bright red and white smoke puffs out from the top of her head.

Artemis F: "B-but...! P-promise me... please...!"

Artemis F spoke hesitantly and slurring her words.

Before he knew it, Artemis F was placing her free hand on Fujimaru's pinky finger, holding it tightly in the middle of the finger-cutting process.

Artemis F: "Uhh...!"

Driven by the desire to never let go that was coming from her hand, Fujimaru similarly placed his free hand over hers.

Fujimaru: "I promise, with my life on the line."

After hearing this from Fujimaru, Artemis F slowly raised her head, which had been looking down.

Artemis F: "...Can I ask you one more thing?"

Fujimaru: "Yes."

Artemis F: "Please... give me a kiss of promise."

Fujimaru: "Yeeeesss."

A man and a woman exchange a kiss of promise on an isolated island that has been formed naturally over hundreds, even thousands of years, with no man-made objects present.

Fujimaru: By the way, who gave you that daring swimsuit...?

Artemis F: "This swimsuit? This is a swimsuit I got from Medea. She said that Master would be happy if I wore this, so I tried my best to wear it, but..."

Fujimaru: I see...

Artemis F once again shows off the swimsuit she is wearing in front of Fujimaru.

In addition to her chest being completely visible except for her most important parts, the high-cut design exposes her voluptuous waist and voluptuous buttocks, further accentuating their charms, and Fujimaru couldn't help but groan in admiration.

Fujimaru: "Wow, this is amazing...huh?! Ah, what's behind Artemis?"

Artemis F: "Huh? It feels like this?"

Fujimaru: "Oof!?"

Artemis F spins around on the spot, showing her back to Fujimaru.

Looking at her back, Fujimaru felt the tip of his nose getting hot and quickly held it down.

It's no wonder that Fujimaru, who was used to seeing risqué outfits and should have had a certain tolerance for them, ended up like that.

The swimsuit Artemis F was wearing was thin and strappy, and it dug deep into the cleavage of her buttocks, emphasizing the presence of her exposed, glamorous hips even more.

After making sure that the fever had subsided from the tip of her nose, Fujimaru tells Artemis F his honest thoughts.

Fujimaru: "My, my back is completely exposed, but... it's really pretty."

Artemis F: Th-Thank you...

Seeing Fujimaru's reaction, Artemis F must have felt embarrassed, as she hugged him tightly as if to hide her body, but instead her body was exposed, and she ended up showing it off.

Fujimaru: (N-no...! I-if I don't hold him back, he'll attack Artemis any second now...! P-hold on...!)

Fujimaru's thoughts and his instincts, enhanced by the virus, begin to clash.

The rationality that one should have as a human being is the Noble Phantasm of Leonidas I,Guardian of the Flame GateThermopylae Enomotaia" and deploys an ironclad defense.

However, this soon crumbles, and the balance of thought begins to be dominated by instinct.

It would have been better if the interactions taking place inside Fujimaru were similar to those of animals living in the wild.

All we have to do is behave in the way that has been engraved in our DNA from ancient times to the present, in order to compete for survival with other animals and ensure the prosperity of our own species.

But humans are different.

People who have been taught to live based on an accumulated order are not free, but they are able to exercise a certain degree of rights.

Because he must keep Fujimaru alive, Chaldea encourages him to exercise his right to "cooperate in his treatment" regardless of the female Servants' wishes, but this is unnecessary for him, as he values ​​relationships of trust with others.

To put it simply, Fujimaru cannot embrace someone without their consent.

Because of this, Fujimaru was unable to bear the suffering he had brought upon himself and weakly reached out his hand as if searching for a place to escape, and Artemis F gently took it.

Artemis F: "Okay then..."

Artemis F takes Fujimaru's hand and guides it to her chest.

Fujimaru's eyes widened as he felt the softness of Artemis F, even through her swimsuit.

Artemis F: "I-I want you to love only me... But I know that would cause trouble for Master. So... just love me for now."

Artemis F. musters up all her courage and confesses to Fujimaru.

Fujimaru gently places his hand on Artemis F's, who holds his hand tightly as if she doesn't want to let go.

Fujimaru: "Don't say just now..."

Fujimaru tries to confess his feelings, but he can't finish it and his expression quickly turns gloomy.

Seeing this, Artemis F understands the troubles he has become aware of, but speaks to him gently.

Artemis: "I know. It'll be okay."

Once your treatment is completeFake Heroic SpiritFakerHowever, Fujimaru looks down, thinking that she too will be ordered to leave Chaldea.

Fujimaru keenly feels the significance of the fact that history must repeat itself, that even after one problem is solved, a new one must be solved.

Artemis F gently embraces Fujimaru to reassure him.

Artemis F: "Hold me, Ritsuka. So that I can leave my memories of you for the future."

As a woman, Artemis F embraces Fujimaru.

Fujimaru: "Ahh."

Fujimaru embraced Artemis F as a man.

Fujimaru raised his head, wanting to never forget her one-time miracle.

Artemis F: "Ahhh, mmm, mmm, hmmm, mmm."

Fujimaru: "Mmmph, hmmm, mmm, hmmm"

The sound of waves from the sea drowned out the sounds of the two people's lewd kiss.

As the sunlight poured down on the nameless, isolated island, Fujimaru once again felt the strange sensation of the complete absence of the noise made by man-made objects that he had become accustomed to since childhood.

At the same time, I deeply experienced a sense of liberation that this world is endlessly free.

It was as if he and Artemis F were the only two people in the world, but then Fujimaru noticed something strange.

Fujimaru: (Hmm? Come to think of it, there was a problem here, so we rayshifted here, right? What about that problem?)

Artemis F: "Don't think too much."

Fujimaru "Mugyu"

Artemis F noticed that Fujimaru's attention was not directed towards her and grabbed his mouth tightly.

Artemis F: "Look at me more. I, well... I guess this outfit is really embarrassing..."

Seeing Artemis F blushing and fidgeting, something she would probably only do in front of him, Fujimaru's heart began beating faster in time with his master's excitement.

Fujimaru gulps as he stares at Artemis F's voluptuous body, spilling out of the fabric of the swimsuit she is wearing, a gift from Medea.

Artemis F: "You can touch me..."

As if responding to Fujimaru's passionate gaze as he silently stared at her, Artemis F took his hand and guided it to her breast, allowing him to touch it.

Fujimaru: "---It's so soft..."

Those were the first words spoken after a long silence since Fujimaru had touched Artemis F's breasts.

Artemis F: "──────────────Th-Thank you..."

He also took action, but didn't know how to respond, so he just expressed his gratitude to Fujimaru.

At the same time, to prevent Fujimaru's attention from being drawn to another topic, Artemis F put her hands on her swimsuit and opened the bold chest area to the left and right, exposing her breasts.

Artemis F: "Hmmm--"

When she revealed her massive breasts, which swayed back and forth, Fujimaru's eyes were glued to Artemis F's chest.

Fujimaru: "Um, well... well... it's big and impressive..."

Artemis F: "Yes..."

Artemis F's body was originally tailored by Artemis to suit Orion's preferences.

Fake Heroic SpiritFakerBorn as a demon, Artemis F is unable to change her body to suit the target, but this is not a problem for Fujimaru.

In fact, Artemis F's naked body was so destructive that it made any problems that might have popped into his head disappear into the distance.

With Fujimaru's movements now at a halt, Artemis F grabbed his head with both hands and guided him towards her breasts.

Artemis F: "Well, well... M-Medea said that she would be happy if you touched her breasts with your face..."

Fujimaru blushed when he heard why Artemis F had led him to her breasts.

Fujimaru: (Now that I think about it, I felt calmer when I put my head on her chest while having sex with Medea... I did other things too.)

Artemis F: "---Would you like to suck my boobs too?"

Fujimaru: "Please let me smoke it."

It took just one second for Fujimaru to respond to Artemis F's question.

Artemis F: "Well then... here you go."

Hearing the quickest reply, Artemis F, blushing, presented her nipple in front of Fujimaru's mouth.

Fujimaru took Artemis F's protruding pink nipple, including the areola, into his mouth and, with his cheeks clenched, began sucking with all his might from the start.

Artemis F: "Mmmm!! Mmmmmm... You're sucking... My breasts... You're sucking so hard... Ah, ahhh...!"

As Fujimaru strongly sucks on her nipples, Artemis F's whole body trembles and she cries out in pleasure.

Fujimaru: "Slurp slurp, mwah, mmm, mwah"

While taking Artemis F's nipple in his mouth, Fujimaru licked it with his tongue, and while sucking hard, he thrust his tongue into the recesses of the nipple and drilled it.

Artemis F: "Ah...ahh!! You...can't pierce my nipples while sucking them...no...!"

Even as she said this, Artemis F did not try to forcefully pull Fujimaru away, but instead wrapped her arms around him to keep him from letting go.

Fujimaru grabbed her other breast and took it into his mouth, sucking the nipple forcefully.

At the same time, Artemis F's breasts were roughly squeezed with both hands, and she could no longer bear it and collapsed onto the sand.

Artemis F: "Hmm... Ah, hmm, haa... Ahaa..."

Fujimaru notices Artemis F's body trembling violently and quickly releases her breasts.

Fujimaru: A-Are you okay?

Artemis F: "Hmm... I'm okay... Just... rest for a bit... I can move..."

Fujimaru: "...Okay. I'll go find something to drink in the meantime."

Fujimaru decided that Artemis F wouldn't last unless he let her rest, so he wandered around the area looking for something to give her to drink, and for some reason found several dozen plastic bottles with the Chaldea mark ready in the shade of trees.

Fujimaru: "What? Why is there a plastic bottle in such a shady spot?! It's ice cold...! Huh...?"

Perhaps Artemis F had prepared this beforehand? Fujimaru wondered, so he took some plastic bottles he had acquired and opened the tops of the bottles to give Artemis F a drink.

Artemis F: "...I want to drink from your mouth..."

Fujimaru: "...Uh, yeah."

To fulfill her small wish, Fujimaru put the drink from the plastic bottle into his mouth and fed it to Artemis F by mouth.

Fujimaru: "...Are you okay, Artemis? There's no need to strain yourself."

Artemis F: "It's okay! I'm just a little worried because Ritsuka's penis is too big... (whispering)"

After a while, Fujimaru is relieved to see that Artemis F's strength has recovered.

As soon as Artemis F recovered, he said the following to Fujimaru.

Artemis F: "Um, well... should I try pinching you?"

"S-Squeeze?" Fujimaru had no idea what they were telling him, so Artemis F made a gesture of squeezing her own breasts tightly with both arms.

Fujimaru seemed surprised when he saw this.

Fujimaru: "P-Piece fuck... what?!"

And until now.

Artemis F: "Ritsuka's penis is really big..."

Artemis F said this while sitting on the sandy beach and squeezing Fujimaru's extremely thick penis between her breasts.

Fujimaru smiled wryly at his comment and said the following.

Fujimaru: "Well, it used to be small... even when erect it was only the size of a slightly thicker index finger."

Artemis F: "Huh? You mean your index finger (extends his own index finger to check) Huh!?"

Seeing Artemis F's shocked expression, Fujimaru continued his story with tears in his eyes.

Fujimaru: "Well... well. Koyanskaya of the Light gave me a strange medicine and the next thing I knew I had grown to this enormous size... I was more surprised than happy and I didn't have time to think about it. ".I can't tell you that I was raping Koyanskaya and BB without realizing it... Fujimaru added to herself, but Artemis F, without realizing it, was holding his extremely thick penis between her breasts and playing with it with her fingers.

Artemis F: "I see... But Ritsuka's penis is thicker and harder than my arm... and it feels very hot when I touch it with my skin."

Fujimaru: "Well, the blood is flowing, so it's going to get hot... aren't you afraid?"

Artemis F: Why?

Fujimaru: "No, but the big veins stick out everywhere and contract by themselves..."

Fujimaru couldn't help but laugh wryly as he looked down at the length of his extremely thick penis, which was still in contact with Artemis F's chest at the tip of her breasts, but still had some room to spare.

Artemis F: "...I would have loved Ritsuka's penis no matter how big or small it was."

Fujimaru: "...Really?"

Artemis F: "Yes. But I love you more than I love your penis."

Fujimaru: "...T-thank you."

Artemis F laughs when she sees Fujimaru looking away from her in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.

Fujimaru: (But then I thought, Artemis's breasts are really big...)

Fujimaru once again notices the size of Artemis F's breasts and prepares to thrust in and out as his penis, buried inside her breasts, drips precum.

Fujimaru: "Well... how does it feel to give your penis a titjob?"

Artemis F: "Hmm... I guess that feels better than having your breasts sucked?"

Fujimaru: "--- I see... (I see, paizuri is something that only men can enjoy... I'll keep that in mind.)"

Fujimaru, who believes that it would be better if both parties could feel good, decides that he will need to discuss the matter with his partner over the tit-job.

Artemis F: "Okay, then let's get started."

With that said, Artemis F grabbed her breasts with both hands and gently wrapped her arms around Fujimaru's extremely thick penis.

Fujimaru: "Wow...!"

Fujimaru almost recoiled as he felt the warmth and softness of Artemis F's breasts transmitted through his penis.

Artemis F: Are you okay?

Artemis F looks at Fujimaru, worried about him.

Fujimaru: "It's okay. I was surprised at how good Artemis' breasts felt."

Pleased by Fujimaru's response, Artemis F smiled and moved her breasts up and down, rubbing her soft flesh against his extremely thick penis.

Fujimaru: "Ah...!"

Artemis F: "If you feel good, don't run away, Ritsuka?"

Fujimaru: "No, even if you say that...!"

Artemis F, with a mischievous smile on her face, puts strength into both hands and presses hard against her breasts, which are holding Fujimaru's penis in the middle, to prevent it from escaping.

After watching Fujimaru's first titjob and how he is no longer able to withstand the growing sexual desire enhanced by the virus, Artemis F asks him the next question.

Artemis F: Should I drink it?

Artemis F, who had been taught by Medea what comes out of the penis, said this to Fujimaru, who seemed to be in pain because she was holding him back, and after thinking about it for a bit, said the following.

Fujimaru: "...Could you please drink it?"

Artemis F: "---Yeah...okay."

Fujimaru: "Thank you..."

Fujimaru was grateful to Artemis F, who nodded, and then exposed the head of his penis from his chest and brought it to her mouth.

Artemis F: "I-I'm fine. Umm, I think I stuck out my tongue... um, lick..."

Artemis F shyly extends her tongue and begins to lick Fujimaru's extremely thick penis.

Artemis F: "Lick...lick lick, mmm, mmm, slurp slurp, mmm...mmm slurp"

Fujimaru: "Ugh...! Ah, Artemis... that feels too good... aaah...!"

Even though it was Artemis F's first time, she tried her best to take the extremely thick penis into her mouth and lick it all over with her tongue.

Unable to bear the sensation any longer, Fujimaru began to thrust his hips forward.

Artemis F: "Hmmm...!! Mmmm, mmmm... mmm."

Artemis F was surprised by Fujimaru's sudden action, but she did not try to push him away, instead taking his extremely thick penis in her mouth and continuing to stroke him.

Fujimaru: "Ugh, uuh, ohhh, I'm going to let it out, Artemis...! Guh, aaaahhh!!"

With one powerful thrust he spit out all the semen he had been storing until now into Artemis F's mouth.

Artemis F: "Mmmph!! Mmmph!!"Fujimaru's extremely thick penis fills Artemis F's mouth, and the enormous amount of ejaculated semen pours down her esophagus and into her stomach.

Fujimaru: "Ugh!! I can't stop... Ugh...!!"

Holding Artemis F's head with both hands, Fujimaru pushes his hips forward and ejaculates again.

Artemis F: "Gugh! Mmmm, mmm! Ggh, ggh, gghh... ggh, ggh."

Even though he had a pained expression on his face, he continued to swallow the semen that continued to be released from Fujimaru's extremely thick penis, taking his time doing so.

Artemis F: ".....let me think about it a bit next time....my jaw hurts..."

Fujimaru: "...Yes."

It took about five minutes for Artemis F to drink up Fujimaru's semen, but the price was high.

Perhaps because the extremely thick penis was forced into her, Artemis F's jaw became dislocated, and Fujimaru hastily administered magical treatment.

It took another 10 minutes for Artemis F to get back in working order, but the sky was still clear.

Artemis F: "Hmm, hmm, ah, ahh, ahh... hmm. I think it's okay."

After making sure that her mouth was feeling better, Artemis F took turns drinking from the several plastic bottles that Fujimaru had brought.

Artemis F: "Mmmmmmmmmm.... Phew! Phew..."

Fujimaru: Are you ready for a drink yet?

Artemis F: "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the drink. Hey, Ritsuka. Semen doesn't taste good, does it?"

Fujimaru: "Well, the places where you drink it are different... (But it's hard to believe that a human being is born when sperm and an egg combine. It's amazing how mysterious it is.)

Fujimaru feels a little better after ejaculating twice, but it doesn't cure the virus he's infected with.

Artemis F: "---If that's not the case, then we need to give it to him in a proper place..."

Artemis F blushes as she plays with his extremely thick penis with her fingers.

Fujimaru: "That's right..."

Fujimaru presses his extremely thick, erect penis against her stomach.

However, the two of them remained there with their faces red, unable to move, and the only sound that could be heard was the cries of the birds flying in the sky.


Artemis F: "I-I guess this is it..."

Fujimaru: Uh, yeah, I think that's fine...

Some time later, Fujimaru and Artemis F were finally able to take action and discussed what to do.

Artemis F: "What's the best position to use when having sex?"

Fujimaru was troubled when Artemis F told him this.

Fujimaru: (Even if you tell me what to do, there are so many things... Hmm)

After three minutes of tilting his head from side to side and folding his arms in confusion, Fujimaru said to Artemis F.

Fujimaru: "Well then... shall we try it from behind?"

And to now.

As instructed, Artemis F stretched out both her arms, placed her hands on the sand, and stuck her butt out in front of Fujimaru.

Artemis F, who had only received some knowledge from the media, was not sure if this was correct.

Fujimaru: "---Ohhh…"

However, just knowing that Fujimaru was excited to see me gave me a sense of relief that it was worth doing.

Artemis F: "Hyaaa?!"

On a whim, Fujimaru reached out and touched Artemis F's butt, causing her to let out a cute shriek.

Fujimaru: "S-sorry! Did you dislike it?"

Artemis F: "Um, well... I was just surprised so it's okay! H-please!"

Artemis F, blushing, urged him to touch her, and Fujimaru, blushing as well, placed both hands on her buttocks.

Fujimaru: "Wow... it's so, so smooth..."

Fujimaru had touched women's buttocks a few times (accidentally), but being able to do so over a long period of time like this had left him with a diminished vocabulary.

Artemis F: "Hmm, ahhh...ahh, this position is really embarrassing..."

Even though she was about to have sex in the open with Fujimaru, Artemis F couldn't help but let out a word of embarrassment, but Fujimaru himself was obsessed with her beautiful, sexy ass.

Artemis F: "Ah, hmmm, hmmm... R-Ritsuka... M-It's okay now, right...?"

Fujimaru noticed that Artemis F was breathing heavily and finally removed his face and hands from her butt.

The crotch of the swimsuit Artemis F was wearing became wet with the love juice leaking from her private parts, making her slit stand out clearly, and the love juice that continued to overflow transformed her thighs into lethal weapons that stimulated males.

Artemis F: "Please Ritsuka... my pussy wants your big dick so hurry up..."

With love juice dripping from her private parts, Artemis F shakes her hips from side to side, begging for Fujimaru to insert his extremely thick penis.

As Artemis F seduces him with lewd expressions and words, Fujimaru's reason begins to crack.

Fujimaru: (Wait, Fujimaru Ritsuka! Artemis has never had sex before! Even though she has the lewd mark given to her by Medea, it's not like she's going to do it all of a sudden!)

Artemis F: "Hmm..."

In order to put an end to Fujimaru's sanity while he was in the midst of a whirlwind of doubt, Artemis F used one hand to push aside the crotch of her swimsuit, which had been covering her private parts, exposing them in front of Fujimaru.

Fujimaru: "Ah."

Fujimaru's sanity is pushed to the brink of shattering as he smells the heat that has been building up inside Artemis F's swimsuit and the scent of a female lust from her private parts.


Artemis F: "My first time, untainted by anyone, is mine to give to Ritsuka."

With a loud clink, the glass known as reason shattered, and Fujimaru transformed into a male.

Fujimaru: "Ah... Artemis!!!"

Fujimaru screamed, grabbed Artemis F's plump buttocks that had been dedicated to him with both hands, spreading them apart to the left and right, then thrust his hips forward to insert his fully erect, extremely thick penis into her private parts.

Artemis F: "Ahhhhhhh!!!"

When Fujimaru's extremely thick penis is inserted into Artemis F, the lewd mark that Medea had applied shines with a mysterious light.

The pain of rupture of the hymen due to insertion and the foreign body sensation from the abdomen caused by even pressure on the vaginal opening.

Medea's lewd mark, which transformed all of the pain and suffering caused by Fujimaru's extremely thick penis being inserted into pleasure, was at its most effective.

Artemis F: "Ah...ahh...ugh...!! Ah...it feels so good...ahh!!"

The moment Fujimaru thrust his hips forward with force and the head of his penis hit her cervix, Artemis F let out a cry that was unthinkable coming from someone who had just lost her virginity.

Fujimaru: "Fuuh, fuuh... fuuh...!!"

Breathing heavily, Fujimaru slams his hips violently against Artemis F.

His appearance was that of a wild animal, a male who thought of nothing else but impregnating his mate.

Artemis F: "Ahh! Oh, ahh, mmm! Y-that feels good...! Ahh! I-I love having Ritsuka's dick pounding me, ahhh, it feels so good...!!"

Artemis F had a blissful look on her face as she braced her hands and feet and moved her hips back and forth in time with Fujimaru's thrusts.

Fujimaru grabs Artemis F's buttocks with all his might and starts pumping his hips faster and faster.

These movements were not meant to make the other person feel good, but rather were movements that only pleased himself, something that Fujimaru had hated when he was still sensible.

Artemis F: "Ah...! It feels so good...! It feels so good to have Ritsuka's dick pounding my pussy... Ah, my head is going crazy, it feels so good...!!"

Artemis F cries out in pleasure as she is violated so roughly, and her own sexual sensation increases as she forcefully squeezes Fujimaru's extremely thick penis with her vagina.

As the glow of the lewd mark on her abdomen grew more intense, Artemis F began to slur her words, and with her tongue sticking out of her lazily open mouth, drool splashed onto the sand and sea.

As if responding to Artemis F's greedy and aggressive pleas, Fujimaru shifts his grip from her butt to her hips, and begins to shake his hips, aiming to ejaculate in order to impregnate her.

Fujimaru: "Kuf, fuu...!! Guuuu...!!"

Artemis F: "Ahhh! Ugh, ah, oh my...! Ahh, ahh, so intense... ahhh! Ahh, ahh...!!"

Bang bang bang!! Fujimaru slams his thick penis into Artemis F's private parts, intensifying the feeling of ejaculation.

Fujimaru: "Ugh!! I'm gonna let it out, Artemis...!! Ah, ugh, uuhh!! Get me pregnant!!"

Artemis F: "I'm pregnant...!! I'll give birth to as many of your babies as you want, so I-I want you to impregnate me!!"

Fujimaru and Artemis F reach their climaxes together.

Fujimaru thrusts his hips hard, inserting his thick penis deep into Artemis F., and ejaculates while pressed so tightly against her cervix.

Artemis F also braces her body firmly on all four limbs, pressing her buttocks against Fujimaru's waist to receive his ejaculation.

Artemis F: "Guh, oh, ahhh...!!"

Artemis F continues to climax as Fujimaru pours the massive amount of semen into her.

Fujimaru clings tightly to Artemis F's back like a dog mounting her, not letting go as he ejaculates heavily.

There was no conversation between the two of them until he finished ejaculating from his extremely thick penis, and they were just breathing heavily, but their expressions were filled with a sense of relief that they had made love to each other.


Artemis F: "Oh, and also! Ritsuka has come inside me about three times while sucking my breasts! It makes me so happy to feel him fill me so completely."

Medea: "Oh, yes... I'm glad..."

Fujimaru, Artemis F────── and Artemis & Orion have returned after finishing fixing the micro-singularity.

When Fujimaru sees Artemis and Orion and wonders what they are doing, he suddenly remembers a forgotten thought and turns to stone on the spot.

Artemis and Orion said this to Fujimaru in a congratulatory tone.

Artemis: "Um, well... I hope you're happy with the other me!!"

Orion: "Ha, you have become a real man, Master."

After this exchange, Fujimaru was turned to stone and was taken to an isolation room by media who had been waiting.

It had been about an hour since Artemis F finished her treatment with Fujimaru and was taken to a special room for her pregnant partner, but she was still openly talking about her affair with Fujimaru.

After hearing such embarrassing stories for years, Medea, Koyanskaya of the Light, and BB's faces turned from bright red to almost violet.

BB: (Wait, this guy is still talking?! Or rather, how long has he been having sex with you?!)

Koyanskaya de la Luz: (I started Rayshift at 7 am and returned at 11:59 pm... I think it's been more than 10 hours...)

BB: (10...?! That's more than 4 hours longer than when you and I were together! And why is this guy so full of energy?!)

Medea: (I think it's weird too! Maybe it's because she was originally a goddess, but...ugh, it was only about 2 hours for me...!!) "Because Media couldn't stand it and collapsed."

Unable to endure Artemis F's love talk while she was in full swing with her happiness power, the three of them began to go crazy, but eventually a helping hand was extended to them.

Artemis F: "Also! 'Beep beep beep!' Huh? Is something ringing?"

Koyanskaya de la Luz: "Ah... it seems that the machine shows the next person to treat."

BB: "Please, the next person shouldn't make stupid jokes..."

Medea: "I don't think they do that, I guess..."

What did the four of them see while looking into the machine?

Jeanne Alter (Avenger)

Artemis F: (tilts his head, wondering who it is)

Koyanskaya and BB & Medea: (With expressions that seem to suggest that an intriguing person has come)

Koyanskaya from Light & BB: "Well, for now, we'll have to ask the Master to do his best..."

Medea: "Huh? Wait a second! This machine is trying to show it to someone else!"

Light & BB's Koyanskaya: "Huh!?"

Jeanne Alter (Avenger) and Jeanne Alter (Berserker)

Artemis F: (tilts head, wondering if it's the same person)

Koyanskaya and BB & Medea: (All three are horrified by this pattern.)

Next time: W Jeanne