
Feral Demoness

She was lost for 3 years, but when she was found her life changed.

Mariska_K · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Start all over again

[4 days later]

After a few sleepless nights, Aster and Demon had taking turns to take care of Hisha. Her fever broke and the doctor confirmed she was out of the woods and her body finally had become immune to the poison.

During the night she woke up in a fright and looked spooked.

"It's alright Hisha."

She saw Demon and crying pounced at him hugging him tight.

"It's alright Hisha your home now. Nothing can harm you here."

'Pain, lonely, miss.' 

He comfort her gently and laid back down with her and let her cry and talked to her soothing.

She fell asleep again but still held tight to him.



[Next day]

Demon woke up and saw Hisha still sleeping.

"Hisha time to wake up."

She woke up and saw Demon.

'No dream?'

"No, you really home now."

"Do you remember this place?"

She nodded.

She went to fountain and washed her face.

"Are you ready to meet your brother?"

She nodded again.

After 15 minuts Aster came over with a basket filled with food for her.

He saw her run up to him and put it down, she jumped on to him and hugged him tight.

He held her tight. "Welcome home Hisha, I missed you and was so worried about you."


Demon smiled at the two and he felt a weight being lifted off his shoulder.

"I brought you breakfast."

He went over to his father with Hisha and they sat down to eat.

They had to feed her because she was eating with her hands again.



After breakfast her maid and the butler came over to bring her cloths.

She looked at them and smiled an ran up to them.

'I home.'

Both of them had to hold there tears of joy and welcomed her home.


"It all looks good, she remembers us and the people of the mansion."

"Hmm, hopefully we only have to train her speech and writing again."

"Shall we try to get her to the mansion after the doctor did a check-up?"

Demon nodded.

"Hisha the family doctor will come and see you, is that alright?"

She nodded.



The butler had come over with the doctor and she looked at him, when he was close she was searching for something and found what she was looking for.

She got the lollipop from his pocked and was sucking on it.

Demon and Aster had to refrain from laughing.


"Hisha, you had a poison in you, how did you get poisoned?"


"How long were you in that place? Do you know how long you were there?"

She was thinking but she didn't know the words.

'Cold, warm, hot, cool, cold. Many times.'

Nobody understood what she meant so he asked if she understood how long a year was.

She nodded.

"Was it 1 year?"

She shook her head and then showed him 10 fingers.

"10 years?"

She nodded.

"Did you noticed you got smaller in size?"

She nodded again.

And showed 1 finger.

"You got smaller every year there?"

She nodded again.

"Well now you have to grow again, because your now a 14 year old trapped in a 4 year old body."

"And to us you were gone for only 1 year."




"Hisha, do you know why you can't talk like before?"

She nodded. 'No words.'

"You mean nobody at that place spoke words?"

She nodded.

"Do you still know how to write?"

'Think can.'

The doctor gave her a pen and paper. "Hisha I want you to write down your answer to my question."

"What happened before you fell?"

Blaze pushed and saved him, then I was pushed Brand.

The doctor looked it over and could see she still could write but it wasn't all that good.

"Hisha, since we know so little of what had happened and what you went through, not to mention all the effects on your body. We don't know if you will grow faster now your back or it will take years."

"I know it will be frustrating for you, but I can tell that the Hisha we all know is still in you, but you have to relearn a lot of things."

'I… no lonely, pain, sad.'

'I home…, Dem, Ast… Hisha hug.'

The doctor smiled and gave her another lollipop.

The doctor told her she did good and she went over to Aster 'I… Ash see.'

The doctor nodded and Aster took her to Ash his horse.




"It seems the abnormality in Hisha's body is gone, she will grow normally without a problem."

Demon sighed in relieve.

"Well her speech is slightly worse than the first time, and writing it's not that bad consider to her 10 years has passed for her."

"But since there was nobody to talk to for 10 years and probably had to fight to survive everyday it's natural she has forgotten how to speak."

He showed him the paper and Demon was surprised it wasn't all that bad.

"While she seem not have much problems with her maid and the butler, you still have to feel her out on other staff members and the mansion again."

"But there is a silver lining to this all, because she never wanted to fully part with her feral side she managed to survive in a different world. But this incident left her less feral then before, but there is a chance she will not go back in to the mansion and rather be in a greenhouse or outdoors, because she spend 10 years outside any building and she wasn't fully used to the mansion before all of this."

"Just like before, feel her out and take slow approaches with her."

"Don't panic if she runs off, because I can tell she knows where her home is and will return to it."

Damon nodded and thanked the doctor.



At the stables Hisha didn't want to go in so Aster brought out Ash.

Ash showed in his way that he was happy to see his friend back and Hisha also showed him she was happy to see him.

Ash laid down and she climbed up on his back.

"Let's go for a walk."

As they were walking Hisha had looked happy and content.

Demon saw this from his office.

After a while she started to cry out of the blue. Aster stopped walking and took her from his horse and hugged her.

"What's wrong?"

'Pain, hurt.'

'Miss, scared.'

He held her and soothed her.

"Your home now, your safe."

'Sleep, lonely, miss, cold.'

"Let do our sleep over's like we did in the past, so you won't be lonely in the night."

She nodded.

After a while she had calmed down.

He brought back Ash and Hisha to the greenhouse.



*knock, knock*


"Father, what did the doctor tell you?"

Demon told him everything and Aster looked concerned.

"While I took her for a ride… she doesn't want to go in to buildings aside from the greenhouse. So she won't be coming to the mansion anytime soon."

"During her ride she started to cry out of the blue, and with the few words she spoke I could tell that she was scared being all alone there and that she missed us during the night."

"I think she feel overwhelm right now, while she know that everybody is happy to see her. She doesn't know what to do right now."

"While she was trapped for 10 years the knowledge that it was 1 year for us is pretty devastating for her. She probably thinks that while she went through hell for 10 years not much has changed here."

"But I could tell that she missed us and that we were on her mind a lot, what probably was her drive to survive."

"The doctor was right that the Hisha we know is in there, while speaking is pretty much non exciting right now. Her thought is that of my 14 year old sister."

"But in order the make her feel safe again we should take turns sleeping in the greenhouse, because she is that insecure about her safety right now."

"I agree, let's do the old schedule of breakfast, lunch and dinner."