
Fellim's Tale

A knight escaping his past. heading towards the edge of the continent to run from the ongoing war between nations. finds himself in the town of Ias where many things await him. this is my first story I'm actually trying to write seriously and hopefully keep up to date with. although I might update a little slow I will try my best to make sure the content is exceptional

DrDuck · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
3 Chs

The Road of Blood

Chapter 1

War. A plague that decimates populations. A plague that did not originate from vermin but the greed of mortals. Famine, Banditry, and Sickness thrive from it, from the despair of others less fortunate to be born into poverty. I myself am fleeing from such a plague. As the carriage rocks back and forth surrounding me are foods and spices of very little variety. Besides these measly goods sitting next to me is the only one I can call a partner. For it has been with me since my father passed it to me as he passed. A large greatsword with a charcoal color covering the blade and carved within the hilt are eccentric designs of wings that go down the handle. At the pommel is a black jewel that looks as if one looked at the starry night sky.

"How's it going back there?" the coachman shouted back, waking me from my thoughts.

"I'm fine" I replied looking towards his voice

"Just wanted to check on you Mr. knight. I know my carriage isn't the finest in the land. But it gets the job done" He laughed to himself which unintentionally made me grin slightly.

The coachman was a rugged man maybe late 40s with a straw hat and some rustic clothes afit to him. I believe if I remember correctly his name was Timmins. The air around Timmins seems to be cheery even with the mess the world is in. but nonetheless he is currently ferrying me to the town of Ias.

"Thank you for the concern. And no need to call me a knight cause I am not one. I am simply just a traveler seeking passage" I say to him still grinning from the laugh that seems all too carefree.

"what am I to call you then besides a knight. Because looking at you fully equipped in black armor paired with a sword to match , it seems pretty knightley to me." He says loudly while laughing to himself in his blissful manner.

"My name is Fellim, and I'm more of a well off mercenary or adventurer of sorts. I am no knight" of course this was a lie. I am a knight, or was. But no need to resurface any wounds, that's all in the past for me. Hopefully I can start a new life on this side of the continent as far away from war as I can get.

"Well Mr Fellim we are about a quarter day of travel from our destination. We should arrive before nightfall" He looked into the sky with his hand over his eyes. "I'll tell you when I can see Ias in sight so get some rest" He said as he looked forward and whipped the leash for the horse to move a little quicker.

I close my eyes and try to get as comfortable as I can even with the platemail covering my body and drift to sleep…

A low voice echos out "CAPTAIN!" faint but urgent. I look around and I see nothing but bodies littering the floor and soldiers still fighting over them. I am on my knees and below me in my hands a soldier with blood trickling from his lips is looking at me frightened and is grasping a spear protruding from his abdomen. He looks at me, his eyes asking for help.

"H..hel..help." he whimpers, the words barely escaping his mouth.

I feel a tug on my shoulders "CAPTAIN!" the man screams in my face pulling me away from the dying man at my feet. He screams at me " We Must Retreat Captain Our Forces Are Overrun From The Ambu-..". Before he can finish his sentence an arrow pierces his skull. His Blood splashes across my face. Out of the corner of my eye an enemy with a mace and shield rushes me. I grab onto my blade and prepare to meet him. As we are about to clash, I am awakened from my nightmare in a cold sweat.

"Mr Fellim are.. Are you alright" Timmins asks as I look over to him and notice my blade is at his throat.

I drop my weapon and say "I am sorry I didn't mean to-" before i could finish my sentence he interrupts me

"It's quite alright Mr. Fellim we all get night terrors every once and awhile. I am no stranger to them. My daughter has them all the time" he wears a solemn expression for but a second before he goes back to his carefree smile.

"I tried to wake you when we were in view of town but u wouldn't wake so I just waited till we got to town to fully wake you" he said smiling but still in his eyes I could see a hint of concern for me

"Thank you" I said before picking back up my greatsword and moving to get out of the carriage.

"Watch your step Mr Fellim, dont want u accidentally smashing my goods now don't we" He exclaimed in his carefree and gleeful manner as always

"I'll try not to" I grinned a little leaving the somber mood as I was in before.

As I got out of the carriage he started off loading some of his goods before stopping to look my way and seeing me in a better mood which seemed to ease his heart.

"What do u plan to do now Mr Fellim." He said as he continued to offload his cargo

"I'm not sure I was hoping to find some work or get settled in somewhere." As I explained I reached in my pouch to grab 10 silver out of the 15 I had and was handing him it. He looked at me before closing my palm and shaking his head

"No need I will earn plenty selling my goods here and by looking at how light your coin purse is I believe you need it more than I do" He smiled "And to help you out for finding work there's an establishment not too far from here that I know of where you can find plenty of work. It's called The Pigs Wash. Strange name I know. But the Barman and I are good friends. Just tell him Timmins sent you and I'm sure he can find you a job to do" Timmins smiled joyfully and all I could do was be thankful that kind men still exist in this world uncorrupted by their surroundings.

"Thank you Timmins. I will be sure to repay the gratitude you've shown"

"No need just pass on the kindness that's all i care about for payment"

We soon parted ways and I started heading into the direction Timmons pointed out for me. The Town of Ias was quite large for a town, Although it couldn't be called a city, It still had the air of one. People walking the streets and enjoying their days, merchants and vendors advertising their goods and kids playing in the street. The town even had its own set of walls although wooden still impressive nonetheless. Yet with all the light there will always be shadows looming within. In the corner of my eye, I see shadows down alleyways and cloaked on the corners. It seems that since dusk was creeping in, the vermin came out to play. Most gazed at me for a moment before sneering and thinking a man dressed in black platemail and a huge greatsword to match upon my back wouldn't be worth to target.

I continued on my way to The Pigs Wash. Yet on my walk I heard voices down an alleyway. I decided I would deviate from my path a little. As I got closer I peered into the alleyway and saw 3 hoodlums with kitchen knives and daggers out surrounding what seemed to be a small black cloaked hooded figure. The figure couldn't be more than 5 feet tall.

" 'ello little missy giv me everything on yur person and we will be on are way" the man smiled leering at what I now assumed to be a girl

"I… I Don't have anything on me sir" the figure spoke in a frightened manner

"Well then wat'chu got around your neck there" the scum spoke again, peering into the figure's cloak looking like he struck gold with a sparkle in his eye.

"No sir I can't give you this. This is the last thing I have to remember my mother by, please" the figure said in a faint and soft voice reaching her arms up to grasp the thing around her neck. Her skin seemed pale, almost snow-like.

Another Brigand spoke out in a salivating tone "Well why don't we take you AND the little necklace you got so you won't be separated" he said licking his lips as they started approaching her in a circle.

I was grabbing the blade off my back and was about to intervene until I felt bloodlust permeating the area. But it was not coming from the thieves. Instead it was coming from the figure. Before I knew it the figure jumped into the air towards one of the thieves showing a knife under her cloak and thrusting it into the thieves eye. As she did the thief screamed out in pain as she retracted the blade from the socket in his skull and jumped off the man pushing him to the ground. The man fell to the floor squirming in pain rolling back and forth covering his bloodied eye. The figure turned around to face the other 2 thieves, who were both startled by this sudden surprise attack. They woke up from their stupor when the man on the ground yelled

"KILL HER!!" as he desperately covered his eye which is leaking blood

The other 2 hesitantly charged toward the girl trying to get a slash. Yet she sidestepped and ducked under all the attacks thrown at her almost like she was toying with them. It seemed she was done playing around as one of thieves sliced at her and she ducked under to get close to him and put her dagger in his chest. The man she stabbed went limp and fell to the ground dead. She then turned to the other thief who was clearly petrified with fear. The thief blindly tried to slash at her with his butcher knife but she merely sidestepped his assault and tripped his feet as he fell to his knees. She then grabbed the man's hair and pulled his head back before taking her knife and slicing his throat. Blood flowed outwards like a stream and the man fell to the ground gasping for air then quickly bled out. In the middle of these bodies was a girl who I now could see clearly as she was looking my way. Blood was sprayed on her cloak and drenched her snow white hands which were holding a dagger dripping red. Her silver hair glittered in the moonlight and what stared back at me was a pair of crimson eyes permeating my soul. A girl not even a half above 5ft.

My greatsword was already in my hands before the slaughter ended. The girl saw this and continued staring at me then moved her dagger to her mouth and licked the blood from its blade. I realized something and threw my blade towards her. She flinched not thinking I would do anything and put her hand up and closed her eyes bracing for impact only to hear an impact next to her. She turned and saw my greatsword impaled into a one eyed man that was about to stab her. Shocked by this development she stared at the now dead man then looked back to me somewhat frightened yet intrigued. I simply walked towards her, every step echoing in the hallway. She stepped back a little. When I simply reached my hand out and grabbed my sword to put it back on my back. She flinched a little only to see me put it away. When I was closer I could see the necklace the thieves were pointing out.The necklace had a silver edge with a sun pattern going in a circle around a huge jewel that looks like the same color as her crimson eyes. I saw that her hands were still bloodied and I took out a simple cloth from my pack and handed it to her.

"Here, take this and clean your hands. And you might want to ditch that cloak of yours. The guards will be coming soon to see what all the commotion is about and if they see you in that cloak in its state they will definitely stop and question you." I said calmly as I grabbed her hand and placed the cloth in it. All I got when I looked up was a look of surprise and confusion.

"Uhhh..." as she was about to say something I interrupted her

"Anyways I need to get going. I'm quite tired and would like to sleep in a bed not a prison cell so farewell" I stated then started walking away and out to the alleyway. As I was about to leave I heard a voice behind me.

"W...wait." I turned around and saw that the girl started following me, reaching her hand out.

"What?" I turned to her.

"Why…?" she said in a confused voice.

"Cause if i didnt you would have died."

"Wait that doesn't answer my question"

I sighed "Think of it as a kind gesture that is being passed on." I grinned slightly remembering what Timmons said.

As I continued walking out the alleyway and down the street I looked to the left of me and saw the girl standing next to me following along.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed as I saw her.

"Following you" she smirked

"That doesn't explai-" before I said any more and sighed realizing I was having things thrown back at me.

"What do you want kid" I stopped to look at her

"I'm not a kid!! i'm just curious what you're up to. It seems like fun, and you seem strong, seeing how far and fast you threw that sword on your back." she smiled at me but i could feel a mischievous tint to her words.

I pinched the bridge of my nose "look here kid I'm busy with other things why don't you go find your mom and dad. I'm not here to play games" taking a long and heavy sigh after.

"I'M NOT A KID" she yelled at me in a furious manner before she calmed down and continued.

"And besides" she looked at me with a sadistic gaze. " What part of me butchering those rats in the alleyway gave you the sense I'm playing games here." She inquired with a sinister smile.

"Look Ki-... I mean girl, what you did in that alleyway was child's play. I've seen far worse than that in my life time" I expressed sternly to her.

She just looked at me surprised by the fact I was not fazed by her escapade. But what i said was true i've seen enough blood and gore to become immune to the sight so what she did in the alleyway was not that much of a problem for me.

"LilaWeath" she whispered

"What did you say?" I asked

"LilaWeath, my name is LilaWeath" she said looking up to me

"Well LilaWeath I'll be leaving now so why don't you go back to your parents since im busy."

I said, about turn around.

"I don't have any parents" I looked back at her to see she had a very somber and sad expression. And she continued

"My mother died years ago and my father doesn't want me so I'm left to roam the streets scavenging for food and looking for shelter wherever I find it." She looked depressed and dejected. After contemplating for a bit I sighed.

"Fine, if you want you can travel with me for the time being." I breathed a hefty sigh

Yet like it was never there the depression and gloomy aura from LilaWeath vanished as fast as it came.

"Yay! Where are we going mister" she said, skipping alongside me. I suddenly feel like I was scammed.

"My name is Fellim, and we are going to The Pigs Wash. Apparently it's a place with accommodation, food, and jobs to take" I say still frustrated that i've been played by a child.

"That place sounds like a shithole" she said with a disgusted face.

Although I was shocked for a second about her blatant cursing I let it go and just started rubbing my temples to calm the headache I was enduring recently. And we continued on our way to the Pigs Wash.