
Fellim's Tale

A knight escaping his past. heading towards the edge of the continent to run from the ongoing war between nations. finds himself in the town of Ias where many things await him. this is my first story I'm actually trying to write seriously and hopefully keep up to date with. although I might update a little slow I will try my best to make sure the content is exceptional

DrDuck · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

A Night In Hell

As we weaved through the many roads of the town we finally arrived at the Pigs wash. The establishment did look run down but it still seemed quite popular as I saw people leaving in and out of the building. I was ready to head in when I looked to my right and saw LilaWeath looking at the place with disgust.

"Wow I didn't think this place would match the name, it looks like an absolute shithole through and through, Is this really where you wanted to go." she looked up at me with a questioning gaze as we walked toward the tavern.

"I was recommended this place by someone, they said I could find work here and get some rest." I looked at her then realized that her cloak was still smeared with blood.

"Also give me your cloak. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves because of the incident from earlier." I extended my hand out to her, expecting her to hand me her cloak.

She looked down at herself, and like a sudden realization she saw that her black cloak did not look so black but instead looked quite red. She untied the knot around her neck and took off her cloak revealing her clothes below. She wore a darker black dress with a short skirt with frills around the rim of the skirt and short sleeves. The rest of her dress had a rose like pattern on it that was made from a different material that was a lighter black. Her amulet laid in the middle of her torso with a sort of crimson glow to it.

"I feel like a girl and a knightly figure both dressed in black isn't exactly conspicuous don't you think Mister?" she looked at me smugly, yet I know she does have a point.

"I'd rather draw attention for looking different than to draw attention for bloodstains, especially since I bet the guards have found the bodies and are currently looking for the culprits for interrogation." I sigh as I take the cloak from her hand and roll it up to put in my travel pack.

"Anyways let's go. I want to get some rest." I walk forward as she follows me from behind. I pushed open the door to the tavern, yet the once bustling tavern went silent. All that can be heard from inside is the low breaths of the patrons all staring at the strangers that walked in.

I simply ignored the glances and blatant staring and headed to the bar. Lilaweath on the other hand looked sheepishly back and forth suddenly sticking closer to me, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable from the gazes that fell upon us. I just continued forward after sparing a glance toward.

We arrived at the bar and the man behind the bar was quite short. I would even go to say he was shorter than Lilaweath.yet his on his face sat a bright orange beard to match his hair. He was standing on a bench of sorts behind the bar that had a small staircase going down to the floor where different kegs with taps drilled into them sat. He had just finished serving a drink to an old man when he turned to me.

"What can I do fo' ya?" he looked at us and asked as he rested his forearm on the bar.

"I am looking for a place to stay. Do you have any rooms available?" I said, taking a gander at the taps behind him. "Also I heard you might have work available" I looked back at him awaiting his answer.

"Aye we do have a room available but it's only a single bed" he said, turning his gaze from me and looking towards Lilaweath who was standing close to me still seemingly nervous. "I hope that's ok for both you and your daughter here." he shot a toothy smile towards lilaweath.

"No actually-" before I could correct him I was quickly interrupted by LilaWeath.

"It's ok papa, I'm fine with sharing a bed with you." she exclaimed as she hugged my thigh looking shy and peeking out towards what I assume is a halfling man though I've never seen one in person. Still reeling from the shock of the complete 180 change of character. I could only let out a sigh

"It'll be fine, what about the work. Is there anything available?" I tried to ignore her to the best of my ability and just try to get this over with to get some sleep so I can alleviate the headache I was having quite often recently.

The barkeep kept looking at me almost suspiciously "aye, there is a request of sorts in the making but i must ask who did you hear this from." he said with a bit of wariness in his voice.

"A merchant that brought me here, his name is Timmins, said I could find work, food, and a place to stay here." I explained waiting to hear his reaction.

" ahh Timmins eh, good fellow, he's a great judge of character. There is a job but it's…" his voice got low and he got close to whisper with a hand covering the side of his mouth. "The client wants to meet with the people himself and said he needed capable people, but he wants it to be a secret. So he'll be here tomorrow mornin' you can come down then to meet the client I'll bring you to him." he leaned back looking back and forth trying to be inconspicuous. "But in the meantime feel free to have a drink and eat some grub to your heart's content, I also got some desserts if your daughter fancies a cookie or too freshly baked by my wife" he burst out with a wide smile on his face.

"No, just some supper as well as some drinks is fine" I looked down to see Lilaweath was looking expectant at me but was quickly dispelled when I said we would be having just food. "How much would a night's stay and the food cost?" I asked, while I unlatched my coin purse from my belt.

"2 silver for' the meals and 3 fo' the night so total is 5 good sir" he reached his hand out and I handed him the amount. He quickly counted and looked up "take a seat anywhere you like I'll have your order to you in a jiffy.'' He left and climbed down his stairs to go to a back room to yell out our order.

I turned away from the bar to observe the room around me for the first time, fully looking at the many characters around the tavern talking and drinking with one another. Many were engrossed in their conversations not bothered by their surroundings while others were more to themselves eating and drinking with small groups or alone. Out of the expansive crowd. There were a few notable characters. Like a group of dwarves sitting down, downing drinks left in right with what looks like tools on their side, covered in soot and dirt alike. Deeper in the corner of the tavern was a tanned skinned man with what looked like very bright and vibrant clothing. Chatting with a group of people who were gathered around him latching onto every word that came out of his mouth. Many of them are women but a couple guys are there as well. Looking closely I could tell that his ears came to a point instead of rounded out. Which I can only assume to be an elf. Maybe a desert elf from the south. Continuing around the tavern there were a lot more people but nothing interesting enough to note down. I quickly found a table that was empty and we headed towards it to sit down.

"So what was that about?" I asked, looking towards Lilaweath.

"What about?" she feigned ignorance.

"The little show you put on for the bar keep. I don't know you much but from seeing you earlier today It didn't seem like you were much of a scared child type of character." I stared at her trying to understand what she was thinking.

"Well It would be weird for a small elegant girl like me to be with a gruff and rugged man like you" She smirked mischievously "so I just went along with what the little man thought we were since it's easier to explain." As I was coming to understand this girl was far more mischievous then I was expecting out of her. "By the way what was that little man anyway, he was the size of a child but had a full grown beard."

"You make it sound like you're not a child yourself." I said with a dead panned look on my face.

"I'M NOT A CHILD!" she stood and yelled at me so the whole tavern could hear. The room went silent and the faces of many people turned their attention towards us. All eyes were on us, yet not a sound was heard. Realizing what she did her snow white face turned a deep shade of red and she slowly began to sit back down in her stool. I could only place my face in my hands and sigh. Shortly after the tavern returned to normal. Yet I noticed a few more heads every now and then glance our way.

"Haaa, so much for not drawing attention to ourselves." I sighed looking towards her.

"It's NO-" LilaWeath caught her words in her mouth. "It's not my fault, you were being rude." she looked around her surroundings timidly as she shyly whispered. She sulked a bit with her arms stretched out on the table.

"His race is a halfling." I said as she raised her head to look at me. "His race is said to originate from the rolling hills up north but have since migrated across the continent because of a disaster that happened 1000s of years ago. Or so the stories go." I explained to her trying to remember the vague knowledge I have. She looked up to me almost in awe, happily ingesting the short story I told her.

"Aye, that is the story my grandpappy told me as a child, though it's missing some bits." I look behind me to see the barkeep walking towards us with two trays in hand. He arrived at the table and placed a tray in front of us both containing the things we ordered. "Though I don't know how much my grandpappy said was true. He was a bit not all well in the head." he smiled as he pointed towards his head and explained. "But for the most part the story you said is correct. Though most folk don't know it, which surprises me a bit."

"I read a bit when I was younger." I looked down at my plate and grabbed my fork ready to dig in.

"Well there's supper hope you two enjoy" he turned around before immediately stopping "Oh, I almost forgot" he turned towards LilaWeath and pulled a small bag from his pocket. Wrapped neatly in a bow. "Here you go, little miss. This ones on the house" he placed the package in front of her and turned around to head back towards the bar.

LilaWeath simply stared at the package before unwrapping it. Instantly her crimson eyes sparkled as inside there was a cookie the size of her hand neatly placed inside. Her face shined radiantly as she picked up the cookie in both hands and took a big bite of it. Instantly her face turned delighted as if it was the most delicious thing she has ever had. I simply smirked at the scene unfolding before me then turned to my own grub to indulge myself in after a long day's travel.

I opened the door to the room to see a single bed, with some meager sheets in the corner of the room. In the opposite corner of the room was a Rocking chair of sorts placed next to a small circular table with a lantern on it. On the wall was a cupboard. On closer inspection there was nothing inside besides some small essentials. LilaWeath ran past me and jumped in the bed.

"Aaaah, A bed I haven't been in one in ages it feels so comfortable" she rolled on her back to look at the ceiling

"You can sleep in the bed, I'll sleep here" I said, taking my seat in the rocking chair, placing my greatsword against the wall, hearing it creak a bit.

"What, you scared to sleep with a fair maiden like myself" she sat up and crossed her legs and raised her hand to her mouth giggling to herself. I simply just leaned back in the chair a bit hearing it crack some more and closed my eyes. "Wait, aren't you going to take off your armor, you're not seriously going to sleep in that right?" her eyes shone a little confusion

"I've done it before, it's not that great of an ordeal" I say remembering some unpleasant camping nights. "Anyways I am going to bed. I suggest you do too, because I have a job in the morning and you have better things to do besides sticking with me." I see her glance at me before getting under the covers turning away from me. I sigh before drifting off to sleep.