
Guest in my mind

"Again sorry dad"

"It's fine son but you were in your head for like 5 minutes ,I was trying to get you to come back you space out like me some times you got that from me."

"Well dad I have to get back to work but how about we have dinner together as a family again?"

"Sure son well I do have to go too because promised your mom I would eat lunch with her."

"Ok bye dad."

"By son have a good day and think about he offer and. Kim offered you."

" I will"

"What was that I think I'm going crazy now aren't I, jeez I have to make my plan go faster because she will make me go crazy if I don't destroy her first."

"I'm also talking to myself ugh what wrong with me today?"

Knock knock

"Come in"

"Sorry to come in like this but sir you have a meeting in 10 minutes you were talking to your dad so I didn't get the chance to tell you."

It's fine ,I'll be there."

"By the way secretary Kim am I really,actually mean not really sir but you were kinda yelling when I was in the front of your door and everyone was wondering what happened."

Sir that's also the first time we've heard you yell ever." "Are you ok."

"Yes I'm fine"


"Tell Ms. Jin to start the plan today and to end is as soon as possible and to get as much as information she can."

"Ok sir I will contact her and tell her to try to end it as soon as possible please ."

"Ok good then excuse me I have a meeting to go to."

On the phone calling Ms.Jin

"Ms. Jin hi the boss said to start the plan today and try to end it as soon as possible."

"Ok I will try, when will you call me through your personal phone and not the work phone?"

"Well I'm calling you specifically for work, later I'll call you personally for us to meet up and talk." Said secretary Kim

"Ok I'm looking forward to it." Said Ms. Jin

"Same here." Said secretary Kim

"Well talk to you later then" said secretary Kim

"Ok bye" said Ms. Jin

"Bye." Said secretary Kim

"Sir your back from the meeting fast." Said Mr. Lee

"Yes it's that they were gonna talk about how they are going to go on vacation so that to not bother them and that happy new year and happy Christmas. That's mostly it." Said secretary Kim

"I'll go into my office now excuse me."

"Ok sir"

Back in the office

"Why do I keep thinking about her?"

"There is something about that girl that catches my eye."

Why do I keep worrying about how she feels?

What is this that I'm feeling I never felt it before?

Should I call her and see how she is feeling?

Why do I care how she feels?

Is this love?

Do I like her?

Or am I just being worried because I'm going to hurt her until she feels what I felt when my sister was in coma?

Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach when I think of her?

Why do I feel nervous around her?

"Sir are you talk on the phone?"

"Yes I'm on the phone, what's up?"

"Ms. Jin says ok she will try to end it as soon as possible and to not worry she will not fail you but the part of hurting her is up to you as she won't take responsibility for it if you fail."

(In head of secretary Kim) is it me or he is actually talking to himself, I actually think he likes Ms. Kim Mi So because he keeps talking about her and I think he forgot that he's at his office and that he was right at the door talking I cálido hear everything I think he is falling for her. If he is he should cancel the plan because it's going to hurt him after when she is destroyed and he will no forgive himself I think he should call it off soon.

I knew that I had a bad feeling about this and something bad was going to happen and right now he's falling in love without noticing and when he finds out that he's in love he's going to regret it I should tell him.

Knock knock

"Boss can I come in I have to talk to you about something important."

"Sure, come in."

Boss I think you should stop the plan

Why would I

"Because I can see how you are falling for her little by little but you are and when you hurt her your going to feel bad after." And I all have a bad feeling that if she finds out you like her and if you ends up liking you back she wouldn't forgive you for what you did, do you really want to know the person you love get hurt and never see that person again."

"Well I think I actually might like her, but I need her to pay for what her brother did. Also if I do see her hurt I won't care because they destroyed my sisters life and I might not be able to see her again but at least I got justice for her after a long time."

I'll think about it if I do cancel it but I'm sure I won't