
He Stole my First Kiss!!

||Yin's POV||

"What was that all about?" Nicole said in a annoying tone.

"I'mma go to class." I rolled my eyes at her then I ran fast.

"Hey I was just joking! Wait for me!" she said while laughing.

||Ullysess' POV||

"She's a hard-to-get one, I like her... Just wait Yin, I'll get your attention no matter what" He said in his mind with determination.

||Yin's POV||

I proceed to the classroom with Nicole. I made my way to sit at the back next to the window with her in front of me.

As minutes passed by, Miss Sharmaine, our adviser comes in and said...

"Good morning class, today we have a new transfer student. Please come in Mr. Uy."

The new student comes in and introduces him/herself, but I didn't give any sh*t until I heard the name Ullysess, my head was shot up.

"Thank you for the introduction, please, Mr. Uy, sit next to Ms. Lee. Ms. Lee may you please raise your hand?"

I raised my hand while thinking "whyYyY MeE thOoOugHh?!". Ullysess makes his way to sit next to me.

"We meet again babygirl" he whispered to me.

I replied "Again," I signed, "I'm not your babygirl!" I yelled, enough for everyone to hear.

"Ms. Lee! Can't you see we are in the middle of an activity here?!" She yelled at me. "You have to get out, now!" she shouted at me in an aggressive tone.

"Fine," I said really annoyed in the world while I go out.

||Ullysess' POV||

"This is my chance." He said in his mind

"Miss, can I be excused?"

"Yes, you may." Miss Sharmaine replied to him.

As he made his way out of the room, he found Yin standing next to the door.

||Yin's POV||

I was outside of the room, being peaceful until s someone came out.

"Hey babygirl." I turned around to look who it was, and as I was expecting, it was Ullysess!

"What are you doing here?" I said coldly.

"Well, nothing, just to do something." He walked t'wards me and held my chin up, his face was too close I could even feel his breath against my face.

"D-do w-what?" I said nervously, I gulped

Then, just as I finished my sentence, he smashed his lips into mine. He stole MyYy fIrSt kIsS!! The kiss was so passionate, that even I don't want to kiss back, I automatically did! So as soon as I knew I kissed back.

I can feel him smirk through the kiss, he broke the kiss and said...

"I can see you liked the kiss." He said while panting.

I blushed and looked away, speechless, he chuckled.

"Have to go back babygirl." I watched him as he goes back to the room while I'm speechless.

Okay... I know it's only the second chapter and it's already getting hot... well all I could say for now is have a good day! Remember stay safe especially in these days of Coronavirus, always wash your hands and stay safe... now stay tuned for more chapters! BAII!

ItsyoboiSanycreators' thoughts