
fell in Fallout

**Introduction:** Victor von Wolfric, a retired Russian military veteran with a PhD in IT, Computer Science, and Bioscience, found solace in the simple pleasures of life after years of service. One of these pleasures was spending time with his grandson, bonding over a shared love for video games. Today, the screen flickered with the familiar sights and sounds of *Fallout*, a game set in a post-apocalyptic world—a grim reminder of the very tragedy humanity strives to avoid in reality. Yet, for Victor, it was a source of enjoyment, a way to connect with his grandson and escape into a world of adventure. As they played together, laughter filling the room, Victor's instincts suddenly kicked in. A noise—too close, too threatening—jolted him out of the game’s fantasy. Without hesitation, he leaped to shield his grandson. A sharp pain seared through his back, but he pushed it aside, focusing only on getting his grandson to safety. He hurried the boy into the panic room, his voice steady despite the chaos. "I'll be back quick," he promised, sealing the reinforced doors from the outside. The seasoned soldier in him took over. Victor retrieved his weapon from its hidden spot under the table, then took cover behind the kitchen counter, his senses alert for any sign of the intruders. In the brief lull, he made a quick call to his son—"We've been attacked," he reported, before cutting the line and bracing for what was to come. A brutal firefight ensued, the quiet home transforming into a battlefield. Despite his age, Victor's skills had not dulled. His movements were precise, his aim true. One by one, he eliminated the enemies, his training and experience guiding him through the harrowing ordeal. Finally, the house fell silent, the danger seemingly passed. Exhausted, Victor collapsed onto the sofa, his breath coming in heavy, ragged gasps. As the adrenaline faded, so did his strength. The last thing he heard before everything went black was a voice from the game, eerily fitting: "WAR... WAR NEVER CHANGES." With those words echoing in his mind, Victor slowly slipped into unconsciousness, the world around him fading into darkness.

a_zaya222 · Jeux Vidéo
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Chapter 48: Alpha Team's First Assignment

November 17th, 2274

After weeks of subtle observation and surveillance, Alpha Team was finally ready to begin their assignments. Victor had carefully planned each step, ensuring the tasks were simple yet strategic, building trust within Megaton while gathering intelligence.

The first task was relatively straightforward: fixing the leaks in Megaton's water system. The surveillance devices that Victor had previously planted around the town provided Alpha Team with crucial data, including the locations of the leaks. There was no need to rely on Walter for this information—everything was already mapped out.

Alpha-1, the team leader, made his way to the water processing plant to speak with Walter. The old man looked worn out, as usual, tending to the water purifier that kept Megaton alive.

Walter: "I don't suppose you've noticed the damn leaks around town? I can't get away from this plant long enough to fix 'em."

Alpha-1 nodded, playing along, despite already knowing the details.

Alpha-1: "We've noticed them. My team and I can take care of it. No need to leave your post."

Walter raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the offer.

Walter: "You'd really do that? Well, I'd appreciate it. It's a damn mess out there, and I can't fix 'em at night, no matter what I try."

Alpha-1 assured Walter that it would be handled, and the team moved out. Thanks to the surveillance devices already in place, they knew exactly where the leaks were.

The leaks were located at three spots across Megaton:

On top of the Children of Atom's building. Near the entrance to the town, next to the staircase leading up to the Megaton house. By the common house on the hill opposite the main entrance.

Alpha-2, with the agility honed from years in the wasteland, scaled the Children of Atom's building with ease. She quickly sealed the leak, her hands moving efficiently as she patched the damaged pipe.

Alpha-3 repaired the pipe near the entrance to the town, taking his time to make sure no one was watching too closely. While the leak was quickly fixed, the team needed to maintain appearances as mercenaries, not professional engineers.

Alpha-4 quietly sealed the leak near the common house, his work precise and methodical. Within minutes, all three leaks had been fixed, without drawing any attention to themselves.

The job was done in record time, thanks to the prior surveillance, and Alpha-1 returned to Walter later that afternoon to report their success.

Alpha-1: "It's done. All the leaks are fixed."

Walter blinked in disbelief, looking both relieved and impressed.

Walter: "That fast? Well, I'll be damned. You all must've been born with a wrench in your hands. Here, take these caps as a thank you."

Walter handed over a pouch of 200 caps, but Alpha-1 declined with a smile.

Alpha-1: "No payment necessary. Just let us know if you need anything else."

Walter chuckled, grateful but unaware of the team's true motives. "You lot are some of the good ones. Don't see many like you these days."

With the first task completed without a hitch, Alpha Team moved on to their next assignment: assisting Moira Brown with her Wasteland Survival Guide.

Inside Craterside Supply, Moira Brown was as energetic and quirky as Alpha-1 expected. Her enthusiasm about the guide was overwhelming, and she practically bounced with excitement when Alpha Team offered their assistance.

Moira: "Oh! You're just in time! I've been working on a book that'll help people survive out there, and I need someone to do some research for me. Think you could help out?"

Alpha-1: "What do you need?"

Moira's eyes lit up.

Moira: "I need someone to go over to the Super-Duper Mart and scavenge for food and medicine. It's just sitting there, waiting to be collected! But be careful—there might be some nasty raiders in the area."

Alpha-1 already knew the truth: Victor had raided and cleared out the Super-Duper Mart weeks ago during one of his solo missions. The raiders had been taken down silently, and the place was now vacant, making this assignment a breeze.

Alpha-1 nodded and took the job. "We'll handle it."

Later that day, Alpha Team reached the Super-Duper Mart. The surveillance devices planted by Victor earlier confirmed what they already knew—the building was empty, cleared out of raiders and loot. There was no danger in completing the task, so the team quickly gathered what remained of the food and supplies to take back to Moira.

Inside, they also found the necessary medical supplies, fulfilling the optional objective. With no raiders left to deal with, the mission was completed with ease. Before leaving, Alpha-1 discreetly added additional surveillance devices around the perimeter of the building, ensuring continuous monitoring of the area.

Back at Craterside Supply, Moira greeted Alpha Team with her usual enthusiasm.

Moira: "You found food and medicine?! Oh, this is amazing! You have no idea how much this will help people."

Alpha-1 smiled, keeping his tone modest.

Alpha-1: "It wasn't as difficult as we expected. Anything else you need?"

Moira beamed, already brainstorming more ways to use them for her guide.

Moira: "Oh, there's so much more we can do! Don't worry, I'll have something for you soon."

That night, Alpha Team sent their reports back to Victor, who reviewed the data from his hidden lab. Everything had gone as planned—the repairs in Megaton were completed without drawing suspicion, and Moira was pleased with the team's progress. The surveillance equipment was continuing to provide valuable insights, and Megaton's residents were starting to see Alpha Team as trusted helpers.

With their first set of tasks behind them, Alpha Team awaited their next orders, ready to further embed themselves into Megaton's complex social fabric.

Victor, meanwhile, leaned back in his chair, reviewing the data. Everything was falling into place.