
fell in Fallout

**Introduction:** Victor von Wolfric, a retired Russian military veteran with a PhD in IT, Computer Science, and Bioscience, found solace in the simple pleasures of life after years of service. One of these pleasures was spending time with his grandson, bonding over a shared love for video games. Today, the screen flickered with the familiar sights and sounds of *Fallout*, a game set in a post-apocalyptic world—a grim reminder of the very tragedy humanity strives to avoid in reality. Yet, for Victor, it was a source of enjoyment, a way to connect with his grandson and escape into a world of adventure. As they played together, laughter filling the room, Victor's instincts suddenly kicked in. A noise—too close, too threatening—jolted him out of the game’s fantasy. Without hesitation, he leaped to shield his grandson. A sharp pain seared through his back, but he pushed it aside, focusing only on getting his grandson to safety. He hurried the boy into the panic room, his voice steady despite the chaos. "I'll be back quick," he promised, sealing the reinforced doors from the outside. The seasoned soldier in him took over. Victor retrieved his weapon from its hidden spot under the table, then took cover behind the kitchen counter, his senses alert for any sign of the intruders. In the brief lull, he made a quick call to his son—"We've been attacked," he reported, before cutting the line and bracing for what was to come. A brutal firefight ensued, the quiet home transforming into a battlefield. Despite his age, Victor's skills had not dulled. His movements were precise, his aim true. One by one, he eliminated the enemies, his training and experience guiding him through the harrowing ordeal. Finally, the house fell silent, the danger seemingly passed. Exhausted, Victor collapsed onto the sofa, his breath coming in heavy, ragged gasps. As the adrenaline faded, so did his strength. The last thing he heard before everything went black was a voice from the game, eerily fitting: "WAR... WAR NEVER CHANGES." With those words echoing in his mind, Victor slowly slipped into unconsciousness, the world around him fading into darkness.

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Chapter 42: Laying Low

Date: October 28.2774

It had been a week since the silent raid on Super-Duper Mart, and the aftermath was still rippling across the Wasteland. Victor sat in his hidden lab, flipping through the reports fromNIM, carefully analyzing the data. The sudden disappearance of the raiders, the lack of bodies, and the cleaned-out mart had sent waves of fear and confusion through the nearby factions. Suspicion was high, and eyes were turning toward Megaton and the surrounding area.

Victor leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with thoughts. "I've spooked a lot of people," he muttered to himself. "Time to lay low for a bit."

He knew that if he kept up the rapid pace of his raids, he would draw too much attention. The Mart had been left spotless—no raider bodies, no scraps from vehicles, vending machines , fencing, nothing. Whoever came to investigate found a ghost building , and that kind of thoroughness raised eyebrows. For now, it was best to keep his head down, focus on other tasks, and let the dust settle.

Victor decided it was the perfect opportunity to complete his ongoing training with his friends, hone their skills, and show some progress in his other projects, particularly in the medical lab. It would be a quiet few days, giving him a chance to blend back into the background.

The Next Day: August 22, 2277

Victor sat in his lab, reviewing the progress of the VR prison. The first batch of raiders and Sara Silver had already been in the virtual world for two weeks. To his satisfaction, some were starting to show responsiveness to the treatment.NIM had reported behavioral improvements in several of them—Silver, in particular, seemed to be adjusting, her aggression slowly fading into compliance. They would continue to receive treatment in the VR prison for now.

However, there were still a handful of raiders who resisted every effort to reform them. Their aggression and rampant hostility showed no signs of lessening. For those individuals, Victor had a different plan.

"NIM, proceed with the neural chip implantation for raiders ," Victor ordered. He watched as the display screens showed the raiders being sedated in the biolab.NIM's surgical precision was unmatched as tiny neural chips were implanted at the base of their skulls.

"Command received,"NIM reported in its calm, monotone voice.

Victor watched intently as the memory override plan was initiated. "Give them the memories of a mercenary group—agents roaming the Wasteland, hired for dangerous jobs, loyal only to me. I want full control over their actions. And NIM, make sure the chips have a self-destruct feature in case they become a problem."

"Memory override and self-destruct protocols are in place,"NIM confirmed.

Satisfied, Victor turned his attention to the next project.

Later in the Biolab

Victor walked into the biolab, where the next phase of his research awaited him. The genetic material from the giant ants had been extracted and analyzed. Now it was time to see if the genes responsible for the ants' massive size and resilience could be introduced into dogs.

"NIM, initiate the experiment," Victor commanded, watching as the lab machinery whirred to life. Test tubes of ant DNA were prepared, and several sedated dogs were laid out on the operating tables. The goal was to enhance their size and strength while maintaining their loyalty and trainability.

"If this works," Victor mused aloud, "we'll have powerful hounds with increased strength and size—perfect for surveillance or combat in the Wasteland. Implant chips in them as well. I want to be able to control them if needed."

As the first test subject was injected with the altered DNA, Victor could only wait and see how the dogs would respond. The potential for these enhanced creatures was immense.

Medical Department

After finishing his work in the biolab, Victor moved to the medical department. He sat down with the head researchers and gave his report on the current status of the medical treatments and experiments. One project, in particular, had caught his attention: the development of a new type of Stimpak.

The Stimpak was nearly complete, a stronger version that would heal wounds faster and counteract radiation poisoning more effectively. Victor reviewed the final steps of the process, adding his own suggestions to ensure its success. "Increase the regenerative properties and test it against more severe injuries. This could be a breakthrough," he said, handing back the report.

The medical team nodded in agreement, eager to finalize the prototype.

Later that Evening: Vault 101 Canteen

The day's work had been productive, and Victor found himself in the Vault 101 canteen, surrounded by his friends. He had brought with him the meat from the giant ants he had dispatched earlier, now prepared into various dishes by the Vault's chefs.

Victor smiled as he watched his friends dig into the food, chatting and laughing as they enjoyed the unique taste. "Who knew ant meat could be so good?" one of them remarked between bites.

Victor joined in the meal, sharing stories from the day and enjoying the camaraderie. It was a rare moment of relaxation, but it was needed. He knew that the Wasteland was still dangerous, and there were many challenges ahead. But for now, laying low, enjoying some time with his friends, and continuing his research was the best way to prepare for what came next.

As he took another bite of ant steak, Victor's mind wandered back to the raiders in the VR prison, the neural implants, and the dogs in the biolab. He had set many things in motion, and soon, the Wasteland would feel the full force of his carefully laid plans.