

Absolutely, the depth of human emotion is a profound aspect of our existence. There's a unique beauty in being able to empathize with others, to truly step into their shoes and feel their loneliness and pain. It's as if our hearts expand to encompass the world's sorrows, connecting us on a profound level. Discovering a kindred spirit, a person with whom you can share your vulnerabilities and lean on in times of need, is a treasure beyond measure. It's in those moments of shared vulnerability that we realize the strength that lies in human connection, in being there for one another. And you're absolutely right, the lessons we learn from others' experiences are invaluable. Through their stories, we gain insights into different facets of life, expanding our understanding of the human experience. It's a reminder that our lives are interconnected, and our capacity to feel for others brings us closer together. There's a poignant beauty in feeling for others, in extending compassion and kindness. It's in those moments that we truly experience the essence of being human, and we're reminded of the immense power that comes from connecting with one another's joys and struggles. It's a reminder that empathy and understanding are the threads that weave the tapestry of our shared humanity.

Goldenheart001 · Célébrités
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Chapter 3 ::take a look at my side story too

Hey there,

Come and share in my pain. Most people think that only girls, ladies, or women have a past and bad experiences. But that's a misconception. My name is Yunus, and I hail from somewhere in this world. I won't delve into too many details because I want you to experience the pain I've felt.

There's no heavier burden for a young boy than being born as the first male child. The responsibility of the entire family rests on his shoulders. And there's no greater pain for a kid than witnessing his parents' relationship crumble. It's heart-wrenching to see them quarrel and display no affection towards each other.

I can still vividly remember the times I believed I might be adopted. As a young child, I would wait until night fell and the moon graced the sky. The moon became my sole friend, and I withdrew from my peers due to my parents' strained relationship. At times, I even contemplated ending my own life, but a sibling of mine intervened, and we've kept that secret till now.

I was occasionally blamed by my father, who would say, "You're the cause of all this. Your bad luck is the reason I never remarried after divorcing your mother. I did it to save you from the illness you were born with." I overheard that they had divorced once, but it was during that time when my mysterious illness surfaced. Countless funds were spent on my medical treatment, but strangely, I healed after their divorce.

I distinctly recall a day when I was doing my chores. My father suddenly appeared and berated me for being lazy. Fear gripped me as sweat trickled down my face. He hurled a heavy metal object at me, hitting my arm and drawing blood. The pain was excruciating, and I cried out, but he chased me. I managed to hide where he couldn't find me. The memory still brings me to tears. He's so heartless. Whenever he returned from work, my siblings and I would hide until we could gauge his mood. If it wasn't good, trouble was on the horizon.

Despite everything, I smile a lot, concealing the turmoil within me. I've learned that many people carry hidden wounds. Instead of blaming others, I invite you to share in my pain and learn from my experience. Treat others kindly and remember that most hearts bear scars.

We'll meet again in another chapter. Please don't forget to vote for this book, add it to your library, and leave a comment. Let's journey together.

Warm regards

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