

"Avi-dear"a woman with a pale skin and a attractive brown eyes called the little girl sitting on the grass.

"Mommy"the little girl answered without looking at the beautiful woman.

"Let's go inside baby,your daddy will get mad if he'll see us here outside."the woman told to her.

"Bwut mwommy i want to pway"the little girl said while pouting.

"but baby-"the woman cut off when there's a loud explosion covered the area.

"Fuck Olivia,Avi RUN!!!!"a man shouted while exchanging bullets to those men who made the explosion.

The woman nodded and run while hugging the little girl.

The man left and his bodyguards with those men exchanging bullets.

The woman hugged the child while running but it stopped due to a loud explosion

The woman collapsed and the child was finally released from the embrace

"Mommy wet's wun come on!"the little girl said while crying.

"NO BABY RUN!RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN GO!!"the woman shouted even though she was having difficulty breathing.

"But mommy,pwease pwease huhuhuhu!"the little girl cried and run away.

She ran closer to the man's bodyguard

She got into the car crying and before they could get away they crashed into a car

"Ailah wake up you are dreaming again"mama called me

My heart was pounding and I was sweating from getting out of bed

Every night I dream of that even,I always felt pain on my chest.

"Ma,I dreamed of the girl again, did she have anything to do with me? '"I cried

"Shh,dont mind it just sleep"force smile plastered on her face.

I did not answer and went to bed

"Sleep you still have school tomorrow'she said and at the same time stood up and left my room

I her ignored and slept

To be continued....