
Fear the rage of the old man

This is the story about an old man that fought wars, killed people, seeked revenge and obtained it but after that he was alone. Will that change now that he is in Orario? Stay and find out Danmachi AU, i dont own anything except my OCs and this was made out of boredom. English is not my first language so please bear with me book moved from the novels to fanfic

DanielArz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

What a productive day it was...

As it disappeared in smoke it left behind a core bigger than the rest. 'they don't drop something like the shadow monster or the orc? what a shame thought Clarion as he turned around to leave.

'I wonder, how do I transform these cores to valis, the body parts I suppose can be sold to blacksmiths but the cores?' thought our not-so-little old man while he was walking towards the stairs. 'Maybe Misha can help with this, she works in the guild and as far as I know, they are some kind of law and the enforcers are the rightful familias like the Ganesha... hmmm'

After walking inside the dungeon towards the exit without so much as a problem, except the occasional monster appearing now and then. He neared the exit of the dungeon and could see a lot of adventurers. 'It seems that the adventurers enter in the morning so they can leave in the afternoon. Maybe the exceptions are the so-called expeditions.'

Walking towards the guild he saw Misha and Eina talking on the counter so he approached them. "Hello, Misha, sorry to trouble you but could you help me with this?" as he showed his pouch filled with cores and parts.


"I suppose Misha didn't tell you that I had been accepted in the Bast familia if you are this mad"

"I suppose it went through my head tehe!!" said Misha and tried to act innocent in front of a furious Eina.

'that sounded familiar though' "sigh, well the damage is done I suppose. Eina, I am a level 4 adventurer of the Bast familia."

"LEVEL 4!!?? well, I mean... you seem old enough to be a level 4 so this should be acceptable. But then... doesn't it mean that you don't need a dungeon advisor?" asked Eina after her little outburst of emotions.

"I still need knowledge about the dungeon as I do not recognize a lot of monsters that appear inside the dungeon. So Misha can you help me trade this for valis?

"Don't worry about it, just give me the pouch and I will exchange everything and bring you back the valis" said Misha happy to escape the danger zone as Eina was glaring at her.

"Thank you very much then but please don't exchange the body parts, they can be of use later."

"body parts?" asked Eina. "I suppose he meant the drop items, ok I won't exchange them" answered back Misha.

"Is the class for tomorrow still available, Eina?" asked Clarion with a curious tone. "If you don't have trouble then yes" replied Eina with a smile. As they were waiting for Misha to come back they had a conversation about the day of Clarion.

He told her about his meeting with the goddess Bast, his encounter with the Loki familia members, and his first experience in the dungeon. To which he said was a disappointment. "hahahaha!!. You know, you are the only person I know to say that about their first day in the dungeon" said Eina with a smile because of the comment about the dungeon that Clarion said.

"Guess I'm different then" replied Clarion and then they heard sounds of steps that came from Misha. "I am back!!. Here are your valis 112k for your first day, you should be proud... though considering you are a level 4 that is to be expected" said Misha and mumbling the last part.

"Well, that's it I suppose. I will meet you tomorrow at 8 am then, Eina. Farewell!!" Said Clarion as he was leaving the building to go back to the HoF. 'What to do now?... maybe treat the new familia to a meal at the HoF so I can get to know them while he was thinking that, he was walking in direction of the Bast familia residence.

Once he was near the house he saw a red-haired woman talking to Bast 'Hephaestus. no, I don't think so, she doesn't possess the body of a blacksmith much less a goddess of it' mused Clarion something that could earn him a smack on his head.

"I already said it Loki, but I don't need anything in compensation," said Bast to Loki with a gentle tone. "Well if you don't want something material I still owe you one so treat this as a favor that you could use when you are in need" but it seemed that the goddess Loki was having none of it.

'So she is the goddess of the people I met in the dungeon' "Greetings goddess Bast and Loki. Is there anything I could be of help with?"

"So you are the one who they described, you are taller than I thought" 'and bigger than I thought. said Loki while eyeing his muscles and maybe something more. 'She is as perverted as she was back in heaven' sigh thought Bast while looking at her.

"I appreciate what you did for the little boy as he is a very valuable person. If you ever are in need you can come to the twilight manor to ask for a favor" Said Loki as she walked past Clarion, heading towards the North Gate of Orario.

"She seems very nice to get along with," said Clarion while looking at Loki leave "Should I accompany her?"

"She is a little more complicated and there is no need, she came with the captain of her familia but he went to the guild a little before you came" replied Bast. "hmm ok then. I came back from the dungeon and thought about treating the familia to a meal at the inn/pub I am living currently so that I can get to know them better" Said Clarion with a smile.

"That sounds great. Though we need to wait for Mallet and Violet as they didn't come back from the dungeon," replied Bast with a smile and a little excited about the incoming little party. "That isn't a problem. I will read some books if it isn't a problem from the library."

"You can read as long as you want but put them back from where you picked it up," said Bast and then they both decided to enter the house. Once inside, Clarion went directly to the library to read a book while they waited for the other 2 members.

As time passed Clarion read through books, all related to tomato crops and how to better take care of them, the final 2 members of the familia arrived, and Bast told them to clean up themselves fast so they can go to eat a meal to know the new familia member.

After waiting for another 5 minutes all the familia members except Clarion met in the living room and they started asking questions like 'what are they going to do?' or 'when did we have a new member?'. Bast answered as many questions as she could but she got tired after a while and told them that they will meet him in a few minutes.

Once Bast calmed down her children she went to her office where Clarion was reading books. When she entered the room she saw Clarion writing down something on a piece of paper so she asked him if he was taking notes to grow a crop of his own, to which he replied yes, in the future he would like to try. Then she told him that rest were ready to go so they went to the living room.

When the other members of the familia saw him, they were surprised, to say the least. They would have never guessed that their new familia member was an old man, though they did not say anything as he had the look of an experienced adventurer, even if the time took its toll on him.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" said Clarion with a smirk after he sensed the little awkward atmosphere. As he said that the others seemed to relax a little as their shoulders dropped down a little accompanied by a sigh of relief. "We thought you would be a little younger than what you appear to be," said a pallum girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

"I get that a lot, ok then follow me, while we go to the pub you will present yourself". As he said that he was moving toward the door with Bast who seemed amused by the situation. "What are you waiting for, let's go!!". Said an excited Bast.

During the walk, they took turns presenting themselves along with their roles in the familia. The first to introduce himself was Mallet, a 17-year-old 1.76 meters tall human boy with black hair and dark brown eyes. He was a mid-level 1 and was the supporter of Violet.

The next one was Violet. A purple-haired human girl with blue eyes, 1.65 meters tall. 18 years old and as she said with the dream of being the greatest dagger user in Orario, even if she was a level 2 for now as she was nearing the requirements for the level up.

After her introduction, came the pallum girl named Claire who was a level 2 with blond hair and eyes. She was 22 years old with a height of 1.15 meters tall and had the dream to meet Finn Dienme and to try to be his wife.

The next one was Amon, the last level 2. A grey-haired male cat person with matching grey eyes. He was 18 years old and 1.78 meters tall. As he said, he wants to live a life filled with pleasures so he has to work for it.

Then came the other two level 1 who joined two months ago and were twin brothers. Both were light-brown-haired chienthropes, 16 years old and one was a couple of centimeters taller than the other, even if he didn't want to admit it, having a height of 1.74 meters tall. The "taller" one was named Jeff and the other one was Saba. Saba was the one whose height was 1.72 meters tall.

The last one was the recently leveled-up captain called Adrian. A 20-year-old human with red hair and yellow eyes. His height was 1.82 meters tall with a dream of being strong enough to be recognized for it.

"Well, it's my turn I suppose, My name is Clarion, 63 years old and a level 4." As he said that the others were surprised to hear his age. 'You little brats thought I was older huh? Hahahahaha' mused Clarion inside his head while chuckling at their faces. "Here we are, the Hostess of Fertility"

"Ohh I know about this place, it is famous for its dishes and the beautiful waitresses. You have good tastes for an old man, Clarion" Commented Mallet with a smirk but earned a deadpan face of all the others, even Bast.

As they entered they got the attention of Mama Mia who apon getting her eyes on Clarion said: "Wow, you left for the day and came back with children, you sure act fast huh old man". Both Mia and Clarion laughed boisterously as even Bast got embarrassed by her comment.

"haaaa, give us a table Mia, they are the members of the familia I joined."

"You better spend a lot of money old man," Said Mia and send Ryuu to take their orders once they took a sit at the table. While they were waiting they talked about themselves, their past, their hobbies, and their likes and dislikes.

Time passed as they were having a good moment talking, eating, and drinking with the familia. At one point Jeff tried to drink like a cat because of how drunk he was and they had a good laugh about it. But everything must come to an end so after 3 hours they said their goodbyes and parted away with a drunken Jeff meowling as if he was a cat.

"You seem happy Clarion," said Ryuu. "of course I'm happy, didn't you see Jeff meowling? hhahahaha" replied Clarion as he was giving Ryuu the amount of money to pay for the little reunion and ordering a drink for himself.

After finishing his drink he thought 'What a productive day it was.' and then went upstairs to his room to take a shower and sleep to end his day.

That's all mi gente <3. Espero les guste