
First encounter

Once there was a person namely "Dave". He suddenly had so many tragedies in life that could not bear the consequences. He lost his job because of the global meltdown. Due to a shortage of money, he had a quarrel with his wife "Elizabeth" who left her with her daughter "Alia". His parents were asking for sending some money back in his home town to get her sister married. All these happenings made him believe that money was the only thing everyone wanted. He took a break from his daily schedule in which he used to look out for new jobs. He drank wine at home and it was only two glasses that it could make. It was late night and he was feeling suffocated at home. At 11.30 pm he decided to move out and have fresh air.

Rahul moved out of his house and reached the highway road. There he saw many automobiles moving nearby. He wanted to stay careful and avoid any accident which could make things worse. Due to this reason, he decided to sit on a bus that was coming his way. This was an interstate bus that was going to a nearby village in an adjoining state. He decided to move on to the bus.

On the bus, most of the people were sleeping. The ticket checker helped him to sit near an empty seat on the fifth row. Rahul sat there and after a while, the ticket checker asked for ticket money. Rahul checked his pockets and found that he left his wallet at home. He stood up and asked the ticket checker to leave him there as he had no money to pay. The ticket checker laughs and says, "You came here with your choice, but, you will leave with our choice". Rahul gets astonished. He says, "Excuse me?" The Ticket checker says, "Just Joking! You may sit as long as you want". Rahul settles down again. He thanks the ticket checker and enquires where the bus is going. The ticket checker tells him that the bus is going to a village which is just 30 minutes far from here. Rahul asked him to drop him there. The ticket checker replies that it is our last stop and so will be yours. Rahul laughs along with the ticket checker. Then the ticket checkers sit along with him. He asks Rahul, what he was doing at this last night hour. Rahul tells him that he is disappointed in life and wanted to move around and relax. The Ticket checker sits along with Rahul and asks his problems.

Rahul reveals the ticket checker about his story. He tells him that he lost his job than his wife and children, and now his parents are asking for money that is needed for his sister's marriage next month. The Ticket checker sympathizes with Rahul. He tells him that everything will be fine when he leaves the bus. Rahul says, "Really! Are you joking again?" They both start laughing. Then Ticket starts telling him about his story. He tells him that he was running for money throughout his life. He accumulated all the money in a cupboard at his house, but, never got the chance to use them. He further adds that he used to trick people and even did not spend any money on his family when they were really in need of. Today he is ashamed of himself and was waiting for someone to take away all his accumulated money and free him from the curse of his life. He tells Rahul, that he can take all the money needed. Rahul first laughed loudly. The ticket checker asks him to calm down as others were still sleeping. He tells him the address of his home where he can get the money. Rahul thinks as to how much money does a ticket checker can have. He decides to avoid this proposal. He declines the proposal and thanks to the ticket checker for his kindness. The ticket checker tells him that he knows what Rahul was thinking and reveals that has 8 lakh rupees. Rahul at once looks into the eyes of Ticket checker. He starts crying and says that I can't take your money. Ticket checker begs him saying," Please take my money or I will have to run this bus throughout eternity". Rahul again starts laughing and decides to accept the proposal.

After reaching the final destination, the ticket checker asks Rahul to move down the bus. Rahul asks that won't other people join him as it was the last stop. The ticket checker reveals that they are sleeping and I will leave them personally at their respective places as it's the last day of his service. He thanks Rahul and says, "Please go to my home and don't forget to take my money and use it for a good purpose". Rahul thanks him and starts moving towards the way told by the ticket checker.

After a while, he reaches a hut with an open door. He observes that lights were already switched on. He knocked at the door and a woman appears. She asks Rahul the purpose of his visit. Rahul reveals that the Ticket checker has sent him to pick money from his home. The lady smiles and says, "Finally you have arrived. This will certainly end the curse on our family." Rahul does not understand and moves in. She reveals that she never knew where his husband has hidden the money throughout her life and because of this her family had to face lot many sufferings. She asks him to find out the money from the place as told by his husband and moved out of the house. Rahul found this a strange incident and decided to move ahead to make money.

Rahul found the money exactly where told. He took out the money and checked if they were as claimed to be 8 lakhs. Rahul soon started having a big relief. He started thinking that he will use the money to support her sister's marriage, bring back her wife and daughter and start his own business this time. He comes out of the room and nobody was there. He looked around and no one was seen. He moved out of the hut and started running towards the highway road. Soon he reached the highway and started waiting for another bus that could take him back to his city. It was completely dark and no vehicle was observed. He looked at his watch and it was 3.00 pm. Suddenly a bus comes near him and he enters the bus.

The bus was a wedding wagon. He saw that everyone was sleeping. The driver asked him to sit and relax until they reach city limits. Rahul settles down and could not believe that his worries were now over. The bus driver starts the conversation as to what was Rahul doing there at night and too near a cremation ground. Rahul at once got shocked and asked, "Was that a cremation ground?" The driver says, "Yes, that was a cremation ground". Rahul says, "I think it's a cremation ground of the nearby village". The driver says, "There is no village for the next 30 minutes. Although there were 10 years back. His father was an interstate ticket checker who never gave them any money throughout life. Finally, he had an accident while parking his bus at the bus stand. It was a blast and everyone inside died." Rahul asks him how he knows. The driver reveals that he used to live in a hut at the edge of the village. His mom died waiting for his father soon after the accident. The villagers considered the area was now haunted by ghosts and observed the same bus running near the village." Rahul understands that the boy is the son of the person who gave him the bag of money. He reveals the whole incident occurred with him and offered him the bag of money. The driver gets astonished and starts laughing. He takes the bag from Rahul and offers him another bag saying share it with your family, maybe this could help you. The driver then reveals that if he had got this money last year than he would have not entered driving job and started his own business and had not faced the consequences. Rahul asks, "What consequences?" The driver says, "You know everything about the accident that occurred on the city bridge last month". Rahul, "Yes, I know, it was a marriage bus that met an accident and everyone inside died". The driver looks at him and asks him to move out of the bus as they were now in the city limits and the bridge was just before them. He thanked Rahul for clarifying about his father. Rahul came out of the bus and wondering what is happening today. Within a few seconds, the bus he was traveling had an accident on the bridge and disappeared. Rahul opened the bag and saw it was filled with money much more than earlier.