
Father of Eternity

Isaiah Steele, the supreme ruler of Eternal Federation. Controlling the lives of trillions with a single word, though lacking the control over his own. Despite pushing science to its limits through out his entire life, death still came knocking on his door, hanging its scythe up against his neck. However, Isaiah had never given up nor would he now. His last years alive were spent on his final creation, one that would break the shackles of his certain fate, The Soul Gate. "Ah, the beauty of flesh," Succeed, he did, Isaiah's soul was created and mind reborn as he found himself in an another Universe with one major difference than his previous one. Magic, the source of the flames that burned his ambitious once more. Fueling his endless ascent to the top once again. His talent for mana might be abysmal, but the ambition within him can compensate for that fact. With the help of his knowledge from his past life, he turns his head to Formation Magic and his roots as a once humble businessman. "Power that's truly mine, one untouched by the dirty hands of metal" Wiki: https://father-of-eternity.fandom.com/wiki/Isaiah_Dominus Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EternalWritings

Eternal_Federation · Fantaisie
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77 Chs

Ruby, New Crimson

Louie put the piece of paper with the discount details back down, then looked at Isaiah and asked, "Well then, when do you plan to meet them? They are looking towards my word."

Isaiah thought for a minute then replied, "First tell them all the details I told you, then we can have the meeting a week and a half later when they have digested all the information."

It obviously didn't take a week and a half to read a few paragraphs and make a decision; the long time period was given for them to talk to their connections to see if they could actually help in the acquisition of the properties.

Isaiah had no doubt that all those who could would agree, and after it was open for service, it would sell like hotcakes. Isaiah had made the discount easily abusable; an average noble household had around 10-100 members, and nowhere did he ever mention that the members had to be nobles themselves, so even the workers counted as long as they were willing to pay for them.

Isaiah already had a huge profit margin with this service, selling it for 10,000 GC per monthly basis. While it might seem outrageous, it was a revolutionary technology to the inhabitants of this planet, and due to the average mage not knowing much about formations, they wouldn't even be able to guess his operation costs compared to his returns.

10,000 GC was a guise from the start; he had always planned to sell it for 4,000 GC, but this way, he could make them feel like they had the deal of a lifetime while not having to give up any real profits.

Louie nodded and got out of his seat, "Then I won't take anymore of your time, I have a meeting coming up." With that, he turned to leave. Isaiah called after him, "Take care, say hi to my aunt for me." Louie simply waved his hand while going out the door.

Once the door was closed, Isaiah leaned back, spinning around in the chair with his legs. "Now that's done, I have one last thing left to do for the day." With that thought, he got up using the armrest, and the colors on his body and clothes started to blur until he was seemingly washed away by it, having turned invisible. He jumped out of the gaping hole in his office.


A woman in a grim-looking office seated behind her desk leaned forth to take a whiff of blue dust. She then propped her legs on top of her desk, her red high heels thumping on it, and leaned back, her eyes closed.

She was Alexa Ruby, more commonly known as Crimson Scar. Her title was given to her due to her nefarious reputation within the underground gang. She was a fierce fighter. The scar above her right eye was unique among mages, as most scars healed easily due to their enhanced constitution. The crimson part of her title came from her mesmerizing crimson eyes that seemingly glowed in the dimly lit room.

"Miss Crimson, I didn't expect you to be slacking off like this," a sudden unknown voice reached her ears. Her entire body tensed, exploding into a fast movement as she grabbed the knife taped below her desk, swinging with all her might as her knife caught aflame, heading directly for the man's throat.

Just as the knife was about to go through the man's neck, her eyes widened as all movement in his body came to a halt. Despite what one would expect, the man had no hand in this abrupt halt. She put the knife on the table and got up, fixing her clothes, trying to show respect in her actions.

"I apologize, Sir," she looked at the man in front of her, her heart thumping in her head, as an intense feeling of dread surrounded her. "Please excuse my manners, I wasn't expecting Sir to visit." She knew it was futile to try to fight the man; that's why she had halted her stab. She knew she would hit nothing more than a few particles of light.

The man, Isaiah, suddenly disappeared from her view, causing her senses to raise alerts. She felt heat next to her, then slowly turned her head to peek at her side. She was met with Isaiah, who was smiling at her fear-stricken face. He was leaning against the wall with his legs crossed over each other, and in his hand, he held the financial backlogs of her gang.

"I hope you don't mind me peeking at the financial logs of a gang that operates within my territory, right?" Crimson shook her head; words didn't escape her mouth. Seeing her like this caused Isaiah to chuckle. He signaled with his head that she could be seated. "Thank you, Sir," she got back onto her seat.

The moment her eyes landed in front of her, looking beyond the table, she saw Isaiah seated as if he were in two locations at once. He turned to look at her beautiful ruby eyes. Seeing such beautiful eyes quiver in fear made Isaiah shake his head.

"So, tell me a bit about your customer demographic," he inquired. Crimson didn't know how to answer this question. While she knew her customer demographic, she didn't know what answer would please Isaiah. She couldn't bring herself to just tell the truth.

As her eyes were locked onto Isaiah's eyes, seated at the chair in front of her desk, her heart beat increased. Suddenly, her entire body tensed as her chin was held and moved to face to her right.

Isaiah lifted her chin, making her look at him. On his face was a seemingly harmless smile; their faces were inches away. "Ruby, from now on, you work for me..." He moved his hand to fix the hair that fell in front of her face. "You are lucky I treat my employees well. You don't have anything to be afraid of unless you intentionally create something to be afraid of." Her chin was suddenly let go. She felt two hands squeeze her shoulder, causing her body to instinctively straighten. She felt Isaiah's breath graze her ear. "As long as you don't lie to me, I will make sure to treat you well." His breath on her ear sent chills and fear over her vessel.

Isaiah actually massaged her shoulders now and said with a chuckle, "Now that's done, you can relax a little." He laughed, "I swear I won't kill you."

Isaiah let go of her shoulder and walked away, this time not suddenly appearing. He got seated in the chair in front of her, his gaze landing on the vase full of blue dust. "From now on, you aren't allowed to do drugs during work hours, understood?"

Crimson nodded, sliding the vase to the side slightly with her hand. "Yes, Sir, I will do as you say." Hearing her answer, Isaiah nodded, then his eyes fell on her body, more specifically her clothes. She wore a leather jacket and a black shirt with jeans.

Feeling Isaiah's gaze on her body, Crimson tensed. "Ruby, from now on, wear more professional clothes as well." Hearing Isaiah, Crimson promptly nodded. She had noticed the name his new boss gave her but didn't mind.

He tapped on her table twice, then got up, heading for the door. "I'm expecting you in my office in two days with all you think is relevant for me to know. I will rate your presentation." With those words, he left.

The moment she heard the door shut, her tense body relaxed. She leaned back into her seat, her head high up, her entire face bright red, purely due to how hard her heart was pumping as adrenaline invaded her body.