
Father's Secret

I'm sorry Naruto, the only thing Dad can give you is a peaceful and prosperous world... (If Namikaze Minato hadn't died...?~)

DaoistMz5UJX · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


Konoha 59 years

Fire Country Konoha

The sun sets and the snow stops

Time is still parked on December 24th

It was already 6:45 pm when Naruto Uzumaki opened the door, and he ran back all the way, although this new Jin Jinin had just finished his first official mission in his life and was exhausted. Fortunately, it was dark, so he could see his home from a long distance, and the lights were on.

He changed his shoes at random, and it was fine—the living room was light, but Dad wasn't there; the kitchen was light, but Dad wasn't there. The dining room was bright, and Dad wasn't there, but dinner for two was on the table. Naruto Uzumaki watched carefully, tempura and curry. The curry was still a little warm, and I could smell the unpleasant canteen smell—Naruto Uzumaki laughed and was nervous, he strode up the stairs on the second floor. Dad's room was still closed, but his room was lit.

With the door open, he saw his lovely dad asleep in his bed.

Naruto Uzumaki approached quietly and heard Minato Minato Naikaze's slight breathing. Dad was covered with his quilt—probably some unknown Anbe's masterpiece.

"Those black guys are useful other than calling his father away." Naruto Uzumaki sighed, gently turned off the light, and closed the door.

In short, although he still couldn't say a word, at least he was at home today.

Naruto Uzumaki happily finished the curry rice that was not really warm, and put the rest in the refrigerator. Then I suddenly remembered that today he needs to wash the dishes by himself. Well, the wave of family rules - Dad is at home, Anbu is not at home. Just wash. Although he's been jumping up and down the legendary Naruto Tower all day today - with a rag in one hand and a broom in the other - yes, he's doing a big cleaning, a year-end cleaning. Fortunately, the whole class was there today. And his unfortunate Jōnin tutor was watching, reading, all the time - Naruto Uzumaki is 12 years old this year, and he has known that guy for 12 years - does he love learning so much? ——The chess wood Kakashi, you are ruthless~ The cannon fodder level Naruto Uzumaki who has just entered the strict hierarchy is gnashing his teeth.


Fire Country Konoha


Uchiha's small living room

The other father and son face to face.

"How, how does it feel to do the mission for the first time today?" Uchiha Fugaku asked Uchiha Sasuke seriously.

"It's okay, my father." Uchiha Fuyue knelt down and saluted.

"It's okay!" Fuyue frowned, who did he learn this from, "It's good if it's good, it's not good if it's not good."

"..." Sasuke was silent for a second, and immediately turned to the big brother outside the door for help.

The fresh Hokage Guard captain who just got off work could only open the door and sit side by side with his younger brother, "Father, you know, Sasuke's leader is Kakashi Hatake, and his teammate is Naruto Uzumaki. "

Does the eldest son want to say that the two of the Watergate family are more unreliable than the other? Fuyue looked at his eldest son, who was suddenly a little different, and faced Sasuke in silence for a while, "Obeying orders is the virtue of a ninja... You have to understand the meaning of this sentence. Sasuke, you can retire."

Sasuke looked at his elder brother and quickly left the living room after receiving the gaze that he said there was no problem.

"Itachi, how are you feeling today?" Fuyue looked at his eldest son, who was still black from head to toe.

"It's okay." Itachi suddenly remembered all the sounds in the house he heard outside Xiao Fengxue's door last night, and instantly decided to answer with these two words.

"..." Fuyue instantly decided to change the subject, "Why are you back?"

"Senior Kakashi said that casually disturbing the relationship between father and son will be resentful." Itachi smiled.

"Okay, Itachi." Fuyue suddenly changed from kneeling to sitting cross-legged, "Since that's the case, let's relax. That guy at Minato is alright."

Itachi stretched his arms and said, "Unfortunately, I fell asleep before Naruto came back after cooking, but Naruto seems to be quite happy. Now he is sleeping with the fourth generation in his arms. I am waiting for Naruto. I just came back to sleep."

"Well, then the captain of the Hokage Guard." Uchiha Fuyue felt that he should have a smile on his face, "Please report today's routine inspection."

"Report to the Minister of Security," Itachi Uchiha was still serious, "The security system is fine, and the night guards are where they should be."

"Well, the Anbu group of the guards are all veterans. The intelligence department also ensured that it is very clean. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask your seniors." Fuyue is actually very confident in his son. Actually, what I really want to ask is another question. He looked very much like his own son when he was a teenager - how to say it, what he seemed to want at the time was - to speak directly? Then let's talk straight - "By the way, how much did you hear yesterday?"

"Mr. Supreme Commander of the Defense Department, Captain Naruto has the same level of confidentiality as yours." Uchiha Itachi smiled like the Anbu mask that had been with him for 4 years.

Uchiha Fuyue could only sigh, and put his hand on his son's head, who was already as tall as him, and rubbed it vigorously.

That's how Minato used to deal with that awkward, dying Kakashi. As expected of my son, the texture of his hair is better than others. Fuyue thought, he really wanted to make sure, but he really couldn't remember if his father had fiddled with his hair like this a long time ago. Hehe, but that doesn't matter anymore, he can understand now that under his father's harsh and cruel training, he survived intact, isn't that enough?


"How can it not be enough?"

Fire Country Konoha

Naruto Information Department

Time flies really slow sometimes.

Konoha Intelligence Minister Nara Shikahisa was walking around in his office. He looked at his watch and counted the seconds. Damn, it was still the 24th. He felt that the scar on his head was indeed affecting his emotions, but luckily it wasn't his thinking. He admits he's finally getting impatient lately. How long does he have to do this kind of busy work, like peeling cocoons every day?

He admitted that he was tired.

How many days has he been unable to sleep like this in the past half of his life, just to wait for a piece of information?

He looked at the new information on the table. 1234, one less. He waited all day, but this one was still missing. He has a hunch that this routine safety letter may never come to him. It is now 23:57 on the 24th. If there is no news in three minutes, he can only announce that the intelligence officer is dead... Because the nails that are found can only go to death, even if no one is going to kill him.


"Come in." Nara Shikahisa tried his best to calm down, "Speak."

"The rest of the information has arrived."




Nara Shikaku nodded and waved his subordinates to leave, took a sip of hot water, and put himself on the chair.

1 minute later, he turned on the intercom channel, "Fuyue. Today is safe again."

"Isn't it expected?" Fuyue's faint voice came, "The letter has been signed, and the credentials have been changed, and the dignitaries in the land of wind and the land of fire are not stupid. Now you regret it? Do you still want to fight Konoha?"

"Who would have known that there would be that blind man who would take advantage of us to be so tired." Lu Jiu calmed down instantly under the influence of Fuyue's tone, "If you're really not nervous, why do you have to tell me to be safe? sleep."

"I mainly wait to hear my son's report every day." Fuyue sneered.

"You really..." Lu Jiu sighed, "How is Minato?"

"It is estimated that Zhengxiang was sleeping with Naruto in his arms."

"He's really generous..."

"As long as his son is okay, he can control the sky or not!"

"Well, it's pointless for you to complain any more. He has basically done what he promised, and we can't ask for more."

"But he's always darn whimsical and ignores his decisions. I thought this life of dancing on the tip of a knife every day should be over long ago."

"Okay, you have the ability to tell him to his face..."

"..." Fuyue rudely closed the line.

"..." Lu Jiu also hung up, he felt that his mood seemed to be worse.

I yawned and looked at my watch. The time finally arrived on the 25th. Although another one passed yesterday, there are still 5 days until next year. 5 days later, hey! At least the pension can be paid more.

Nara Shikahisa flattened the back of his chair and wrapped himself in a military blanket. He listened to the sound of the wind blowing through the cracks of the wall outside the window, and wanted to take advantage of the sleepiness to fall asleep, but his head seemed to be clearer. That voice always reminded him of his first duty in the age of Ninja - being stupidly placed on a roof and told that if he heard someone say "who's up there", he could run away. He still hasn't figured out what it means to do it, but he's done the job. Although the feeling of lying alone in the fierce cold wind for 2 days and 3 nights is very unforgettable and annoying.


At this time,

The House of Waves, Naruto Uzumaki's Room

Minato Namikaze didn't have a good dream as everyone imagined. Although he had woken up, he didn't move because his son was holding his arm and beating lightly. Minato could only use his eyes to signal Anbu, who was standing silently in the corner of the wall, to come to him.

Anbu spoke, but there was no sound.

Minato read his lips - everything was fine.

He nodded slightly to Anbu, and he could step back. But this Anbu gently pressed his shoulders, knelt on the edge of the bed, took an ice towel handed by Anbu, and replaced the one covering his boss's forehead. Then he pointed to the time on the wall clock, pointed to the medicine bottle in his hand, and signaled another Anbu to take a cup and pour water...

Minato Namikaze could only smile wryly... He thought in a dazed way, is it the Anbu group that brought Kakashi to what he is now, or is it Kakashi who brought the Anbu group to the scourge...

Although obeying orders is the virtue of ninjas, but you must also understand the meaning of this sentence.


Konoha on December 24, 1959, Xiaoxue turned overcast

Today, an intelligence officer in Konoha was almost engraved on the memorial tablet as a martyr because of the snowstorm and headache.

Today, an Anbu finally dreamed of touching Naruto's forehead guard and collecting a legendary blond hair

Today, Sasuke Uchiha, the second master of the Uchiha family, picked up a rag and a broom and learned to clean for the first time in his life