
Fateful Redemption: From Betrayal to Love's Revenge

"Don't go, please," Hazel's voice trembled as her fingers clung desperately to his. Tears welled in her eyes as she held his gaze. "I've forgiven you already. I love you too much to let you go. You could love her, but please, let me remain by your side… please." "Hazel, I'm sorry, but I can't return your feelings," Max's tone was icy, unyielding. "My heart belongs to someone else." Hazel's pleas grew more desperate, her tears falling freely. "No, don't you see? My heart aches for you alone. I can't imagine living without you." "Hazel, I implore you not to push me," Max's voice was firm, a wall between them. "You need to let me go. It's time to move on. I never felt the same way for you..." ..................................................................... "I refuse to burden others with my emotions. I won't be at the mercy of my feelings. Instead, I'll harness and enjoy them, using them to my advantage. The blood that flows from my heart is precious, and I won't let it be spilled in pain..."

Goldenheart001 · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

chapter 5 Home


As Mr. Yunus went to the doctor and arranged for Hazel's discharge, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and anxiety. The doctor's advice about Hazel's insomnia and her need for attention played on his mind. "Your wife needs more attention, especially for her insomnia. Encourage her to take her medications," the doctor advised, offering a rare compliment about Mr. Yunus's appearance. His wife's potential admiration was not a priority, though; he was more concerned about her well-being.

Hazel's confusion about her situation was palpable. "How did I end up here?" she finally asked, her eyes searching for answers.

"I found you near the ocean, nearly lifeless. I rescued you, but finding information about you has been a challenge," Mr. Yunus explained gently, hoping to provide some clarity.

"Where are you going?" she questioned, observing him as he prepared to leave the hospital room.

"Home, and you're coming with me," he replied with a warm smile. His smile, however, seemed to irritate her.

"Could you please stop smiling at me?" she snapped coldly, causing Mr. Yunus to raise an eyebrow, but he didn't respond and simply gestured for her to get ready.

As they made their way out of the hospital, Mr. Yunus revealed the car he had repaired for her. However, Hazel's emotions got the best of her when she saw her name on some of her personal documents. Flashbacks of the accident flooded her mind, and she screamed in pain as she struggled to recall her past.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Yunus asked, concern etched across his face.

"Am fine," she replied, trying to compose herself.

"Hazel is your name. I'll conduct some quick research," he said, taking out his laptop and typing furiously. But his findings only left him frustrated. "No information about you. It's as if someone's deliberately erased your identity."

"Don't worry. I can see my home address on some of these documents," Hazel stated, trying to remain strong.

"Are you planning to go alone?" he inquired.

But Hazel's icy response left him taken aback. "This lady is out of her mind. She should have reported this to the police."

As Hazel drove to her house, she noticed a car tailing her. Panic set in, and she sped up, but the pursuers were relentless. Suddenly, a gunshot pierced the air, and her car's tire blew out. As three men approached, Hazel managed to kick one of them, sending him to the ground. Another pointed a gun at her, but before anything could happen, a gunshot echoed, sending the remaining attacker fleeing.

"Amateurs," Hazel remarked, her cold demeanor unfazed by the encounter. Mr. Yunus appeared with a gun, ready to protect her. With the threat momentarily subdued, he escorted her back to his car, and they sped away.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"This country isn't safe for you. We're going home," he replied, determined to keep her safe.

"Home?" Hazel repeated, her emotions swirling as the journey continued.
