
council meeting 2

Episode 15

Location: The woods

Damien's POV

"Another question. Why does it seem wierd locating the tiniest truth within your explanation?" She ask, earning wierd chuckles from me.

"Actions speaks louder than words Kara,seems feeling seems best compared to mere fairy tale" I exclaim, hastily grabbing hold her arm, earning huge gasps from her.

"You feel it right, don't you?. The excessive lovable sparks surging through us both,the sparks we both crave non stop,the undying urge to remain and sustain this spark,the non letting go feeling consuming our every veins, that's the mate bond,that's the effect of the mate bond" I explain, absorbing all sparks volts traveling internally through my veins while pulling her into a tight hug.

"D.dam.. Damien"she shivers

"Is this sorcery?" She moans,non stop accepting the powerful love bond pulling us both together.